import datetime class Helper: """ 帮助类 """ @staticmethod def print(msg): """ 打印和记录消息 :param msg: :return: """ time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") print(f'{msg} 当前时间:{time}') @staticmethod def get_time(): """ 获取时间字符串%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S :return: """ return datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") class AutoMsg: """ 定义自动化操作的结果类 """ def __init__(self): self.result = 0 self.message = "" self.errcode = "" def get_result(self): """ 获取结果信息 1 成功 -1失败 0未知 :return: """ return self.result def get_errcode(self): """ 获取错误的编码 :return: """ return self.errcode class UserNotFoundError(Exception): """ 微信用户没有找到异常 """ pass class AppNotFoundError(Exception): """ 没有找到应用程序 """ pass class EleNotFoundError(Exception): """ 没有找到应用程序 """ pass
import time import pyautogui from pywinauto.findwindows import ElementNotFoundError from helper import * from pywinauto.application import Application, ProcessNotFoundError class Wechat: """ 微信的自动化处理 """ def __init__(self, path): """ 创建微信自动化的实例 :param path: :return: """ self.__path = path # 微信的主窗口对象 self.__main_win = None # 微信输入框的对象 self.__input_msg_box = None # 查询输入框对象 self.__search_box = None # 微信默认显示的会话列表框 self.__dia_list = None # 输入框的标题的button self.__input_title_btn = None # 右侧面板 self.__right_panel = None @staticmethod def __get_main_win(path): """ 获取微信的主窗口 :param path:传入微信的安装路径 :return: """ # 获取进程ID try: app = Application(backend='uia').connect(path=path) except ProcessNotFoundError: raise AppNotFoundError("微信程序还没有打开") main_win = app.window(class_name='WeChatMainWndForPC') # if not app.top_window(): Helper.print(f' 获取主程序 pid为{app.process}') return main_win def __is_latest_user(self, username): """ 是否为最近聊天的用户 :param username:微信聊天的用户 :return: """ result = False if self.__dia_list and self.__input_title_btn: # 检查会话框是不是选中当前用户 item_list = self.__dia_list.get_items() for item in item_list: if item.is_selected() and item.element_info.name == username: # 会话选中当前用户 result = True break if result: # 如果输入框对象存在并且等于当前用户 result = self.__input_title_btn.window_text().strip() == username if result: Helper.print(" ~~~~对话用户没变~~~~") return result def __auto_by_search(self, parent_ele, username): """ 先选择搜索框,再进行发送信息 :param parent_ele:父窗口的对象 :param username:发送的用户 :return: """ # 搜索框的名称 Helper.print(' ===通过搜索查找用户===') # select_item = self.__search_box = select_item # selectItem.draw_outline(colour='red') self.__search_box.click_input() pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'a') pyautogui.hotkey('delete') Helper.print(' 输入筛选词语') self.__search_box.type_keys(username, with_spaces=False) Helper.print(" 等待2秒出筛选结果") # 等待筛选结果出来 time.sleep(2) # 选择下来项目 Helper.print(' 选择第一个搜索出来的用户') # 通过列表来查询 select_item = None target_ele = parent_ele.children()[1].children()[0] items = target_ele.get_items() for item in items: if item.element_info.name == username: select_item = item break Helper.print(" ------从搜索列表中找到用户------") if select_item: Helper.print(' 用户列表查找完毕,点击控件') select_item.click_input() else: raise UserNotFoundError(f"没有找到名称为\"{username}\"的用户") def __auto_by_list(self, username): """ 直接寻找用户的控件 :param username:发送的用户 :return: """ if not self.__dia_list: self.__dia_list = self.__main_win.child_window(title="会话", control_type="List").wrapper_object() dia_list = self.__dia_list Helper.print(f" 查找\"{username}\"的控件") select_item = None for item in dia_list.get_items(): if item.element_info.name == username: select_item = item break if select_item and select_item.is_visible(): # 如果已经找到下拉控件 select_item.click_input() else: # 根据会话框找到上级窗口(参照Inspect) parent_ele = dia_list.parent().parent().parent().parent() self.__auto_by_search(parent_ele, username) def __init_elements(self, username): """ 获取用户控件,初始化各个参数 :param username: :return: """ if not self.__path: raise Exception("微信exe路径不能为空!") if not self.__main_win: self.__main_win = Wechat.__get_main_win(self.__path) try: self.