BAPI_PO_CREATE1 采购订单批量导入
不然会报消息 06 218 '净价格必须大于0’错误
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZRPMM_0103 *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *&Desc.:采购订单批量导入 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* report zrpmm_0103. tables:sscrfields. data:gt_upload type alsmex_tabline occurs 0 with header line. field-symbols:<fs_upload> like line of gt_upload. data:zdcno(10) type c. data:begin of gt_out occurs 0, zdcno(10) type c, "号码 bsart like ekko-bsart, "订单类型 lifnr like ekko-lifnr, "供应商 ekorg like ekko-ekorg, "采购组织 bukrs like ekko-bukrs, "公司代码 ekgrp like ekko-ekgrp, "采购组 bedat like ekko-bedat, "采购订单日期 * ebelp like ekpo-ebelp, "项目号 matnr like ekpo-matnr, "物料编码 txz01 like ekpo-txz01, "物料描述 matkl like ekpo-matkl, "物料组 werks like ekpo-werks, "工厂 lgort like ekpo-lgort, "库位 pstyp like ekpo-pstyp, "项目类别 knttp like ekpo-knttp, "科目分配类别 kostl type kostl, "成本中心 anln1 type anln1, "固定资产号 eindt like eket-eindt, "交货日期 menge like ekpo-menge, "采购订单数量 meins like ekpo-meins, "采购订单单位 netpr like ekpo-netpr, "单价 peinh like ekpo-peinh, "价格单位 waers like ekko-waers, "币别 mwskz type mwskz, "税码 txt20 type tdline, "行项目文本 ihrez like ekko-ihrez, "原采购订单号 change_id type c, "有信息记录U,无信息记录I zstat(30) type c, msgty type c, msg(200) type c, end of gt_out. field-symbols:<fs_out> like gt_out. ***alv data define data:gv_repid like sy-repid value sy-repid, gs_layout type slis_layout_alv, gt_fcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv with header line. data:lt_t163y like t163y occurs 0 with header line. "ADD BY XULE 20150427 define mcr_build_fieldcat. gt_fcat-fieldname = &1. gt_fcat-seltext_l = &2. gt_fcat-seltext_m = &2. gt_fcat-seltext_s = &2. gt_fcat-ddictxt = 'L'. gt_fcat-inttype = &3. gt_fcat-intlen = &4. gt_fcat-outputlen = &5. if &1 = 'LIFNR' OR &1 = 'MATNR' OR &1 = 'INFNR'. gt_fcat-NO_ZERO = 'X'. ENDIF. APPEND gt_fcat. CLEAR gt_fcat. end-of-definition. constants:c_pf_status type slis_formname value 'FRM_SET_PF_STATUS', c_user_command type slis_formname value 'FRM_USER_COMMAND'. data:gv_flag type c. ***selection screen define selection-screen function key 1. "工具条按钮 最多为5个. selection-screen begin of block blc with frame title text-001. parameters:p_file type rlgrap-filename. selection-screen end of block blc . at selection-screen on value-request for p_file. perform frm_select_file. initialization. sscrfields-functxt_01 = '模板下载'. sscrfields-ucomm = 'FC01'. at selection-screen. case sscrfields-ucomm. when 'ONLI'. perform frm_check_file_exist. when 'FC01'. perform frm_generate_template. when others. endcase. start-of-selection. perform frm_upload_data. perform frm_get_fieldcat. perform frm_output_data. