Bayes++ Library入门学习之熟悉class-Bayesian_filter_base(2)



#include "bayesException.hpp"   // exception types
#include "matSupSub.hpp"        // matrix support subsystem


     接着,所有的声明和定义全部都在namespace Bayseian_filter内部。在Bayes++库中,一般将Bayesian_filter_matrix以别名的形式使用

namespace FM = Bayesian_filter_matrix;



class Predict_model_base : public Bayes_base
    // Empty


    高斯预测模型,x(k|k-1) = x(k-1|k-1)) + G(k)w(k),其中q(k)是状态噪声协方差,即w(k)的协方差,G(k)表示状态噪声耦合

class Gaussian_predict_model : virtual public Predict_model_base
    Gaussian_predict_model (std::size_t x_size, std::size_t q_size);

    FM::Vec q;        // Noise variance (always dense, use coupling to represent sparseness)
    FM::Matrix G;        // Noise Coupling
    Numerical_rcond rclimit;
    // Reciprocal condition number limit of linear components when factorised or inverted


  线性化预测模型,x(k|k-1) = f(x(k-1|k-1),Fx(x(k-1|k-1)表示函数fx相对于状态x的雅各比矩阵

class Linrz_predict_model : public Additive_predict_model
    Linrz_predict_model (std::size_t x_size, std::size_t q_size);
    FM::Matrix Fx;        // Model



class Observe_model_base : public Bayes_base
    // Empty



class Kalman_state_filter : public State_filter
    FM::SymMatrix X;    // state covariance

    Kalman_state_filter (std::size_t x_size);
    /* Initialise filter and set constant sizes

    /* Virtual functions for filter algorithm */

    virtual void init () = 0;
    /* Initialise from current state and state covariance
        Requires x(k|k), X(k|k)
    void init_kalman (const FM::Vec& x, const FM::SymMatrix& X);
    /* Initialise from a state and state covariance
        Parameters that reference the instance's x and X members are valid
    virtual void update () = 0;
    /* Update filters state and state covariance 
        Updates x(k|k), X(k|k)
    // Minimum allowable reciprocal condition number for PD Matrix factorisations
    Numerical_rcond rclimit;



class Linrz_filter : virtual public Bayes_filter_base
    /* Virtual functions for filter algorithm */

    virtual Float predict (Linrz_predict_model& f) = 0;
    /* Predict state using a Linrz model
        Requires x(k|k), X(k|k) or internal equivilent
        Returns: Reciprocal condition number of primary matrix used in predict computation (1. if none)

    virtual Float observe (Linrz_uncorrelated_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& z) = 0;
    virtual Float observe (Linrz_correlated_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& z) = 0;
    /* Observation z(k) and with (Un)correlated observation noise model
        Requires x(k|k), X(k|k) or internal equivalent
        Returns: Reciprocal condition number of primary matrix used in observe computation (1. if none)



class Extended_kalman_filter : public Linrz_kalman_filter
    Extended_kalman_filter() : Kalman_state_filter(0) // define a default constructor
    virtual Float observe (Linrz_uncorrelated_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& z);
    virtual Float observe (Linrz_correlated_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& z);
    /* Observation z(k) and with (Un)correlated observation noise model
        Requires x(k|k), X(k|k) or internal equivalent
        Returns: Reciprocal condition number of primary matrix used in observe computation (1. if none)
        Default implementation simple computes innovation for observe_innovation

    virtual Float observe_innovation (Linrz_uncorrelated_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& s) = 0;
    virtual Float observe_innovation (Linrz_correlated_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& s) = 0;
    /* Observation innovation s(k) and with (Un)correlated observation noise model
        Requires x(k|k), X(k|k) or internal equivalent
        Returns: Reciprocal condition number of primary matrix used in observe computation (1. if none)


posted on 2016-10-28 16:17  Curnane  阅读(695)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
