一 实验目的
l 使学生综合运用图形用户界面设计的概念;
l 使学生熟悉使用中间面板,组成层次复杂的GUI界面;
l 使学生掌握Python图形绘制和图像处理步骤与方法;
l 使学生掌握Python可视化处理的步骤、方法与编程;
二 实验环境及实验准备
l 所需硬件环境为微机;
l 所需软件环境为Python 3.X等;
l 掌握Python下界面容器与基本组件的基本知识与应用;
l 掌握Python下事件处理模型;
l 掌握Python下图形绘制的方法;
三 实验内容
from tkinter import *
tk = Tk()
tk.title("电子算盘") # 窗口名称
tank = Canvas(tk, width=1000, height=600, bg='ivory') # 创建画板
tank.pack() # 显示画板
tank.create_rectangle(30, 30, 520, 190, width=3) # 左上侧方框
tank.create_rectangle(30, 190, 520, 570, width=3) # 左下侧方框
tank.create_oval(900, 400, 620, 120, fill='yellow')
tank.create_oval(800, 200, 850, 250, fill='black', tags='left')
tank.create_oval(670, 200, 720, 250, fill='black', tags='right')
tank.create_line(695, 320, 825, 320, width=5, tags='mouth')
backround_image = PhotoImage(file="orange2.png") # 上珠图片
backround_image2 = PhotoImage(file="yellow2.png") # 下珠图片
button = Button()
button1 = [button for i in range(5)] # 5个上珠
button2 = [[button for i in range(5)] for i in range(4)] # 四行,每行五个下珠
num = [[0 for i in range(5)] for i in range(4)] # 五个下珠分别对应的数值
num2 = [0 for i in range(5)] # 五个上珠分别对应的数值
def getNum(num, num2): # 计算算盘总和
sum_ = 0
for i in num:
for j in i:
sum_ += j
for i in num2:
sum_ += i
return sum_
def button_click_back(events): # 鼠标右击点击事件触发
widget = events.widget
for i in range(5):
if widget == button1[i]:
button1[i].place(x=40 + 100 * i, y=50 + 70 * 1)
num2[i] = 0
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
for i in range(4):
for j in range(5):
if widget == button2[i][j]:
if i == 3:
button2[3][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 1))
num[3][j] = 0
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
if i == 2:
button2[2][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 1))
button2[3][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 2))
num[2][j] = 0
num[3][j] = 0
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
if i == 1:
button2[1][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 1))
button2[2][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 2))
button2[3][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 3))
num[1][j] = 0
num[2][j] = 0
num[3][j] = 0
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
if i == 0:
button2[0][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 1))
button2[1][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 2))
button2[2][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 3))
button2[3][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 4))
num[0][j] = 0
num[1][j] = 0
num[2][j] = 0
num[3][j] = 0
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
def button_click(events): # 鼠标左击点击事件触发
widget = events.widget
for i in range(5):
if widget == button1[i]:
button1[i].place(x=40 + 100 * i, y=50 + 70 * 0)
num2[i] = 10 ** (4 - i) * 5
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
for i in range(4):
for j in range(5):
if widget == button2[i][j]:
if i == 3:
button2[0][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i - 3))
button2[1][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i - 2))
button2[2][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i - 1))
button2[3][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i))
num[0][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
num[1][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
num[2][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
num[3][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
if i == 2:
button2[0][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210)
button2[1][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * 1)
button2[2][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * 2)
num[0][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
num[1][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
num[2][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
if i == 1:
button2[0][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210)
button2[1][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * 1)
num[0][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
num[1][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
button2[i][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * i)
num[0][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
for i in range(5): # 生成5个上珠
button1[i] = Button(tk, image=backround_image)
button1[i].bind("<Button-1>", button_click)
button1[i].bind("<Button-3>", button_click_back)
button1[i]["bg"] = "ivory"
button1[i]["border"] = "0"
button1[i].place(x=40 + 100 * i, y=50 + 70)
for i in range(4): # 四行,每行生成5个下珠
for j in range(5):
button2[i][j] = Button(tk, image=backround_image2)
button2[i][j].bind("<Button-1>", button_click)
button2[i][j].bind("<Button-3>", button_click_back)
button2[i][j]["bg"] = "ivory"
button2[i][j]["border"] = "0"
button2[i][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 1))
(1) 用户启动测试,输入用户名后系统随机生成特定数目的加减法测试题;
(2) 要求测试使用表盘式或数字时秒表进行界面计时显示(参考如上图示);
(3) 对于每道测试题目,要求用户使用电子算盘完成珠算过程,当按下确认键时,将珠算结果与正确答案比对,并在界面上显示总题数、已答题数和已做对题数;
(4) 当测试完成,界面显示本次测试情况(包括用户名、测试题目及答题明细、对错情况、测试用时和测试成绩)
from random import randint
from tkinter import *
import tkinter.messagebox as msgbox
tk = Tk()
tk.title("电子算盘") # 窗口名称
tank = Canvas(tk, width=1000, height=600, bg='ivory') # 创建画板
tank.pack() # 显示画板
tank.create_rectangle(30, 30, 520, 190, width=3) # 左上侧方框
tank.create_rectangle(30, 190, 520, 570, width=3) # 左下侧方框
