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  • Prefix:表示导出例程的内部组件
  • Operation:表示这个方法的行为,怎么操作对象或者资源
  • Object:标识要操作的对象或资源

常见的 Prefix:

Prefix Component
Alpc Advanced Local Procedure Calls
Cc Common Cache
Cm Configuration manager
Dbg Kernel debug support
Dbgk Debugging Framework for user mode
Em Errata manager
Etw Event Tracing for Windows
Ex Executive support routines
FsRtl File System Runtime Library
Hv Hive library
Hvl Hypervisor library
Io I/O manager
Kd Kernel debugger
Ke Kernel
Kse Kernel Shim Engine
Lsa Local Security Authority
Mm Memory manager
Nt NT system services (accessible from user mode through system calls)
Ob Object manager
Pf Prefetcher
Po Power manager
PoFx Power framework
Pp PnP manager
Ppm Processor power manager
Ps Process support
Rtl Run-time library
Se Security Reference Monitor
Sm Store Manager
Tm Transaction manager
Ttm Terminal timeout manager
Vf Driver Verifier
Vsl Virtual Secure Mode library
Wdi Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure
Wfp Windows FingerPrint
Whea Windows Hardware Error Architecture
Wmi Windows Management Instrumentation
Zw Mirror entry point for system services (beginning with Nt) that sets previous access mode to kernel, which eliminates parameter validation, because Nt system services validate parameters only if previous access mode is user
posted @ 2022-11-08 08:06  frendguo  阅读(42)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报