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FRM_CHECK_FILE_EXIST *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form frm_check_file_exist . data:lv_file type string, lv_result type abap_bool. data:lv_name(255) type c, lv_path(255) type c. data:lv_lenth type i. check sy-ucomm = 'ONLI'. if p_file is initial. message '请输入文件路径' type 'E'. endif. lv_file = p_file. call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_exist exporting file = lv_file receiving result = lv_result exceptions cntl_error = 1 error_no_gui = 2 wrong_parameter = 3 not_supported_by_gui = 4 others = 5. if sy-subrc <> 0. message '文件不存在' type 'E'. endif. ***检查文件格式 call function 'TRINT_SPLIT_FILE_AND_PATH' exporting full_name = p_file importing stripped_name = lv_name file_path = lv_path exceptions x_error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc = 0. lv_lenth = strlen( lv_name ). if lv_lenth > 4. lv_lenth = lv_lenth - 4. endif. lv_name = lv_name+lv_lenth. translate lv_name to upper case. if lv_name ne '.XLS' and lv_name ne 'XLSX'. message '文件不是EXCEL格式文件,请检查' type 'E'. endif. endif. endform. " FRM_CHECK_FILE_EXIST *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FRM_GENERATE_TEMPLATE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form frm_generate_template . data:ls_object like wwwdatatab, lv_rc type sy-subrc, lt_ft type filetable, ls_ft type file_table, lv_ua type i. data:lwk_fn type rlgrap-filename. data:lv_objid type w3objid. ****查询模板 lv_objid = 'ZRPMM_0105'. select single relid objid from wwwdata into corresponding fields of ls_object where relid = 'MI' and srtf2 = 0 and objid = lv_objid. "smw0里对象名称 if sy-subrc <> 0 or ls_object-objid = space . message s002(zmm_rpt_msg) with 'ZRPMM_0105' display like 'E'. "未知的Excel模板:ZRPMM_0103 exit. endif. call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog exporting file_filter = cl_gui_frontend_services=>filetype_excel changing file_table = lt_ft rc = lv_rc user_action = lv_ua exceptions file_open_dialog_failed = 1 cntl_error = 2 error_no_gui = 3 not_supported_by_gui = 4 others = 5. if sy-subrc <> 0. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. else. check lv_ua = 0. read table lt_ft into ls_ft index 1. lwk_fn = ls_ft-filename. ***下载模板 call function 'DOWNLOAD_WEB_OBJECT' exporting key = ls_object destination = lwk_fn importing rc = lv_rc. if lv_rc <> 0. message s003(zmm_rpt_msg) display like 'E'. "下载模板失败! exit. endif. endif. endform. " FRM_GENERATE_TEMPLATE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FRM_SELECT_FILE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form frm_select_file . data:lv_window_title type string, lv_file_filter type string value 'Excel Files(*.xls;*.xlsx)|*.xls;*.xlsx|All Files(*.*)|*.*', lt_filetable type filetable with header line, lv_rc type i. ***选择文件 lv_window_title = '文件选择'(004). call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog exporting window_title = lv_window_title * default_extension = * default_filename = file_filter = lv_file_filter * with_encoding = initial_directory = 'C:\' * multiselection = changing file_table = lt_filetable[] rc = lv_rc * user_action = * file_encoding = exceptions file_open_dialog_failed = 1 cntl_error = 2 error_no_gui = 3 not_supported_by_gui = 4 others = 5. if sy-subrc = 0. read table lt_filetable index 1. if sy-subrc = 0. p_file = lt_filetable-filename. endif. endif. endform. " FRM_SELECT_FILE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FRM_UPLOAD_DATA *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form frm_upload_data . data:lv_no(10) type c value '1000000000'. define mcr_add_zero. if &1 is NOT INITIAL. CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT' EXPORTING input = &1 IMPORTING OUTPUT = &1. endif. end-of-definition. call function 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE' exporting filename = p_file i_begin_col = '2' i_begin_row = '7' i_end_col = '27' i_end_row = '9999' tables intern = gt_upload[] exceptions inconsistent_parameters = 1 upload_ole = 2 others = 3. if sy-subrc <> 0. * Implement suitable error handling here endif. if gt_upload[] is initial. message '上传文档为空' type 'I'. exit. endif. loop at gt_upload assigning <fs_upload>. translate <fs_upload>-value to upper case. case <fs_upload>-col. when '1'. gt_out-bsart = <fs_upload>-value. "订单类型 when '2'. gt_out-lifnr = <fs_upload>-value. "供应商 when '3'. gt_out-ekorg = <fs_upload>-value. "采购组织 when '4'. gt_out-ekgrp = <fs_upload>-value."采购组 when '5'. gt_out-bukrs = <fs_upload>-value. "公司代码 when '6'. gt_out-bedat = <fs_upload>-value. "采购订单日期 when '7'. gt_out-matnr = <fs_upload>-value. "物料编码 when '8'. gt_out-txz01 = <fs_upload>-value. "物料编码描述 when '9'. gt_out-matkl = <fs_upload>-value. "物料组 when '10'. gt_out-werks = <fs_upload>-value."工厂 when '11'. gt_out-lgort = <fs_upload>-value. "库位 when '12'. gt_out-pstyp = <fs_upload>-value. "项目类别 when '13'. gt_out-knttp = <fs_upload>-value. "科目分配类别 when '14'. gt_out-kostl = <fs_upload>-value. "成本中心 when '15'. gt_out-anln1 = <fs_upload>-value. "固定资产号 when '16'. gt_out-eindt = <fs_upload>-value. "交货日期 when '17'. gt_out-menge = <fs_upload>-value. "采购订单数量 when '18'. gt_out-meins = <fs_upload>-value."采购订单单位 when '19'. gt_out-netpr = <fs_upload>-value. "单价 when '20'. gt_out-peinh = <fs_upload>-value."价格单位 when '21'. gt_out-waers = <fs_upload>-value. "币别 when '22'. gt_out-mwskz = <fs_upload>-value. "税码 when '23'. gt_out-txt20 = <fs_upload>-value. "行项目文本 when '24'. gt_out-ihrez = <fs_upload>-value. "原采购订单号 when others. endcase. at end of row. if gt_out-bsart is not initial and gt_out-lifnr is not initial and gt_out-ekorg is not initial and gt_out-ekgrp is not initial and gt_out-bukrs is not initial . add 1 to lv_no. endif. gt_out-zdcno = lv_no. mcr_add_zero:gt_out-lifnr,gt_out-matnr. if gt_out-bedat = '00000000'. gt_out-bedat = sy-datum. endif. if gt_out-txz01 = ''. select single maktx into gt_out-txz01 from makt where matnr = gt_out-matnr and spras = sy-langu. endif. append gt_out. clear gt_out. endat. endloop. ***check上传的数据 perform frm_check_data. endform. " FRM_UPLOAD_DATA *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FRM_CHECK_DATA *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form frm_check_data . data:lv_no1(10) type c. data:lt_t161 like t161 occurs 0 with header line, lt_t024e like t024e occurs 0 with header line, lt_t024 like t024 occurs 0 with header line. data:begin of lt_lfa1 occurs 0, lifnr like lfa1-lifnr, end of lt_lfa1. data:begin of lt_t001 occurs 0, bukrs