__main_win.set_focus() except ElementNotFoundError: raise EleNotFoundError("核心窗口对象没有找到,请检测微信是否已经登录") if not self.__search_box: self.__search_box = self.__main_win.child_window(title='搜索', control_type="Edit").wrapper_object() # 获取Edit控件的值,判断是否为空 if len(self.__search_box.get_value().strip()) > 0: # 如果正在搜索中,删除按钮会出现 del_btn = self.__search_box.parent().children()[-1] del_btn.click_input() # ----1、尝试选择下拉控件---- if not self.__is_latest_user(username): self.__auto_by_list(username) # 等待右边的输入框的显示 time.sleep(1) if not self.__input_msg_box: self.__input_msg_box = self.__main_win.child_window(title="输入", control_type="Edit").wrapper_object() if not self.__right_panel: # 根据元素位置来进行编程(参照inspect) self.__right_panel = self.__input_msg_box.parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent() # ----2、如果已经获取到输入框,则检查一下信息框是否存在---- if not self.__input_title_btn: # Helper.print(" input_title_btn为空,查找一下控件") # 如果还没有找到这个输入框的标题控件 item_list = self.__right_panel.children() if len(item_list) > 0: # 从右侧面板的第一个控件(右侧顶部面板)开始查找(参照inspect) item_list = item_list[0].descendants(title=username, control_type="Button") if len(item_list) == 0: raise Exception("没有找到当前用户的对话框!") self.__input_title_btn = item_list[0] # Helper.print(" input_title_btn element_info.name is " + self.__input_title_btn.element_info.name) if self.__input_title_btn.element_info.name != username: # 如果输入框的标题不是当前用户 raise Exception("没有找到当前用户的对话框!") # Helper.print(f" \"{username}\"对话框已经找到,查找用户正确!") def __send_message(self, username, send_msg): """ 向特定的用户发送消息 :param username: 对方微信的用户名称 :param send_msg: 发送的消息 :return: """ # 打开微信的快捷键 Helper.print("--开始发送信息--") self.__init_elements(username) # ----3、到了用户对话框,才开始输入对话信息---- self.__input_msg_box.click_input() self.__input_msg_box.type_keys(send_msg, with_spaces=True) # 回车发送 pyautogui.hotkey('enter') Helper.print("--结束发送信息--") def __get_message(self, username, other_side=False): """ 获取最后的会话信息 :param username: 微信用户名称 :param other_side: 只读取对方的信息,只适合双人会话 :return: """ message = None Helper.print("--开始查找信息--") self.__init_elements(username) dia_list = self.__right_panel.descendants(title="消息", control_type="List") if len(dia_list) > 0: # 获取List中最后一个控件 last_item = dia_list[0].get_item(-1) message = last_item.element_info.name if other_side: # 检测是否为对方的输入 btn_list = last_item.descendants(title=username, control_type="Button") if len(btn_list) == 0: # 如果不是对方的输入信息 message = None Helper.print("--结束查找信息--") return message @staticmethod def __wrap_errcode(exception): """ 判断异常的类型,并设置错误代码 :param exception: :return: """ result = "" if isinstance(exception, UserNotFoundError): result = "3-01用户不存在" elif isinstance(exception, EleNotFoundError): result = "2-01控件不存在" elif isinstance(exception, AppNotFoundError): result = "1-01程序没启动" return result def get_last_msg(self, username, other_side=False): """ 获取最后的会话 :param username: 微信用户名称 :param other_side: 只读取对方的信息,只适合双人会话,适合自动回复场景 :return: """ auto_msg = AutoMsg() try: message = self.__get_message(username, other_side) auto_msg.result = 1 auto_msg.message = message except Exception as e: auto_msg.result = -1 auto_msg.message = str(e) auto_msg.errcode = Wechat.__wrap_errcode(e) if other_side and auto_msg.message is None: # 如果要读取对方的信息,并且读不到。 auto_msg.result = -1 return auto_msg def send_msg(self, username, send_msg): """ 向特定的用户发送消息 :param username: 对方微信的用户名称 :param send_msg: 发送的消息 :return: """ auto_msg = AutoMsg() try: self.__send_message(username, send_msg) except Exception as e: auto_msg.result = -1 auto_msg.message = str(e) auto_msg.errcode = Wechat.__wrap_errcode(e) if auto_msg.result == 0: auto_msg.result = 1 return auto_msg
from wechat import * import random if __name__ == '__main__': path = "D:\\WeChat\\WeChat.exe" # 消息内容 num = random.randint(10000, 40000) send_msg = f"2023“网聚职工正能量 争做中国好网民”活动启动.{num}" # pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'alt', 'w') chat = Wechat(path) user_name = '文件传输助手' info = chat.send_msg(user_name, send_msg) if info.result == -1: print(f"错误代码是:{info.errcode},错误信息是:{info.message}")