
CodeSmith : Merge策略

  -夜  阅读(143)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
通过代码模板来生成代码,但如果你修改了自动生成的代码,再次使用代码模板生成代码后,你修改的代码也就丢失了,CodeSmith 支持多种“合并(Merge)”来解决这个问题,以保留你自己修该过的部分。


不过这些策略主要是针对C#,VB这些支持Region的语言,对于其它语言可能就需要使用其它方法,比如自定义Merge策略,CodeSmith允许通过CodeSmith.Engine.IMergeStrategy 来扩展“合并”策略,本人推荐CodeSmith的一个原因就是CodeSmith提供了很多接口而不仅仅是一个工具,比如除了CodeSmith支持的属性,XML属性,你也可以通过 CodeSmith.CustomProperties来自定义属性种类,除了CodeSmith支持的数据源种类(MySQL,Oracle),你也可以通过自定义的Schema Provider 支持新的数据库类型或是其它数据类型。


InsertRegion 顾名思义,就是在源码中定义一个Region,然后让CodeSmith自动生成的代码只插入到该区域,而在区域外的代码CodeSmith不会去碰它们,从而实现了自定义的代码和自动生成代码的合并。


PreserveRegion 是定义多个区域,然后通知CodeSmith保持这些区域代码不变,自动创建的代码添加到这些区域的外面,和InsertRegion作用相反。

下面还是借用CodeSmith 自带的Merge示例说明一下这两种策略的基本用法:


    public class InsertRegionsSample  
        public void SomeCustomMethod()  
            // This is my custom code that I want to preserve.  
            // I can make changes to it and my changes will  
            // not be overwritten.  
        #region Sample Generated Region  
    // This region generated by CodeSmith on Saturday, 12 January 2013  

其中定义了一个Region,名为Sample Generated Region ,准备让CodeSmith查入代码,编写一个简单的代码模板,插入当前时间:

<%@ Template Language="C#" TargetLanguage="C#"   Description="Demonstrates using an InsertRegion merge strategy in C#." %> 



选择InsertRegion策略, 然后设置要插入的RegionName。


    public class InsertRegionsSample  
        public void SomeCustomMethod()  
            // This is my custom code that I want to preserve.  
            // I can make changes to it and my changes will  
            // not be overwritten.  
        #region Sample Generated Region  
    // This region generated by CodeSmith on Saturday, 12 January 2013  

可以看到CodeSmith只在Region 处插入代码,而该Region外的部分保持不变。


    public class PreserveRegionsSample  
    #region "Custom Region 1"  
        // This is a place holder for your custom code.  
        // It must exist so that CodeSmith knows where  
        // to put the custom code that will be parsed  
        // from the target source file.  
        // The region name is used to match up the regions  
        // and determine where each region of custom code  
        // should be inserted into the merge result.  
        public void SomeGeneratedMethod()  
            // This section and all other non-custom code  
            // regions will be overwritten during each  
            // template execution.  
            // Current Date: Saturday, 12 January 2013  
    #region "Custom Region 2"  
        // The contents of this region will also be preserved  
        // during generation.  


    <%@ Template Language="C#" TargetLanguage="C#"    Description="Demonstrates using a PreserveRegions merge strategy in C#." %>  
    public class PreserveRegionsSample  
    #region "Custom Region 1"  
        // This is a place holder for your custom code.  
        // It must exist so that CodeSmith knows where  
        // to put the custom code that will be parsed  
        // from the target source file.  
        // The region name is used to match up the regions  
        // and determine where each region of custom code  
        // should be inserted into the merge result.  
        public void SomeGeneratedMethod()  
            // This section and all other non-custom code  
            // regions will be overwritten during each  
            // template execution.  
            // Current Date: <%= DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() %>  
    #region "Custom Region 2"  
        // The contents of this region will also be preserved  
        // during generation.  


InsertClass 策略用在给以重载的代码中插入自动生成的代码,挺起来和InsertRegion功能很类似,的确也是如此,但InsertClass支持更多的配置,可以实现更加灵活和强大的功能。



String, Required


ClassName String, Required 需插入代码的类名.
PreserveClassAttributes Boolean, defaults to False 是否保留类已有的Attributes,缺省CodeSmith替代类原来的Attributes
OnlyInsertMatchingClass Boolean, defaults to False 是否只插入匹配的类定义中
MergeImports Boolean, defaults to False 是否合并Import语句
NotFoundAction Enum, defaults to None 如果指定的类没找到后的行动,可以None,InsertAtBottom,InsertInParent几种选项
NotFoundParent String, no default 如果指定NotFoundAction为InsertInParent对应的父类名称.


Language: C#
ClassName: “Pet”
PreserveClassAttributes: True
OnlyInsertMatchingClass: True
MergeImports: True


    using System;  
    using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;  
    namespace Petshop  
        public class Pet  
            public int Age { get; set; }  
            public string FirstName { get; set; }  
            public string LastName { get; set; }  


    using System;  
    using System.Text;  
    namespace Petshop  
        public class Pet  
            public string FirstName { get; set; }  
            public string LastName { get; set; }  
            public string FullName  
                get { return String.Format("{0} {1}", FirstName, LastName); }  

使用InsertClass 合并后的代码如下:

    using System;  
    using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;  
    using System.Text;  
    namespace Petshop  
        public class Pet  
            public string FirstName { get; set; }  
            public string LastName { get; set; }  
            public string FullName  
                get { return String.Format("{0} {1}", FirstName, LastName); }  

作者:夜 本文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/ful1021 本文版权归作者和博客园共有,欢迎转载,但未经作者同意必须保留此段声明。如有问题,可以邮件:531761819@qq.com 联系我,非常感谢。