like t001-bukrs, end of lt_t001. data:begin of lt_matnr occurs 0, matnr like mara-matnr, matkl like mara-matkl, end of lt_matnr. data:begin of lt_t001w occurs 0, werks like t001w-werks, end of lt_t001w. data:begin of lt_t001l occurs 0, werks like t001l-werks, lgort like t001l-lgort, end of lt_t001l. data:lt_t163i like t163i occurs 0 with header line. data:begin of lt_vbap occurs 0, vbeln like vbap-vbeln, posnr like vbap-posnr, end of lt_vbap. data:begin of lt_marc occurs 0, matnr like marc-matnr, werks like marc-werks, lgfsb like marc-lgfsb, lgpro like marc-lgpro, end of lt_marc. data:lv_banfn like eban-banfn, lv_pstyp like eban-pstyp. data:begin of lt_ekpo occurs 0, ebeln like ekpo-ebeln, ebelp like ekpo-ebelp, banfn like ekpo-banfn, bnfpo like ekpo-bnfpo, end of lt_ekpo. data:begin of lt_rfq occurs 0, ebeln like ekko-ebeln, ebelp like ekpo-ebelp, end of lt_rfq. data:lv_subrc type sy-subrc. data:lv_index like sy-tabix. define mcr_add_msg. if gt_out-msg is INITIAL. gt_out-msg = &1. else. CONCATENATE gt_out-msg &1 INTO gt_out-msg SEPARATED BY ','. endif. end-of-definition. check gt_out[] is not initial. ***抓取采购订单类型 select * into table lt_t161 from t161 where bstyp eq 'F'. if sy-subrc = 0. sort lt_t161 by bsart. endif. ***抓取供应商信息 select lifnr into table lt_lfa1 from lfa1 for all entries in gt_out where lifnr = gt_out-lifnr. if sy-subrc = 0. sort lt_lfa1 by lifnr. endif. ***抓取采购组织 select * into table lt_t024e from t024e. if sy-subrc = 0. sort lt_t024e. endif. ***采购组 select * into table lt_t024 from t024. if sy-subrc = 0. sort lt_t024. endif. ***抓取公司 select bukrs into corresponding fields of table lt_t001 from t001. if sy-subrc = 0. sort lt_t001. endif. ***抓取物料编码 select matnr matkl into table lt_matnr from mara for all entries in gt_out where matnr = gt_out-matnr. if sy-subrc = 0. sort lt_matnr by matnr. endif. ***抓取工厂 select werks into table lt_t001w from t001w. if sy-subrc = 0. sort lt_t001w. endif. ***抓取库位信息 select werks lgort into corresponding fields of table lt_t001l from t001l for all entries in gt_out where werks = gt_out-werks and lgort = gt_out-lgort. if sy-subrc = 0. sort lt_t001l by werks lgort. endif. select matnr werks lgfsb lgpro into corresponding fields of table lt_marc from marc for all entries in gt_out where matnr = gt_out-matnr and werks = gt_out-werks. sort lt_marc by matnr werks. loop at gt_out. lv_index = sy-tabix. ***采购订单类型 at new zdcno. lv_no1 = gt_out-zdcno. read table gt_out into data(gs) with key zdcno = lv_no1. if gt_out-bsart is initial. mcr_add_msg:'采购订单类型为空'. else. read table lt_t161 with key bsart = gt_out-bsart binary search. if sy-subrc <> 0. mcr_add_msg:'采购订单类型不存在'. endif. endif. endat. ***凭证日期 at new zdcno. if gt_out-bedat is initial. * mcr_add_msg:'凭证日期为空'. else. perform frm_date_check using gt_out-bedat changing lv_subrc. if lv_subrc ne 0. mcr_add_msg:'凭证日期无效'. endif. endif. endat. ***K3采购订单号 * if gt_out-ihrez is initial. * mcr_add_msg:'原采购订单号'. * endif. ***供应商 at new zdcno. if gt_out-lifnr is initial. mcr_add_msg:'供应商编码为空'. else. read table lt_lfa1 