Grandpa's Trunk

I am so exited!
I am very exited about his arrival.
2、谈论未来特定时间的事(将来进行时)talk about a future event at a special point in time
At this time tomorrow, Grandpa will be sitting in kitchen with us.
This time tomorrow I will be flying to ShangHai.
3、谈论未来的安排talk about a future schedules
What does he arrival?
That's for sure.
That's a neat idea.
I agree with you about that.
5、express an opinion , view or belief表达观念,观点或信念
I think ....
I guess....
I bet....
I believe....
I my opinion...
I suppose....
6.Say two people are alike.
She alway reminds him of Grandma.
7、hanger衣架, closet衣厨
I want to put some of my good hangers in Grandpa's closet.
8、offer help 主动提供帮助
Let me help you with this.
9 、求助
Would you kindly hold these keys = please hold these keys.
请帮我拿一下钥匙(Would you kindly比较正式,客气的请求)
take you time!
11、respond to good news:道贺
12、express exitement about a future event:为未来某事兴奋
I can't wait to see him.
13、say something doesn't bother someone:说某人不在乎某事
some people don't be
ing alone.
I like the aisle seat better.
Smoke really bothers me !
16、take time off不上班了
She take time off to come to New York with me.
I sold my house and furniture, put a few personal things in to a old trunk, and shipped it to my children in New York.
Lory and I celebrate our 10th anniversary.|
19、Ask someone to visit you 邀请
Please look us up
20 、Accept an invitation:接受邀请
You name the day .
21、talk about a memory after seeing something or someone睹物思人
This picture really brings back memories.
Pleasant dreams.
23、express similarity:表示相同
You look just like Grandma.
Please check to be sure you have your belongings.
25、a day off:休息一天假
Phillp needs a day off (a day away from the job);
Phillp 需要休一天假

posted on 2008-03-03 23:40  陈峰  阅读(416)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报