由于FPGA的布线使用的是routing matrix,通常不会出现Hold Violation的情况;如果出现hold violation了,很可能是时钟抖动引起的。
… Hold delay violations are rare in FPGA designs due to the build-in delay of the routing matrix. If a hold violation occurs, it usually indicates a clock skew problem.
关于routing matrix情况描述如下:
An FPGA device contains flexible programmable routing matrix which is used to connect logic blocks with each other. There are various type of connection lines in FPGA:
- long lines are used to connect distant logic blocks,
- short lines connect neighboring blocks with each other,
- dedicated clock trees are used to distribute synchronization signals (these lines have large fanout and little skew and jitter).
- dedicated set/reset lines are used to reset all flip-flops in the FPGA.
posted on 2012-08-27 15:47 freshair_cn 阅读(2842) 评论(1) 编辑 收藏 举报