with key lifnr = gt_out-lifnr binary search. if sy-subrc <> 0. mcr_add_msg:'供应商不存在'. endif. endif. endat. ***采购组织 at new zdcno. if gt_out-ekorg is initial. mcr_add_msg:'采购组织为空'. else. read table lt_t024e with key ekorg = gt_out-ekorg binary search. if sy-subrc <> 0. mcr_add_msg:'采购组织不存在'. endif. endif. endat. ***采购组 at new zdcno. if gt_out-ekgrp is initial. mcr_add_msg:'采购组为空'. else. read table lt_t024 with key ekgrp = gt_out-ekgrp binary search. if sy-subrc <> 0. mcr_add_msg:'采购组不存在'. endif. endif. endat. ***公司代码 at new zdcno. if gt_out-bukrs is initial. mcr_add_msg:'公司代码为空'. else. read table lt_t001 with key bukrs = gt_out-bukrs binary search. if sy-subrc <> 0. mcr_add_msg:'公司代码不存在'. endif. endif. endat. ***物料编码 if gt_out-matkl = ''. if gt_out-matnr is initial. mcr_add_msg:'物料编码为空'. else. read table lt_matnr with key matnr = gt_out-matnr binary search. if sy-subrc <> 0. mcr_add_msg:'物料编码不存在'. else. gt_out-matkl = lt_matnr-matkl. endif. endif. endif. ***未清采购订单数量 if gt_out-menge is initial. mcr_add_msg:'采购订单数量为空'. endif. ***计划交货日期 if gt_out-eindt is initial. * mcr_add_msg:'计划交货日期为空'. else. perform frm_date_check using gt_out-eindt changing lv_subrc. if lv_subrc ne 0. mcr_add_msg:'计划交货日期无效'. endif. endif. ***工厂 if gt_out-werks is initial. mcr_add_msg:'工厂为空'. else. read table lt_t001w with key werks = gt_out-werks binary search. if sy-subrc <> 0. mcr_add_msg:'工厂不存在'. endif. endif. ***库存地点 if gt_out-lgort is initial. select single lgfsb into gt_out-lgort from marc where matnr = gt_out-matnr and werks = gt_out-werks. endif. if gt_out-lgort is initial and gt_out-werks is not initial. read table lt_t001l with key werks = gt_out-werks lgort = gt_out-lgort binary search. if sy-subrc <> 0. mcr_add_msg:'工厂与库存地点不匹配'. endif. endif. ***订单单位 if gt_out-meins is initial. select single meins into gt_out-meins from mara where matnr = gt_out-matnr. endif. ***科目分配类别 case gt_out-knttp. when 'K'. if gt_out-kostl = ''. mcr_add_msg:'成本中心不能为空'. endif. when 'A'. if gt_out-anln1 = ''. mcr_add_msg:'固定资产号不能为空'. endif. when others. endcase. ***含税单价 价格单位 税码 if gt_out-netpr is initial. gt_out-change_id = 'U'. select single konp~kbetr into gt_out-netpr from a017 inner join konp on konp~knumh = a017~knumh and konp~kopos = 1 where a017~kappl = 'M' and a017~kschl = 'PB00' and a017~lifnr = gs-lifnr and a017~matnr = gt_out-matnr and a017~ekorg = gs-ekorg and a017~werks = gs-werks and a017~esokz = '0' and a017~datab <= sy-datum and a017~datbi >= sy-datum. if sy-subrc <> 0. mcr_add_msg:'信息记录中无有效价格'. endif. else. gt_out-change_id = 'I'. endif. if gt_out-mwskz is initial. select single eine~peinh eine~mwskz into (gt_out-peinh,gt_out-mwskz) from eine inner join eina on eina~infnr = eine~infnr where eina~matnr = gt_out-matnr and eina~lifnr = gs-lifnr and eine~ekorg = gs-ekorg and eine~esokz = '0' and eine~werks = gs-werks. if gt_out-mwskz = ''. mcr_add_msg:'信息记录中无税码'. endif. endif. if gt_out-msg is initial. gt_out-zstat = icon_light_out. else. gt_out-zstat = icon_red_light. gt_out-msgty = 'E'. endif. modify gt_out index lv_index. clear