S4 BP供应商主数据扩建公司代码,采购组织数据(CVI_EI_INBOUND_MAIN)
report ZED1_TEST1. tables:sscrfields. data:gt_upload type alsmex_tabline occurs 0 with header line. field-symbols:<fs_upload> like line of gt_upload. data:begin of gs_table, light type c, lifnr type lifnr, "供应商帐户号 bukrs1 type bukrs, "模板公司代码 bukrs2 type bukrs, "扩建公司代码 ekorg1 type ekorg, "模板采购组织 ekorg2 type ekorg, "扩建采购组织 partner_guid type bu_partner_guid, message type string, "消息 end of gs_table. data gt_table like table of gs_table. field-symbols <table> like gs_table. *alv data: gt_fieldcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv, ls_fieldcat like line of gt_fieldcat, "WA APPEND TO FIELD CATALOG g_repid type sy-repid, ls_layout type slis_layout_alv. ***bapi data:gs_data type cvis_ei_extern, gt_data type cvis_ei_extern_t, gt_return type bapiretm. data:lv_partner_guid type bu_partner_guid. "供应商唯一id data: gs_partner type bus_ei_extern, "业务合作伙伴的复杂外部接口 gs_header type bus_ei_header, "抬头 gs_central_data type bus_ei_central_data, "中心数据 gs_common type bus_ei_bupa_central. "中心数据->合作伙伴数据 data: gs_vendor type vmds_ei_extern, "供应商 gs_header_vmd type vmds_ei_header, "供应商->数据抬头 gs_company_data type vmds_ei_vmd_company, "供应商->公司代码 gt_company type vmds_ei_company_t, gs_company type vmds_ei_company, gs_purchasing_data type vmds_ei_vmd_purchasing, "供应商->采购组织 gt_purchasing type vmds_ei_purchasing_t, gs_purchasing type vmds_ei_purchasing, gs_function_data type vmds_ei_vmd_functions, "供应商->采购组织-合作伙伴角色 gt_functions type vmds_ei_functions_t, "合作伙伴角色 gs_functions type vmds_ei_functions. constants:lc_parvw_pi type parvw value 'PI', lc_parvw_oa type parvw value 'OA', lc_parvw_vn type parvw value 'VN'. data:gt_lfb1 type table of lfb1, gs_lfb1 type lfb1, gt_lfm1 type table of lfm1, gs_lfm1 type lfm1. selection-screen function key 1. "应用工具栏增加按钮 selection-screen begin of block blk_001 with frame title text-001 . "选择文件路径 parameters:p_file like rlgrap-filename. selection-screen end of block blk_001. at selection-screen on value-request for p_file. perform frm_select_file. initialization. sscrfields-functxt_01 = '模板下载'. sscrfields-ucomm = 'FC01'. at selection-screen. case sscrfields-ucomm. when 'ONLI'. perform frm_check_file_exist. when 'FC01'. perform frm_generate_template. when others. endcase. start-of-selection. perform check_filename. perform frm_upload_data. " 导入文件数据 perform frm_handle_data. end-of-selection . perform f_alv_fieldcat. perform f_display. form frm_handle_data. * Check 供应商 exist select partner,partner_guid,bu_group into table @data(lt_guid) from but000 for all entries in @gt_table where partner = @gt_table-lifnr. sort lt_guid by partner. loop at gt_table assigning <table>. read table lt_guid into data(ls_guid) with key partner = <table>-lifnr. if sy-subrc = 0. <table>-partner_guid = ls_guid-partner_guid. else. <table>-message = '供应商不存在'. <table>-light = '1'. endif. endloop. read table gt_table transporting no fields with key light = '1'. if sy-subrc = 0. return. endif. *模板 供应商对应的公司代码数据 select * into table gt_lfb1 from lfb1 for all entries in gt_table where lifnr = gt_table-lifnr and bukrs = gt_table-bukrs1. sort gt_lfb1 by lifnr bukrs. *模板 供应商对应的采购组织数据 select * into table gt_lfm1 from lfm1 for all entries in gt_table where lifnr = gt_table-lifnr and ekorg = gt_table-ekorg1. sort gt_lfm1 by lifnr ekorg. loop at gt_table assigning <table>. clear:gs_header,gs_partner,gs_vendor,gs_lfb1,gs_company,gt_company,gs_company_data, gs_purchasing,gt_functions,gs_function_data,gs_purchasing,gt_purchasing,gs_purchasing_data, gs_vendor,gs_data,gt_data,gt_return. * Basic data part. gs_header-object_task = 'U'. gs_header-object_instance-bpartner = <table>-lifnr. read table lt_guid into ls_guid with key partner = <table>-lifnr . gs_header-object_instance-bpartnerguid = ls_guid-partner_guid. gs_partner-header = gs_header. gs_common-data-bp_control-category = '2'. "BUT000-TYPE业务伙伴类别:1人员 2组织 3组 gs_common-data-bp_control-grouping = ls_guid-bu_group. "BUT000-BU_GROUP业务伙伴分组 gs_central_data-common = gs_common. gs_partner-central_data = gs_central_data. * Vendor data part gs_header_vmd-object_task = 'U'. gs_header_vmd-object_instance-lifnr = <table>-lifnr. gs_vendor-header = gs_header_vmd. *******扩充公司代码数据 if <table>-bukrs1 <> ''. read table gt_lfb1 into gs_lfb1 with key lifnr = <table>-lifnr bukrs = <table>-bukrs1 binary search. if sy-subrc = 0. gs_company-task = 'I'. "I:新增(扩展) 'U':修改 gs_company-data_key-bukrs = <table>-bukrs2. "公司代码 if gs_lfb1-akont is not initial. gs_company-data-akont = gs_lfb1-akont. "总帐中的统驭科目 gs_company-datax-akont = 'X'. endif. if gs_lfb1-zuawa is not initial. gs_company-data-zuawa = gs_lfb1-zuawa. "根据分配号排序代码 gs_company-datax-zuawa = 'X'. endif. if gs_lfb1-fdgrv is not initial. gs_company-data-fdgrv = gs_lfb1-fdgrv. "计划组 gs_company-datax-fdgrv = 'X'. endif. if gs_lfb1-zterm is not initial. gs_company-data-zterm = gs_lfb1-zterm. "收付条件代码 gs_company-datax-zterm = 'X'. endif. append gs_company to gt_company. gs_company_data-company = gt_company. "公司代码数据 else. <table>-light = '1'. <table>-message = '供应商对应的模板公司代码数据不存在!'. continue. endif. endif. *******扩充采购组织数据 if <table>-ekorg1 <> ''. read table gt_lfm1 into gs_lfm1 with key lifnr = <table>-lifnr ekorg = <table>-ekorg1 binary search. if sy-subrc = 0. gs_purchasing-task = 'I'. gs_purchasing-data_key-ekorg = <table>-ekorg2. "Purchasing organization if gs_lfm1-waers is not initial. gs_purchasing-data-waers = gs_lfm1-waers. "订单货币 gs_purchasing-datax-waers = 'X'. endif. if gs_lfm1-zterm is not initial. gs_purchasing-data-zterm = gs_lfm1-zterm. "收付条件代码 gs_purchasing-datax-zterm = 'X'. endif. if gs_lfm1-webre is not initial. "标识:基于收货的发票验证 if gs_lfm1-webre = 'N'. gs_purchasing-data-webre = space. gs_purchasing-datax-webre = 'X'. else. gs_purchasing-data-webre = gs_lfm1-webre. gs_purchasing-datax-webre = 'X'. endif. endif. if gs_lfm1-ekgrp is not initial. "采购组 gs_purchasing-data-ekgrp = gs_lfm1-ekgrp. gs_purchasing-datax-ekgrp = 'X'. endif. gs_functions-task = 'I'. "合作伙伴角色 call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_PARVW_INPUT' exporting input = lc_parvw_pi importing output = gs_functions-data_key-parvw. append gs_functions to gt_functions. call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_PARVW_INPUT' exporting input = lc_parvw_oa importing output = gs_functions-data_key-parvw. append gs_functions to gt_functions. call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_PARVW_INPUT' exporting input = lc_parvw_vn importing output = gs_functions-data_key-parvw. append gs_functions to gt_functions. gs_function_data-functions = gt_functions. gs_purchasing-functions = gs_function_data. append gs_purchasing to gt_purchasing. gs_purchasing_data-purchasing = gt_purchasing. "合作伙伴角色->采购组织 else. <table>-light = '1'. <table>-message = '供应商对应的模板采购组织数据不存在!'