# tank.create_oval(900, 400, 620, 120, fill='yellow')
# tank.create_oval(800, 200, 850, 250, fill='black', tags='left')
# tank.create_oval(670, 200, 720, 250, fill='black', tags='right')
# tank.create_line(695, 320, 825, 320, width=5, tags='mouth')
backround_image = PhotoImage(file="orange2.png") # 上珠图片
backround_image2 = PhotoImage(file="yellow2.png") # 下珠图片
button = Button()
button1 = [button for i in range(5)] # 5个上珠
button2 = [[button for i in range(5)] for i in range(4)] # 四行,每行五个下珠
num = [[0 for i in range(5)] for i in range(4)] # 五个下珠分别对应的数值
num2 = [0 for i in range(5)] # 五个上珠分别对应的数值
counter = 0
sure = Button() # 确定按钮
st = Button() # 启动检测按钮
equation = Label() # 算式
answer = Label(width=50, height=7) # 答题情况
name = Entry() # 用户名输入
true_result = Label(width=50, height=4) # 上一题的正确答案
digit = Label(tk, bg='yellow', fg='blue', height=5, width=25, font='宋体 10 bold') # 计时器
true = 0 # 已做对题数
false = 0 # 做错题数
score = 0 # 题目得分
result = 0 # 每道题的正确答案
topic = "" # 题目
def run_counter(digit, second): # 计时器
def counting():
global counter
if second == 1:
counter += 1
counter += 0
digit.config(text="计时器:" + str(counter))
digit.after(1000, counting)
def getNum(num, num2): # 计算算盘总和
sum_ = 0
for i in num:
for j in i:
sum_ += j
for i in num2:
sum_ += i
return sum_
def suanshi(): # 生成随机加减法测试题
answer = 0
operator = ""
num1 = 0
num2 = 0
p = randint(1, 2)
if p == 1:
while True:
num1 = randint(0, 99999)
num2 = randint(0, 99999)
if num1 + num2 <= 99999:
answer = num1 + num2
operator = "+"
elif p == 2:
while True:
num1 = randint(0, 99999)
num2 = randint(0, 99999)
if num1 - num2 > 0:
answer = num1 - num2
operator = "-"
equation = str(num1) + operator + str(num2)
return equation, answer
def button_click_back(events): # 鼠标右击点击事件触发
widget = events.widget
for i in range(5):
if widget == button1[i]:
button1[i].place(x=40 + 100 * i, y=50 + 70 * 1)
num2[i] = 0
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
for i in range(4):
for j in range(5):
if widget == button2[i][j]:
if i == 3:
button2[3][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 1))
num[3][j] = 0
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
if i == 2:
button2[2][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 1))
button2[3][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 2))
num[2][j] = 0
num[3][j] = 0
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
if i == 1:
button2[1][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 1))
button2[2][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 2))
button2[3][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 3))
num[1][j] = 0
num[2][j] = 0
num[3][j] = 0
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
if i == 0:
button2[0][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 1))
button2[1][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 2))
button2[2][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 3))
button2[3][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 4))
num[0][j] = 0
num[1][j] = 0
num[2][j] = 0
num[3][j] = 0
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
def button_click(events): # 鼠标左击点击事件触发
widget = events.widget
for i in range(5):
if widget == button1[i]:
button1[i].place(x=40 + 100 * i, y=50 + 70 * 0)
num2[i] = 10 ** (4 - i) * 5
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
for i in range(4):
for j in range(5):
if widget == button2[i][j]:
if i == 3:
button2[0][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i - 3))
button2[1][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i - 2))
button2[2][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i - 1))
button2[3][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i))
num[0][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
num[1][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
num[2][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
num[3][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
if i == 2:
button2[0][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210)
button2[1][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * 1)
button2[2][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * 2)
num[0][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
num[1][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
num[2][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
if i == 1:
button2[0][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210)
button2[1][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * 1)
num[0][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
num[1][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
button2[i][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * i)
num[0][j] = 10 ** (4 - j) * 1
label = Label(tk, text="当前数字:" + str(getNum(num, num2)), width=30, height=4)
label.place(x=780, y=30)
def start():
global name
global equation
global sure
global result
global digit
global topic
digit.place(x=540, y=30)
run_counter(digit, 1)
Label(tk, text="用户名", bg="ivory").place(x=540, y=150)
name = Entry(tk, show='', font=('Arial', 14))
name.place(x=580, y=150)
p = suanshi()
topic = p[0]
result = p[1]
equation = Label(tk, text=topic, width=40, height=4)
equation.place(x=540, y=200)
sure = Button(text="确定", command=judge, width=10, height=3)
sure.place(x=850, y=200)
def judge(): # 判断结果
global true
global false
global score
global topic
global result
global true_result
if true + false == 5:
msgbox.showinfo('温馨提示', '恭喜您已做完所有题目!!!')