gt_out. endloop. endform. " FRM_CHECK_DATA *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FRM_DATE_CHECK *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_GT_OUT_BEDAT text * <--P_LV_SUBRC text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form frm_date_check using u_date like sy-datum changing c_subrc like sy-subrc. clear : c_subrc. call function 'DATE_CHECK_PLAUSIBILITY' exporting date = u_date exceptions plausibility_check_failed = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc <> 0. c_subrc = sy-subrc. endif. endform. " FRM_DATE_CHECK *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FRM_GET_FIELDCAT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form frm_get_fieldcat . mcr_build_fieldcat:'ZSTAT' '状态' 'C' '30' '5', 'MSG' '消息' 'C' '200' '30', 'BSART' '订单类型' 'C' '4' '6', 'LIFNR' '供应商' 'C' '10' '10', 'EKORG' '采购组织' 'C' '4' '6', 'EKGRP' '采购组' 'C' '3' '6', 'BUKRS' '公司代码' 'C' '4' '6', 'BEDAT' '采购订单日期' 'D' '8' '10', 'MATNR' '物料编码' 'C' '18' '15', 'TXZ01' '物料描述' 'C' '40' '30', 'MATKL' '物料组' 'C' '9' '8', 'WERKS' '工厂' 'C' '4' '4', 'LGORT' '库位' 'C' '4' '4', 'PSTYP' '项目类别' 'C' '1' '4', 'KNTTP' '科目分配类别' 'C' '1' '4', 'KOSTL' '成本中心' 'C' '10' '10', 'ANLN1' '固定资产号' 'C' '12' '12', 'EINDT' '交货日期' 'D' '8' '10', 'MENGE' '采购订单数量' 'P' '15' '12', 'MEINS' '采购订单单位' 'C' '3' '3', 'NETPR' '单价' 'P' '11' '11', 'PEINH' '价格单位' 'C' '8' '8', 'WAERS' '币别' 'C' '5' '5', 'MWSKZ' '税码' 'C' '2' '2', 'TXT20' '行项目文本' 'C' '20' '15', 'IHREZ' '原采购订单号' 'C' '12' '10'. gs_layout-zebra = 'X'. * gs_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. endform. " FRM_GET_FIELDCAT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FRM_OUTPUT_DATA *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form frm_output_data . call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' exporting * I_INTERFACE_CHECK = ' ' * I_BYPASSING_BUFFER = ' ' * I_BUFFER_ACTIVE = ' ' i_callback_program = gv_repid i_callback_pf_status_set = c_pf_status i_callback_user_command = c_user_command * I_CALLBACK_TOP_OF_PAGE = ' ' * I_CALLBACK_HTML_TOP_OF_PAGE = ' ' * I_CALLBACK_HTML_END_OF_LIST = ' ' * I_STRUCTURE_NAME = * I_BACKGROUND_ID = ' ' * I_GRID_TITLE = * I_GRID_SETTINGS = is_layout = gs_layout it_fieldcat = gt_fcat[] * IT_EXCLUDING = * IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS = * IT_SORT = * IT_FILTER = * IS_SEL_HIDE = i_default = 'X' i_save = ' ' * IS_VARIANT = * IT_EVENTS = * IT_EVENT_EXIT = * IS_PRINT = * IS_REPREP_ID = * I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN = 0 * I_SCREEN_START_LINE = 0 * I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN = 0 * I_SCREEN_END_LINE = 0 * I_HTML_HEIGHT_TOP = 0 * I_HTML_HEIGHT_END = 0 * IT_ALV_GRAPHICS = * IT_HYPERLINK = * IT_ADD_FIELDCAT = * IT_EXCEPT_QINFO = * IR_SALV_FULLSCREEN_ADAPTER = * IMPORTING * E_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_CALLER = * ES_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_USER = tables t_outtab = gt_out[] exceptions program_error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc <> 