随笔分类 - 四级词汇
摘要:→duplicate, replicate Copy may refer to: Copying or the product of copying (including the plural "copies"); the duplication of information or an artif
摘要:Copper is a chemical element with the symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29. It is a soft, malleable, and ductile metal with very high t
摘要:cape: 披肩; 短斗篷; 海角; 岬jiǎ (突入海中的陆地) cope: (教士在某些场合穿的)斗篷式长袍; 对付; 处理 Origin: cope 'to fight, keep fighting without giving up' (14-19 centuries), from Old
摘要:A police officer might be called a policeman, policewoman, police agent, or cop. In most countries, "police officer" is the generic term no matter wha
摘要:coordinate [past participle of coordinare, from Latin co- + ordinare 'to arrange'] The use of a coordinate system [坐标系] allows problems in geometry to
摘要:The picture below shows... 语法是对的 —— 赞下自己的语感。:-) below是介词或副词。—— 赞下自己的怀疑精神。 upstairs是副词。 以上的例子都是放在名词后面。 英语中副词可以修饰名词吗?
摘要:cooperate [from Latin co- + operari 'to work'] collaborate [from Latin com- + laborare 'to work'] cooperate的名词是cooperation,不是corporation. 12 Easy Ways
摘要:Old English col "not warm" (but usually not as severe as cold), "moderately cold, neither warm nor very cold," also, figuratively, of persons, "unpert
摘要:A cookie is a baked or cooked food that is typically small, flat and sweet. It usually contains flour, sugar and some type of oil or fat. It may inclu
摘要:Cooking or cookery is the art, science, and craft of preparing food. Cooking techniques and ingredients vary widely across the world, from grilling fo
摘要:boil: in hot water 煮 steam: 蒸 simmer: boil gently 煨; 炖 poach: boil gently in a small amount of boiling water, milk etc 荷包(蛋等) bake: using dry heat in
摘要:1520s, "to overcome in argument," from Latin convincere "to overcome decisively," from assimilated form of com-, here perhaps an intensive prefix, + v
摘要:[Origin: conveier 'to go with someone to a place', from conviare, from com- + via 'way'] communicate; transport A conveyor system is a common piece of
摘要:→ “围着灶台转”,“话题围绕着……展开” converse (adj.)"turned about, transposed, reciprocal," 1560s, originally mathematical, from Latin conversus "turned around," pas
摘要:con·ve·ni·ent | conference, convention early 15c., convencioun, "a formal agreement, covenant, treaty," also "a formal meeting or convention" (of rule
摘要:late 14c., "fit, suitable, proper; affording accommodation; opportune, favorable," from Latin convenientem, present participle [现在分词] of convenire "to
摘要:"disputation, debate, prolonged agitation of contrary opinions," late 14c., from Old French controversie "quarrel, disagreement" or directly from Lati
摘要:early 15c., countrollen, "to check the accuracy of, verify; to regulate," from Anglo-French contreroller "exert authority," from Medieval Latin contra
摘要:tribe [tribus 'group within the Roman people'] 部落、族 tribune: an official in ancient Rome who was elected by the ordinary people to protect their right
摘要:1690s, "to set in opposition with a view to show the differences; to stand in opposition or contrast; to set off (each other) by contrast," from Frenc