answer["text"] = "用户名:" + name.get() + "\n已答题数:" + str(true + false) + "\n做对题数:" + str(true) + "\n做错题数:" \
+ str(false) + "\n测试时长:" + str(counter) + "s" + "\n测试成绩:" + str(score) + "\n答题完毕!!!"
answer.place(x=540, y=400)
print(getNum(num, num2), result)
if getNum(num, num2) == result:
true += 1
score += 20
false += 1
answer["text"] = "总题数:5\n已答题数:" + str(true + false) + "\n已做对题数:" + str(true) + "\n做错题数:" + str(
false) + "\n得分:" + str(
answer.place(x=540, y=400)
p = suanshi()
true_result["text"] = "上一题题目:" + topic + "\n上一题正确答案:" + str(result)
equation["text"] = p[0]
result = p[1]
equation.place(x=540, y=200)
true_result.place(x=540, y=300)
for i in range(5): # 生成5个上珠
button1[i] = Button(tk, image=backround_image)
button1[i].bind("<Button-1>", button_click)
button1[i].bind("<Button-3>", button_click_back)
button1[i]["bg"] = "ivory"
button1[i]["border"] = "0"
button1[i].place(x=40 + 100 * i, y=50 + 70)
for i in range(4): # 四行,每行生成5个下珠
for j in range(5):
button2[i][j] = Button(tk, image=backround_image2)
button2[i][j].bind("<Button-1>", button_click)
button2[i][j].bind("<Button-3>", button_click_back)
button2[i][j]["bg"] = "ivory"
button2[i][j]["border"] = "0"
button2[i][j].place(x=40 + 100 * j, y=210 + 70 * (i + 1))
st = Button(text="启动测试", command=start, width=50, height=10)
st.place(x=600, y=100)
四 实验分析及问题思考
查找资料,结合实例代码,至少比较三种Python图形处理库或图像处理库的异同点。【答案】python的图像处理库有很多种比如:pillow库 、Numpy库、Scipy库、opencv库、pgmagic库等
其中较常用的是NUmapy库、pillow库 、openCV库,今天我们就这三种图像处理库来进行比较
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
img = np.array(Image.open('0.jpg'))
img_red = img.copy()
img_red[:, :, (1, 2)] = 0
img_green = img.copy()
img_green[:, :, (0, 2)] = 0
img_blue = img.copy()
img_blue[:, :, (0, 1)] = 0
img_ORGB = np.concatenate((img,img_red, img_green, img_blue), axis=1)
img_converted = Image.fromarray(img_ORGB)
img_converted.show() ## Combine Image Contains
from PIL import Image,ImageEnhance
img_original = Image.open("dark.jpg")
img_original.show("Original Image")
img = ImageEnhance.Contrast(img_original)
img.enhance(3.8).show("Image With More Contrast")
import cv2
img = cv2.imread("images/test.jpg")
imgCropped = img[50:283,25:190]
shape = imgCropped.shape
imgCropped = cv2.resize(imgCropped,(shape[0]*12//10,shape[1]*2))
cv2.imshow("Image cropped",imgCropped)
from pgmagick.api import Image
img = Image('fox.png')
# scaling image up to 1.5x
img.scale((150, 100), 'fox_scaled')
4. PIL/Pillow
班级:信2105-2 学号:20213848 姓名:付楚楚
实验内容 |
自评结果(在对应格内打ü) |
不熟练 |
一般 |
比较熟练 |
熟练 |
Python容器与组件的布局应用 |
ü |
Python界面事件设计 |
ü |
Python图形绘制应用 |
ü |
Python图像处理应用 |
ü |
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