Altera Coding Style 之状态机

Quartus II把某段代码识别为状态机是有一些约束条件的,关键是让综合工具“认识”你的代码。

…Ensuring that your synthesis tools recognize a piece of code as a state machine …



      Assign default values to outputs derived from the state machine so that synthesis does not generate unwanted latches.


      Separate the state machine logic from all arithmetic functions and data paths, including assigning output values.

3、If your design contains an operation that is used by more that one state, define the operation outside the state machine and cause the output logic of the state machine to use this value.


      Use a simple asynchronous or synchronous reset to ensure a defined power-up state. If your state machine design contains more elaborate reset logic, such as both an asynchronous reset and asynchronous load, the Quartus II software generates regular logic rather thar inferring a state machine.

       另外,虽然影响很小,但是Altera不建议直接给状态变量赋整数值,最好用 parameter 或者 `define。

       Altera recommends against the direct use of integer values for state variables, such as next_state <= 0. However, using an integer does not prevent inference in the Quartus II software.



1、No state machine is inferred in the Quartus II software if the stare transition logic use arithmetic similar to that in the following example:

           case (state)

                0: begin

                    if (ena) next_state <= state + 2;

                    else next_state <= state + 1;


                  1: begin




2、No state machine is inferred in the Quartus II software if the state machine  variable is an output.

3、No state machine is inferred in the Quartus II software for signed variables.


判断某段代码是否被综合为状态机,可查看编译报告中的 Analysis & Synthesis

… the state machine si implemented as regular logic gates and registers, and the state machine is not listed as a state machine in the Analysis & Synthesis section of the Quartus II Compilation Report.






posted on 2012-08-14 16:04  freshair_cn  阅读(700)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
