First seperating,Finally meeting.
Wisdom of Teams
•Team Basics: Accountability, Skills, Commitment
•Leaders can foster team performance with a strong performance ethic
•Discipline is key!
•foster – v. & adj.
•to take care of a child, usually for a limited time, without being the child's legal parent
•to encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings
•I'm trying to foster an interest in classical music in my children.
•Would you consider fostering (a child)?
–Synonyms: take care of, encourage
•Make a sentence with “foster”
•ethic – n. (usually in plural form – ethics)
•a system of accepted beliefs which control behavior, especially such a system based on morals
•The ethics of journalism are much debated.
•He said he was bound by a scientist's code of ethics.
•Publication of the article was a breach of ethics.
–Synonyms: moral, virtue
•Make a sentence with “ethics”
•discipline – n. & v.
•training which produces obedience or self-control, often in the form of rules, and punishments if these are broken, or the obedience or self-control produced by this training
•the ability to control yourself or other people, even in difficult situations
•to teach someone to behave in a controlled way
•There should be better discipline in schools.
•Maintaining classroom discipline (= control of the students) is the first task of every teacher.
•I'm trying to discipline myself to eat less chocolate.
–Synonyms: control, regulation, obedient
•Make a sentence with “discipline”
3 Essentials of an Effective Team
–Ownership: Do you think issues in the team related to you?
–Accessibility: Do you get the team resources (tangible & intangible) when you need them?
–Team Rewards: Do you get rewards when you did something good for the team?
–Team Talk: Can you communicate well with team members?
–Skills: Do you have the skills?
–Constructive Conflict: Are there conflicts in your team? Good or bad conflicts?
•Common Goal
–Do you know your team goal(s)?
–Please Write Your Team Goals on a Piece of Paper.
Steps for Performance Improvement
•Team Performance Curve
–Working Group
–Pseudo Team
•Confusion over purpose, inability to focus, personal animosity or ambition, avoidance on engagement
–Potential Team
–Real Team
–High Performance Team
•Themes and identity, enthusiasm and energy, galvanizing events, personal commitment, performance results
Team Performance Curve
•pseudo – prefix.
•not real; pretended
•a pseudo-intellectual

•animosity – n.
–Meanings: strong dislike, opposition or anger
•Of course we're competitive but there's no personal animosity between us.
•In spite of his injuries, he bears no animosity towards his attackers.
•The European Community helped France and Germany forget the old animosities between them.
–Synonyms: hostility, loathing, hatred
•Make a sentence with “animosity”
•enthusiasm – n.
•a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved in it.
•a subject or activity that interests you very much
•One of the good things about teaching young children is their enthusiasm.
•After the accident he lost his enthusiasm for the sport.
•One of his greatest enthusiasms was yoga.
–Synonyms: eagerness, interest
•Make a sentence with “enthusiasm”
•galvanize – v.
•to cause someone to suddenly take action, especially by shocking or exciting them in some way
•Western charities were galvanized by TV pictures of starving people.
•The prospect of his mother coming to stay galvanized him into action and he immediately set about cleaning the house.
–Synonyms: rouse, stimulate
•Make a sentence with “galvanize
posted on 2006-11-22 11:53  水冰月  阅读(143)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报