0. * Implement suitable error handling here endif. endform. " FRM_OUTPUT_DATA *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FRM_SET_PF_STATUS *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form frm_set_pf_status using rt_extab type slis_t_extab. set pf-status 'S0100'. endform. " FRM_SET_PF_STATUS *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FRM_USER_COMMAND *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form frm_user_command using r_ucomm like sy-ucomm rs_selfield type slis_selfield. rs_selfield-refresh = 'X'. rs_selfield-col_stable = 'X'. rs_selfield-row_stable = 'X'. case r_ucomm. when 'ZUPLOAD'. perform frm_create_po. when others. endcase. endform. " FRM_USER_COMMAND *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FRM_CREATE_BOM *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form frm_create_po . data:lt_out like gt_out occurs 0 with header line. data:ls_poheader like bapimepoheader, ls_poheaderx like bapimepoheaderx, lt_poitem like bapimepoitem occurs 0 with header line, lt_poitemx like bapimepoitemx occurs 0 with header line, lt_poschedule like bapimeposchedule occurs 0 with header line, lt_poschedulex like bapimeposchedulx occurs 0 with header line, lt_poaccount like bapimepoaccount occurs 0 with header line, lt_poaccountx like bapimepoaccountx occurs 0 with header line, lt_pocond like bapimepocond occurs 0 with header line, lt_pocondx like bapimepocondx occurs 0 with header line, lt_potextitem like bapimepotext occurs 0 with header line, lt_return like bapiret2 occurs 0 with header line. data:lv_ebelp like ekpo-ebelp. data:lv_po_number like ekko-ebeln, lv_type type c, lv_msg type string, lv_msg_sum type string. if gv_flag is initial. gv_flag = 'X'. else. message '请不要重复导入数据' type 'E'. endif. read table gt_out with key msgty = 'E'. if sy-subrc = 0. message '上载数据存在错误,请先修正' type 'E'. endif. append lines of gt_out to lt_out. loop at lt_out assigning <fs_out>. at new zdcno. zdcno = <fs_out>-zdcno. clear:lv_ebelp,ls_poheader,ls_poheaderx,lv_msg_sum,lv_po_number,lt_poitem, lt_poitemx,lt_poschedule,lt_poschedulex,lt_poaccount,lt_poaccountx, lt_pocond,lt_pocondx,lt_return,lv_ebelp,lt_potextitem,lt_potextitem[]. refresh:lt_poitem,lt_poitemx,lt_poschedule,lt_poschedulex, lt_poaccount,lt_poaccountx,lt_pocond,lt_pocondx,lt_return. ls_poheader-doc_type = <fs_out>-bsart. ls_poheader-vendor = <fs_out>-lifnr. ls_poheader-purch_org = <fs_out>-ekorg. ls_poheader-pur_group = <fs_out>-ekgrp. ls_poheader-comp_code = <fs_out>-bukrs. if <fs_out>-bedat = '00000000'. ls_poheader-doc_date = sy-datum. else. ls_poheader-doc_date = <fs_out>-bedat. endif. select single zterm into ls_poheader-pmnttrms from lfb1 where lifnr = <fs_out>-lifnr and bukrs = <fs_out>-bukrs. ls_poheader-ref_1 = <fs_out>-ihrez. "旧物料 ls_poheaderx-doc_type = 'X'. ls_poheaderx-doc_date = 'X'. ls_poheaderx-vendor = 'X'. ls_poheaderx-purch_org = 'X'. ls_poheaderx-pur_group = 'X'. ls_poheaderx-comp_code = 'X'. ls_poheaderx-pmnttrms = 'X'. ls_poheaderx-ref_1 = 'X'. endat. ***行项目数据 lv_ebelp = lv_ebelp + 