Linux cal命令详解
cal 显示指定月份的日历
NAME cal - displays a calendar SYNOPSIS cal [-smjy13] [[[day] month] year] DESCRIPTION Cal displays a simple calendar. If arguments are not specified, the current month is displayed. The options are as follows: -1 Display single month output. (This is the default.) -3 Display prev/current/next month output. -s Display Sunday as the first day of the week. -m Display Monday as the first day of the week. -j Display Julian dates (days one-based, numbered from January 1). -y Display a calendar for the current year. -V Display version information and exit.
cal # 显示当前月
cal 2018 # 显示2018年
cal 6 2018 # 显示2018年6月
个性签名: 所有的事情到最後都是好的,如果不好,那說明事情還沒有到最後~