随笔分类 - 狄更斯的英国史
摘要:When he came in, he looked round very steadily on the Court, and on the great number of spectators, and then sat down: presently [soon] he got up and
摘要:The Parliament, after being fearfully bullied by the army - who demanded to have seven members whom they disliked given up to them - had voted that th
摘要:It is much to be believed that if the King could have been trusted, even at this time, he might have been saved. Even Oliver Cromwell expressly [clear
摘要:FOURTH PART When the Parliament had got the King into their hands, they became very anxious to get rid of their army, in which Oliver Cromwell had beg
摘要:During the whole of this war, the people, to whom it was very expensive and irksome [annoying], and to whom it was made the more distressing by almost
摘要:THIRD PART I shall not try to relate [讲述] the particulars [facts or details] of the great civil war between King Charles the First and the Long Parlia
摘要:When the King set off [出发] for Hampton Court [a palace], the gentlemen and soldiers who had been with him followed him out of town as far as Kingston-
摘要:Next day, the House of Commons send [send sth by post] into the City to let the Lord Mayor know that their privileges are invaded by the King, and tha
摘要:It is not absolutely proved that the King plotted in Ireland besides, but it is very probable that he did, and that the Queen did, and that he had som
摘要:The King, who never could be straightforward and plain, through one single day or through one single sheet of paper, wrote a letter to the Lords, and
摘要:SECOND PART The Long Parliament assembled on the third of November, one thousand six hundred and forty-one. That day week [一周后] the Earl of Strafford
摘要:In the money part of the putting down of the people's liberties, the King was equally gentle, as some will tell you: as I think, equally alarming [mak
摘要:That pestilent [causing annoyance or disapproval] Buckingham, to gratify his own wounded vanity, had by this time involved the country in war with Fra
摘要:He was bent upon [completely determined to do] war with Spain, though neither the House of Commons [议会下院] nor the people were quite clear as to the ju
摘要:CHAPTER 33 ENGLAND UNDER CHARLES THE FIRST Baby Charles became King Charles the First, in the twenty-fifth year of his age. Unlike his father, he was
摘要:Like most dishonest men, the Prince and the favourite complained that the people whom they had deluded [欺骗] were dishonest. They made such misrepresen
摘要:The new favourite got on fast. He was made a viscount [子爵], he was made Duke of Buckingham, he was made a marquis [侯爵], he was made Master of the Hors
摘要:While these events were in progress, and while his Sowship was making such an exhibition of himself, from day to day and from year to year, as is not
摘要:SECOND PART His Sowship would pretty willingly, I think, have blown the House of Commons [议会下院] into the air himself; for, his dread and jealousy of i