Configure Eclipse IDE in catkin of Ros Groovy
posted @ 2013-05-16 17:03 from [FreedomShe]
由于Groovy之前是rosbuild workspace为主,官方的IDE环境配置以rosbuild为范例来介绍,而目前(2013.5)对预备取代rosbuild的catkin并无提及(refer1。熟悉Cmake的人已经解决catkin中配置Eclipse for C/C++的问题(refer2,但试验时出现过无法调试的问题。后来加上CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug就好了,借此总结一下配置过程。
Enviorment: Ubuntu 12.04 + Ros Groovy + catkin workspace.
1. Installing Eclipse
1.1. Download Eclipse IDE for C/C++
Do not use "sudo apt-get install eclipse" to install Eclipse. Instead, go to to download the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ ( And then extract to your folder of your choice.
1.2. Install Java 7 if you have not
If you have not installed Java7, you need to setup Java7 before Eclipse could be run successfully. To install Java7 in Ubuntu 12.04, follow as (refer3
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
If something wrong happens, you may execute these commands before:
sudo apt-get purge openjdk* sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/oracle-java7-installer* sudo apt-get purge oracle-java7-installer* sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*java* sudo apt-get update
More details to refer the refer3 page above.
1.3. Create a launcher to run Eclipse from your ROS-sourced shell
Open a terminal, and then go to:
cd /usr/share/applications/
Create a launcher with gedit:
sudo gedit eclipse.desktop
Edit the launcher as follows:
[Desktop Entry] Name=eclipse Type=Application Exec=bash -i -c /opt/eclipse/eclipse Icon=/opt/eclipse/icon.xpm Terminal=false
Note: Do replace “/opt/eclipse/” with your Eclipse path. “bash -i -c /opt/eclipse/eclipse” is to source ROS and start your IDE, then your IDE will run with ROS environment.
Save the file, and grant it with:
sudo chmod 777 eclipse.desktop
Open the dash (Alt+F2), and search “eclipse” from it, you can see your Eclipse now:
Now, I guess you can launch the Eclipse successfully!
2. Creating Eclipse project files
Go to your catkin workspace directory and run catkin_make with options to generate Eclipse project files:
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin_make --force-cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_ECLIPSE_MAKE_ARGUMENTS=-j8 .
catkin_make command will make cmake to generate several Eclipse files in the build/ folder, with these files you can import the catkin project into Eclipse IDE.
3. Importing the project into Eclipse
Start Eclipse from your Eclipse launcher, select File --> Import --> Existing projects into workspace, hit next, then browse for your catkin_ws directory (just select workspace directory). Do NOT select Copy projects into workspace. Then finish.
If you haven't created any package, you may follow Writing a Publisher/Subscriber (C++) to create a package with source files before we test our environment.
Your project construction may be looked like this, the [Source directory] contains your source code, you may edit the code under this directory later.
You can build your project inside Eclipse with Ctrl+B.
4. Running and debugging your executables within Eclipse
Open “Debug Configurations” in Eclipse. Create a new “C/C++ Application”.
Click “Browse” from the “Main” tab to select your executable file. The file should be generated after you build your project (Ctrl+B), in ~/catkin_ws/devel/lib/$yourpakage/ (your path must not as same as mine as showing in the picture.)
You can debug your executable file in Eclipse for Ros catkin workspace now!
Note: 对于refer2(,如果用第二种方法,会在src里面生成垃圾文件,破坏了catkin的原始结构;用第一中方法保证了原始结构,但是会遇到调试不成功的问题,我是在生成Eclipse project时候加上CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug才可以的。英文不好的应该不会研究Ros吧,翻译得太别扭,就用我别扭的E文总结了下……