above, abrupt


近义词: over, beyond, exceeding
反义词: below, beneath, under, underneath

有从右往左写的文字,没有从下往上的。above-mentioned, above-described, above-cited, named-above, aforesaid, mentioned-above都是上(前)文提到的。mention, describe, cite都是词。afore也是词, a是词根,讲aboard时讲过了。

表示越过时只能用over。over还可表示盖着,如overwhelming, whelm是淹没的意思。爱如潮水将我包围, overwhelming呀。“*还可*表示”,overhead: *above* your head or *in* the sky. abovehead不是词。一轮红日overhead(点光源), 天似穹庐over四野。

表示数目、量度等多于、高于的意思时,above一般用来和最低值或标准做比较,如:above zero/freezing; officers of the rank of captain and above

道德标准可以用高低来形容,所以从基本意思引申出比喻的意思。above board: (商业交易等)open, honest. "Rachel's not above flirting with the boss when it suits her." 男的有喜欢《老友记》里的Rachel的吗?她是个horrible horrible person, bad, very bad.

我曾无缘无故地觉得介词后不能跟副词,看到in here就吃了一惊,那知道还有from here on in/out哩。"touching for the King's evil": 国王的手摸人治病,英国王室用语,见狄更斯的A Child's History of England。So, "We obey orders from above." 语法很正确。


1. 突然的, 意外的。近反义词: craggy, precipitous, rugged, steep, sudden, undulate, unexpected
2. (语言/行为) 不连贯,唐突。近反义词: blunt, coarse, crude, curt, unceremonious, courteous, polished, smooth

1. If I excuse myself abruptly... (Sheldon和Amy吃饭时离开饭桌去洗手间)
2. May I please be excused from the table?

courteous和court(宫廷)同词根,unceremonious与ceremony共舞。希金斯教授认为讲口伦敦音就是上等人了。I beg to disagree,钱不是万能的,没钱是万万不能的。我上高中时填空,what算错,pardon才对,现在好像没那么讲究了。遇到那啥的,throw "touching for the King's evil" onto their face,你给我分析下语法?"Hail sail and away"(升帆走), abrupt不?某个英国国王就这么说的。onto their face还是faces? their - his or her: Each student will have their own course-work folder. 我没说遇到那*些*啥的。脱口而出,语法正确,给自己点个赞 :-)

"Politicians provide easy targets for grammatical nitpickers because they have to think on their feet." 这是个美国政客说的。你品,你细细品。ssss,复数耶。还有副总统把potato拼错的……

Each student will have their own course-work folder... 一个班30个学生,每个学生有5个folder该咋翻译呢?

posted @ 2021-11-17 10:03  Fun_with_Words  阅读(352)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
