antidependence and data hazard
See below example.
ADDD F6, F0, F8
SUBD F8, F10, F14
Some article would say that “ There’s an antidependence between ADDD and SUBD…”.
This statement certainly looks confusing because “anti” means opposite, and obviously there’s dependency between ADDD and SUBD by F8.
The truth is, though, the term “antidependence” is a misnomer. The correct term is “ante”, which means before.
The correct statement should be “There’s an antedependence between ADDD and SUBD”, which means there’s dependence between ADDD and SUBD and ADDD should be ahead of SUBD.
If SUBD is ahead of ADDD, then there may be a WAR hazard.
posted on 2018-03-29 10:54 freshair_cn 阅读(127) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报