. continue. endif. endif. *数据合并 gs_vendor-company_data = gs_company_data. gs_vendor-purchasing_data = gs_purchasing_data. gs_data-vendor = gs_vendor. gs_data-partner = gs_partner. append gs_data to gt_data. call function 'CVI_EI_INBOUND_MAIN' exporting i_data = gt_data importing e_return = gt_return. loop at gt_return into data(gs_return). loop at gs_return-object_msg into data(gs_msg) where type ca 'EAX'. concatenate <table>-message gs_msg-message into <table>-message separated by '/'. endloop. endloop. if <table>-message is initial. call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' exporting wait = abap_true. <table>-light = '3'. else. call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK' . <table>-light = '1'. endif. endloop. endform. form f4_help_for_filename changing l_file type rlgrap-filename. data: l_file_import type string, l_path_initial type string, lt_filetable type filetable, lw_filetable like line of lt_filetable, l_rc type i. call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog exporting file_filter = 'EXCEL 文件 (*.XLS;*XLSX)|*.XLS;*.XLSX' changing file_table = lt_filetable rc = l_rc exceptions file_open_dialog_failed = 1 cntl_error = 2 error_no_gui = 3 not_supported_by_gui = 4 others = 5. if sy-subrc <> 0. endif. if l_rc > 0. read table lt_filetable into lw_filetable index 1. if sy-subrc = 0. l_file = lw_filetable-filename. endif. endif. endform. form frm_select_file . data:lv_window_title type string, lv_file_filter type string value 'Excel Files(*.xls;*.xlsx)|*.xls;*.xlsx|All Files(*.*)|*.*', lt_filetable type filetable with header line, lv_rc type i. ***选择文件 lv_window_title = '文件选择'(004). call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog exporting window_title = lv_window_title * default_extension = * default_filename = file_filter = lv_file_filter * with_encoding = initial_directory = 'C:\' * multiselection = changing file_table = lt_filetable[] rc = lv_rc * user_action = * file_encoding = exceptions file_open_dialog_failed = 1 cntl_error = 2 error_no_gui = 3 not_supported_by_gui = 4 others = 5. if sy-subrc = 0. read table lt_filetable index 1. if sy-subrc = 0. p_file = lt_filetable-filename. endif. endif. endform. " FRM_SELECT_FILE form frm_check_file_exist . data:lv_file type string, lv_result type abap_bool. data:lv_name(255) type c, lv_path(255) type c. data:lv_lenth type i. check sy-ucomm = 'ONLI'. if p_file is initial. message '请输入文件路径' type 'E'. endif. lv_file = p_file. call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_exist exporting file = lv_file receiving result = lv_result exceptions cntl_error = 1 error_no_gui = 2 wrong_parameter = 3 not_supported_by_gui = 4 others = 5. if sy-subrc <> 0. message '文件不存在' type 'E'. endif. ***检查文件格式 call function 'TRINT_SPLIT_FILE_AND_PATH' exporting full_name = p_file importing stripped_name = lv_name file_path = lv_path exceptions x_error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc = 0. lv_lenth = strlen( lv_name ). if lv_lenth > 4. lv_lenth = lv_lenth - 4. endif. lv_name = lv_name+lv_lenth. translate lv_name to upper case. if lv_name ne '.XLS' and lv_name ne 'XLSX'. message '文件不是EXCEL格式文件,请检查' type 'E'. endif. endif. endform. " FRM_CHECK_FILE_EXIST *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FRM_GENERATE_TEMPLATE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form frm_generate_template . data:ls_object like wwwdatatab, lv_rc type sy-subrc, lt_ft type filetable, ls_ft type file_table, lv_ua type