

0. how was you day.

I spent most of the time in library studying today.I am busy with my thesis oral defense.

1.do you like to eat in a restaurant? Why or why not?

I like to eat in a restaurant, but not too often.I think there are two reasons. First reason is that you have to make a change from you home food sometime, you know. The second reason is you always have more options in a restaurant  compared with your home.

2.How often do your eat in a restaurant? When do you go?

I eat in a restaurant at lest once a week, especially when there is  a special occassion.mostly at weekends.

3.What do you usually eat in a restaurant?

It depends. For example when I am tired of chinese food, I go to a restaurant to eat westen food such as pizza.

When I am tired of non-spicy food, I go to eat some spicy food in a SiChuan restaurant such as gonbao chiken. There are lots kinds of food in china.you know you  cannot eat all kinds of chinese food even you spend you whole life here.

4.Have you had a party in a restaurant before?

Yeah, I have a birthday party in a restaurant every year. I invite some friends to come by and we drink some beer.It’s pretty fun.

5 who would pay for the bill when you eat in a restaurant.

Sometimes I do and sometimes the others do. but most time we go dutch.

posted @ 2010-11-29 16:23  frogrocket  阅读(180)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报