First seperating,Finally meeting.
Team Measurements
•Process and Results
•Meaningful to the Team
•Critical Few
•“Out of Bounds” Boundaries
•Self- Monitoring

Laws of Teamwork
•Law of Significance
•Law of the Big Picture
•Law of the Niche
•Law of Mount Everest
•Law of the Chain
•Law of the Catalyst
Law of Significance
•There are no problems we cannot solve together, and very few that we can sole by ourselves. Lyndon Johnson
•You’re good…you’re not THAT good!
•One is too small a number to achieve greatness.
–Value working in teams
–Eliminate barriers
•Ego, Insecurity, Naïve, Personalities, Control
The giant Sequoias grow tall and lovely and appear to be very strong. In reality, their roots are very shallow. They are able to stand because they lean on each other. Their branches touch and support one another. None of them can stand alone.
Law of the Big Picture
•If you think you are the big picture, you will never see the big picture!
–Everyone has a role to play.
–The goal is more important than the role.
–There are no unimportant jobs, no unimportant people.
Building “Big Picture” Teams
•Look Up at the Big Picture.
•Size up the situation.
•Line up needed resources.
•Call up the right players.
•Give up personal agendas
•Step up to a higher level.

Law of the Niche
•All players have a place where they add the most value.
•Right people in the right places.
•Hire on talents, build on strengths, find the right fit!
•Know the team, know the situation, know the player.
Law of Mount Everest
•As the challenge escalates, the need for teamwork elevates!
•Your team must be the size of your dream.
•Give up the dream or grow the team!
Grow the Team!
•Develop Team Members (Situational Leadership)
•Add Key Team Members
•Share leadership! The challenge of the moment determines the leader for that challenge.
•Remove ineffective members. “You can lose with good players but you cannot win with bad ones!”

The Law of the Chain
•The strength of the team is impacted by its weakest link.
–Not everyone will take the journey.
–Not everyone should take the journey.
–Not everyone can take the journey.
Weak Links
•Can’t keep pace with other team members.
•Don’t grow in their area of responsibility.
•Don’t see the big picture.
•Won’t work on personal weaknesses.
•Won’t work with the rest of the team.
•Can’t fulfill expectations for their area.
    Train Them or Trade Them!
The Law of the Catalyst
•Winning teams have players who make things happen!
•Niche – n.
•a job or position which is very suitable for someone, especially one that they like
•an area or position which is exactly suitable for a small group of the same type
•Lloyd has carved/made a niche for himself as a professional tennis player.
•Place; position; slot; function; role
•Catalyst – n.
•SPECIALIZED something that makes a chemical reaction happen more quickly without itself being changed
•an event or person that causes great change
•The high suicide rate acted as a catalyst for change in the prison system.
–Synonyms: means; channel
•Ego – n.
•MAINLY DISAPPROVING your idea or opinion of yourself, or a great feeling of your own importance and ability
•SPECIALIZED in psychoanalysis, the part of a person's mind which tries to match the hidden desires of the id (= part of unconscious mind) with the demands of reality
•That man has such an enormous ego - I've never known anyone so full of themselves!
•I'm glad she got the job - she needed something to boost/bolster her ego (= give her confidence).
–Synonyms: personality; character; self; sense of self

•Agenda – n.
•a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting
•a list of aims or possible future achievements
•There were several important items on the agenda.
•Women's rights have been put back on the agenda.
–Synonyms: program; schedule; plan; list of items
•Escalate – v.
•to make or become greater or more serious
•His financial problems escalated after he became unemployed.
•The escalating rate of inflation will almost certainly bring escalating prices.
–Synonyms: rise; go up; soar

•Elevate – v.
•FORMAL to raise something or lift something up
•to make someone or something more important or to improve something
•FORMAL be elevated to sth to be given a higher rank or social position
•The platform was elevated by means of hydraulic legs.
•They want to elevate the status of teachers.
•He has been elevated to deputy manager.
–Synonyms: raise; lift up; make higher
•Passionate – adj.
•having very strong feelings or emotions
•The Italians are said to be the most passionate people in Europe.
•Joe is passionate about baseball (= he likes it very much).
–Synonyms: obsessive; loving
•Influential – adj.
–Origin: influence
•She wanted to work for a bigger and more influential (= powerful) newspaper.
•Johnson was influential (= important) in persuading the producers to put money into the film.
–Synonyms: powerful; significant; important

•Teamwork Required
–4-member team
–One essay per team
–How to build an high performance team;
–How to be a team player;
–What to improve in your current team;
–What would you do to improve based what you’ve learnt from this training.
–Must have a title;
–2 – 3 pages;
–Font size 12;
–Single space;
–In English;
–Due on October 30
posted on 2006-11-22 12:28  水冰月  阅读(102)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报