

//  MoyaNetWorking.swift
//  GreenAir
//  Created by BruceAlbert on 2017/9/18.
//  Copyright © 2017年 Mars. All rights reserved.

import UIKit
import Moya
//import Alamofire
import RxSwift
import SwiftyJSON
import ObjectMapper

typealias SuccessClosure = (_ result: AnyObject) -> Void
typealias FailClosure = (_ errorMsg: String?) -> Void

enum RequestCode: String {
    case failError = "0"
    case success = "1"

class MoyaNetWorking: NSObject {
    static let sharedInstance = MoyaNetWorking()
    private override init(){}
    let requestProvider = RxMoyaProvider<RequestApi>()
    func getCurrentAddressWeather<T: Mappable>(target:RequestApi, type:T.Type, successClosure:@escaping SuccessClosure, failClosure: @escaping FailClosure) {
        _ = requestProvider.request(target).subscribe{ event -> Void in
            switch event {
            case .next(let response):
                let json = JSON.init(data:, options: .allowFragments, error: nil)
                let info = Mapper<WeatherModel>().map(JSONObject: json.dictionaryObject)
                guard let data = info?.result else {
            case .error(let error):
            default: break

public enum RequestApi {
    case weather(city:String, province: String)

extension RequestApi: TargetType {
     /// The parameters to be encoded in the request.
    public var baseURL: URL {
        return NSURL(string: "")! as URL //天气接口BaseUrl
    public var path: String {
        switch self {
        case .weather(_, _):
            return "v1/weather/query"
    public var method: Moya.Method {
        switch self {
        case .weather(_, _):
            return .get
        default :
            return .post
    public var parameters: [String : Any]? {
        switch self {
        case let .weather(city, province):
            return ["key":"202a3152f2222", "city":city, "province":province]
            return nil
    public var parameterEncoding : ParameterEncoding {
        return URLEncoding.default
    //  单元测试用
    public var sampleData: Data {
        return "{}".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
    public var task: Task {
        return .request
    public var validate: Bool{
        return true

swift 请求成功和失败 block

typealias SuccessClosure = (_ result: AnyObject) -> Void
typealias FailClosure = (_ errorMsg: String?) -> Void


enum RequestCode: String {
    case failError = "0"
    case success = "1"


static let sharedInstance = MoyaNetWorking()
let requestProvider = RxMoyaProvider<RequestApi>()


func getCurrentAddressWeather<T: Mappable>(target:RequestApi, type:T.Type, successClosure:@escaping SuccessClosure, failClosure: @escaping FailClosure) {
        _ = requestProvider.request(target).subscribe{ event -> Void in //Rxswift的元素监听
            switch event {
            case .next(let response):
                let json = JSON.init(data:, options: .allowFragments, error: nil)
                let info = Mapper<WeatherModel>().map(JSONObject: json.dictionaryObject)
                guard let data = info?.result else {
            case .error(let error):
            default: break


public enum RequestApi {
    case weather(city:String, province: String)


extension RequestApi: TargetType {
     /// The parameters to be encoded in the request.
    public var baseURL: URL {
        return NSURL(string: "")! as URL //天气接口BaseUrl
    public var path: String {
        switch self {
        case .weather(_, _):
            return "v1/weather/query"//按照api的path,
    public var method: Moya.Method {
        switch self {
        case .weather(_, _):
            return .get
        default :
            return .post
    public var parameters: [String : Any]? {
        switch self {
        case let .weather(city, province):
            return ["key":"202a3152f2222", "city":city, "province":province]
            return nil
    public var parameterEncoding : ParameterEncoding {
        return URLEncoding.default
    //  单元测试用
    public var sampleData: Data {
        return "{}".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
    public var task: Task {
        return .request
    public var validate: Bool{
        return true


//  WeatherModel.swift
//  GreenAir
//  Created by BruceAlbert on 2017/9/18.
//  Copyright © 2017年 Mars. All rights reserved.

import UIKit
import ObjectMapper
class WeatherModel : Mappable {
    var msg : String?
    var retCode : String?
    var result : AnyObject?
    required init?(map: Map) {
    func mapping(map: Map) {
        msg <- map["msg"]
        retCode <- map["retCode"]
        result <- map["result"]

class WeatherUintModel : Mappable{
    var airCondition : String?
    var city : String?
    var coldIndex : String?
    var updateTime : String?
    var date : String?
    var distrct : String?
    var dressingIndex : String?
    var exerciseIndex : String?
    var humidity : String?
    var pollutionIndex : String?
    var province : String?
    var sunrise : String?
    var sunset : String?
    var temperature : String?
    var time : String?
    var washIndex : String?
    var weather : String?
    var week : String?
    var wind : String?
    var future : Array<WeatherData>?
    required init?(map: Map) {
    func mapping(map: Map) {
        airCondition <- map["airCondition"]
        city <- map["city"]
        coldIndex <- map["coldIndex"]
        updateTime <- map["updateTime"]
        date <- map["date"]
        distrct <- map["distrct"]
        dressingIndex <- map["dressingIndex"]
        exerciseIndex <- map["exerciseIndex"]
        humidity <- map["humidity"]
        pollutionIndex <- map["pollutionIndex"]
        province <- map["province"]
        sunrise <- map["sunrise"]
        sunset <- map["sunset"]
        temperature <- map["temperature"]
        time <- map["time"]
        washIndex <- map["washIndex"]
        weather <- map["weather"]
        week <- map["week"]
        wind <- map["wind"]
        future <- map["future"]

class WeatherData : Mappable {
    var date : String?
    var dayTime : String?
    var night : String?
    var temperature : String?
    var week : String?
    var wind : String?
    required init?(map: Map) {
    func mapping(map: Map) {
        date <- map["date"]
        dayTime <- map["dayTime"]
        night <- map["night"]
        temperature <- map["temperature"]
        week <- map["week"]
        wind <- map["wind"]


posted @ 2017-09-18 17:44  fengsh_h  阅读(794)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报