antd pro 使用

antd pro使用



  1. 新建项目目录,并在该目录下执行命令npm create umi

  2. 选择ant-design-pro

    Select the boilerplate type (Use arrow keys)
    > ant-design-pro  - Create project with a layout-only ant-design-pro boilerplate, use together with umi block.
      app             - Create project with a simple boilerplate, support typescript.
      plugin          - Create a umi plugin.
  3. 选择第二个v4

    Be the first to experience the new umi@3 ? (Use arrow keys)
      Pro V5
    > Pro V4
  4. 选择第二个js

    Which language do you want to use? (Use arrow keys)
    > JavaScript
  5. 选Complete

    you need all the blocks or a simple scaffold?
    > complete
  6. 执行npm install

  7. 执行npm start即可看到网站

posted on 2021-02-21 22:10  皮皮虾的blog  阅读(487)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报