阅读: 17 评论: 0 作者: 代码乱了 发表于 2010-03-03 09:29 原文链接
CREATE TABLE tblPopulation (
Country VARCHAR(100),
[State] VARCHAR(100),
City VARCHAR(100),
[Population (in Millions)] INT
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Delhi','East Delhi',9 )
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Delhi','South Delhi',8 )
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Delhi','North Delhi',5.5)
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Delhi','West Delhi',7.5)
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Karnataka','Bangalore',9.5)
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Karnataka','Belur',2.5)
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Karnataka','Manipal',1.5)
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Maharastra','Mumbai',30)
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Maharastra','Pune',20)
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Maharastra','Nagpur',11 )
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Maharastra','Nashik',6.5)
SELECT Country,[State],City,
SUM ([Population (in Millions)]) AS [Population (in Millions)]
FROM tblPopulation
GROUP BY Country,[State],City WITH ROLLUP
Country VARCHAR(100),
[State] VARCHAR(100),
City VARCHAR(100),
[Population (in Millions)] INT
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Delhi','East Delhi',9 )
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Delhi','South Delhi',8 )
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Delhi','North Delhi',5.5)
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Delhi','West Delhi',7.5)
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Karnataka','Bangalore',9.5)
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Karnataka','Belur',2.5)
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Karnataka','Manipal',1.5)
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Maharastra','Mumbai',30)
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Maharastra','Pune',20)
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Maharastra','Nagpur',11 )
INSERT INTO tblPopulation VALUES('India', 'Maharastra','Nashik',6.5)
SELECT Country,[State],City,
SUM ([Population (in Millions)]) AS [Population (in Millions)]
FROM tblPopulation
GROUP BY Country,[State],City WITH ROLLUP
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