i. data:lwk_fn type rlgrap-filename. data:lv_objid type w3objid. ****查询模板 lv_objid = 'ZED1_TEST1'. select single relid objid from wwwdata into corresponding fields of ls_object where relid = 'MI' and srtf2 = 0 and objid = lv_objid. "smw0里对象名称 if sy-subrc <> 0 or ls_object-objid = space . message s001(00) with '未知的Excel模板:ZED1_TEST1' display like 'E'. "未知的Excel模板:ZRPMM_0103 exit. endif. call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog exporting file_filter = cl_gui_frontend_services=>filetype_excel changing file_table = lt_ft rc = lv_rc user_action = lv_ua exceptions file_open_dialog_failed = 1 cntl_error = 2 error_no_gui = 3 not_supported_by_gui = 4 others = 5. if sy-subrc <> 0. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. else. check lv_ua = 0. read table lt_ft into ls_ft index 1. lwk_fn = ls_ft-filename. ***下载模板 call function 'DOWNLOAD_WEB_OBJECT' exporting key = ls_object destination = lwk_fn importing rc = lv_rc. if lv_rc <> 0. message s001(00) display like 'E'. "下载模板失败! exit. endif. endif. endform. " FRM_GENERATE_TEMPLATE form frm_upload_data. data:lv_no(10) type c value '1000000000'. define mcr_add_zero. if &1 is NOT INITIAL. CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT' EXPORTING input = &1 IMPORTING OUTPUT = &1. endif. end-of-definition. call function 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE' exporting filename = p_file i_begin_col = '1' i_begin_row = '2' i_end_col = '7' i_end_row = '9999' tables intern = gt_upload[] exceptions inconsistent_parameters = 1 upload_ole = 2 others = 3. if sy-subrc <> 0. * Implement suitable error handling here endif. if gt_upload[] is initial. message '上传文档为空' type 'I'. exit. endif. loop at gt_upload assigning <fs_upload>. translate <fs_upload>-value to upper case. case <fs_upload>-col. when '0001'. gs_table-lifnr = <fs_upload>-value. gs_table-lifnr = |{ gs_table-lifnr alpha = in }|. when '0002'. gs_table-bukrs1 = <fs_upload>-value. when '0003'. gs_table-bukrs2 = <fs_upload>-value. when '0004'. gs_table-ekorg1 = <fs_upload>-value. when '0005'. gs_table-ekorg2 = <fs_upload>-value. when others. endcase. at end of row. append gs_table to gt_table. clear gs_table. endat. endloop. ***check上传的数据 endform. " FRM_UPLOAD_DATA form check_filename . data: l_s1 type string, l_s2 type string. split p_file at '.' into l_s1 l_s2. translate l_s2 to upper case. if l_s2 <> 'XLS' and l_s2 <> 'XLSX'. message '文件格式不对!' type 'E'. stop. endif. endform. form f_alv_fieldcat . define append_alv_cat. CLEAR ls_fieldcat. ls_fieldcat-fieldname = &1. ls_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = &2. APPEND ls_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat. end-of-definition. append_alv_cat: 'LIGHT' '红绿灯', 'LIFNR' '供应商', 'BUKRS1' '模板公司代码', 'EKORG1' '模板公司代码', 'BUKRS2' '扩建公司代码', 'EKORG2' '扩建采购组织', 'MESSAGE' '错误说明'. ls_layout-zebra = 'X'. "斑马线 ls_layout-lights_fieldname = 'LIGHT'."指定灯列名 ls_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. endform. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form F_DISPLAY *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form f_display . call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' exporting i_background_id = 'ALV_BACKGROUND' is_layout = ls_layout i_callback_program = g_repid it_fieldcat = gt_fieldcat tables t_outtab = gt_table exceptions program_error = 1 others = 2. endform.
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