动态内表 cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table


report ztest16.

tables: sflight.
data:gt_sflight like table of sflight with header line.

data:lt_alv_cat type table of lvc_s_fcat,
     ls_alv_cat like line of  lt_alv_cat.
data:i_layout_lvc type lvc_s_layo .

data:ref_itab   type ref to data,
     ref_struct type ref to data. "引用变量存储的是某个对象的地址
field-symbols:<itab>   type table,

  perform pf_get_data.
  perform pf_set_fieldcat.
  perform pf_create_innertable. "给动态内表赋值
  perform pf_alv_display.

form pf_get_data .
  select * from sflight into table gt_sflight.
endform.                    " PF_GET_DATA

form pf_set_fieldcat .
  define set_fieldcat.
    ls_alv_cat-fieldname = &1.
    ls_alv_cat-scrtext_s = &2.
    ls_alv_cat-datatype = &3.
    ls_alv_cat-intlen = &4.
    ls_alv_cat-ref_table = &5.
    ls_alv_cat-ref_field = &6.
    append ls_alv_cat to lt_alv_cat.
    clear ls_alv_cat.

  set_fieldcat:'CARRID' '航线代码' 'CHAR' '3' 'SFLIGHT' 'CARRID',
                'CONNID' '航班连接 Id' 'NUMC' '4' '' '',
                'FLDATE' '航班日期' 'CHAR' '3' '' '',
                'PRICE' '航空运费' 'CURR' '15' 'SFLIGHT' 'PRICE',
                'PAYMENTSUM' '当前预定总数' 'CURR' '17' 'SFLIGHT' 'PAYMENTSUM',
                'CURRENCY' '航班的本地货币' 'CUKY' '5' '' ''.

  set_fieldcat:'ZSUM' '本次航班总收入' 'CURR' '17' 'SFLIGHT' 'PAYMENTSUM'.

  i_layout_lvc-zebra       = 'X' ." 使ALV界面呈现颜色交替
  i_layout_lvc-cwidth_opt       = 'X' ." 自动优化列宽
  i_layout_lvc-detailinit      = 'X' ." 是否出现细节屏幕
endform.                    " PF_SET_FIELDCAT

form pf_create_innertable .
  field-symbols <fs_value>.

  call method cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
      it_fieldcatalog = lt_alv_cat
      ep_table        = ref_itab.

  assign ref_itab->* to <itab>.

  create data ref_struct like line of <itab>.   "根据表对象创建行对象
  assign ref_struct->* to <struct>.             " 将行对象分配给到字段符号 

  loop at gt_sflight.
    move-corresponding gt_sflight to <struct>.
*    assign component 'CARRID' of structure <struct> to <fs_value>.  ":改变<fs_value>值就是改变对应字段值
*    <fs_value> = gt_sflight-carrid.
*    assign component 'CONNID' of structure <struct> to <fs_value>.
*    <fs_value> = gt_sflight-connid.
*    assign component 'FLDATE' of structure <struct> to <fs_value>.
*    <fs_value> = gt_sflight-fldate.
*    assign component 'PRICE' of structure <struct> to <fs_value>.
*    <fs_value> = gt_sflight-price.
*    assign component 'PAYMENTSUM' of structure <struct> to <fs_value>.
*    <fs_value> = gt_sflight-paymentsum.
*    assign component 'CURRENCY' of structure <struct> to <fs_value>.
*    <fs_value> = gt_sflight-currency.

    assign component 'ZSUM' of structure <struct> to <fs_value>.    "给自定义字段赋值
    <fs_value> = gt_sflight-paymentsum * gt_sflight-price.

    append <struct> to <itab>.
endform.                    " PF_CREATE_INNERTABLE

form pf_alv_display .
  call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY_LVC'
      i_callback_program = sy-repid          " 当前程序
      is_layout_lvc      = i_layout_lvc      " 布局属性
      it_fieldcat_lvc    = lt_alv_cat  " 列明内表
      t_outtab           = <itab>             " 数据内表
      program_error      = 1
      others             = 2.

endform.                    " PF_ALV_DISPLAY


posted @ 2022-11-02 14:00  肆意点  阅读(256)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报