Google Weather API Feed Documentation

The base URL:

This is the base URL which can be extended with the following parameters:

The Weather parameter:

Where location can be either a zip code (weather=24060); city name, state (weather=woodland,PA); city name, country (weather=london,england); or possibly others. Try it out and see what response you get back to test your location.

The language parameter:
hl=ISO 639-1 Language Code

For example, to get the weather for Paris, France in French, one would use the following URL:,france&hl=fr

The Google Weather API is not an official public Google API so use it wisely. Also check out Yahoo’s Weather API for a more official, fully documented API.

posted on 2010-02-16 17:41  Peter Zhang  阅读(698)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报