10. lt_poitem-po_item = lv_ebelp. "项目 lt_poitem-material = <fs_out>-matnr. "物料 if <fs_out>-txz01 <> ''. lt_poitem-short_text = <fs_out>-txz01. "物料描述 endif. lt_poitem-matl_group = <fs_out>-matkl. "物料组 lt_poitem-plant = <fs_out>-werks. "工厂 lt_poitem-stge_loc = <fs_out>-lgort. "库存地点 lt_poitem-item_cat = <fs_out>-pstyp. "项目类别 lt_poitem-acctasscat = <fs_out>-knttp. "科目分配类别 lt_poitem-quantity = <fs_out>-menge. "数量 lt_poitem-po_unit = <fs_out>-meins. " 采购订单单位 lt_poitem-tax_code = <fs_out>-mwskz. " 税码 call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_CUNIT_INPUT' exporting input = lt_poitem-po_unit language = sy-langu importing output = lt_poitem-po_unit exceptions unit_not_found = 1 others = 2. lt_poitem-gr_basediv = 'X'. "标识:基于收货的发票验证 lt_poitem-ir_ind = 'X'. "发票收据标识 lt_poitem-gr_ind = 'X'. "货物收据标识 lt_pocond-cond_unit = lt_poitem-po_unit. "条件单位 append lt_poitem. clear lt_poitem. lt_poitemx-po_item = lv_ebelp. lt_poitemx-material = 'X'. if <fs_out>-txz01 <> ''. lt_poitemx-short_text = 'X'. endif. lt_poitemx-matl_group = 'X'. lt_poitemx-plant = 'X'. lt_poitemx-stge_loc = 'X'. lt_poitemx-item_cat = 'X'. lt_poitemx-acctasscat = 'X'. lt_poitemx-quantity = 'X'. lt_poitemx-po_unit = 'X'. lt_poitemx-tax_code = 'X'. lt_poitemx-net_price = 'X'. lt_poitemx-po_price = 'X'. lt_poitemx-info_rec = 'X'. lt_poitemx-info_upd = 'X'. lt_poitemx-orderpr_un = 'X'. lt_poitemx-gr_basediv = 'X'. lt_poitemx-ir_ind = 'X'. lt_poitemx-gr_ind = 'X'. append lt_poitemx. clear lt_poitemx. ***采购价格 lt_pocond-itm_number = lv_ebelp. lt_pocond-cond_type = 'PB00'. lt_pocond-cond_value = <fs_out>-netpr. "价格 "lt_pocond-COND_UNIT = lt_poitem-po_unit. "'PC'. lt_pocond-cond_p_unt = <fs_out>-peinh."GS_EXCEL_RAW0-PEINH. "价格单位 lt_pocond-currency = <fs_out>-waers. lt_pocond-change_id = <fs_out>-change_id. append lt_pocond. clear lt_pocond. lt_pocondx-itm_number = lv_ebelp. lt_pocondx-cond_type = 'X'. lt_pocondx-cond_value = 'X'. lt_pocondx-cond_unit = 'X'. "条件单位 lt_pocondx-cond_p_unt = 'X'. "价格单位 lt_pocondx-currency = 'X'. lt_pocondx-change_id = 'X'. append lt_pocondx. clear lt_pocondx. ***计划交货日期 lt_poschedule-po_item = lv_ebelp. lt_poschedule-sched_line = 1. lt_poschedule-delivery_date = <fs_out>-eindt. lt_poschedule-quantity = <fs_out>-menge. append lt_poschedule. clear lt_poschedule. lt_poschedulex-po_item = lv_ebelp. lt_poschedulex-sched_line = 1. lt_poschedulex-delivery_date = 'X'. lt_poschedulex-quantity = 'X'. append lt_poschedulex. clear lt_poschedulex. ***科目分配 lt_poaccount-po_item = lv_ebelp. lt_poaccount-serial_no = 1. if <fs_out>-knttp = 'K'. "科目分配类别 mcr_add_zero <fs_out>-kostl. lt_poaccount-costcenter = <fs_out>-kostl. "成本中心 elseif <fs_out>-knttp = 'A'. lt_poaccount-asset_no = <fs_out>-anln1. "固定资产号 endif. append lt_poaccount. clear lt_poaccount. lt_poaccountx-po_item = lv_ebelp. lt_poaccountx-serial_no = 1. if <fs_out>-knttp = 'K'. "科目分配类别 lt_poaccountx-costcenter = 'X'. elseif <fs_out>-knttp = 'A'. lt_poaccountx-asset_no = 'X'. endif. append lt_poaccountx. clear lt_poaccountx. ***行项目文本 lt_potextitem-po_item = lv_ebelp. lt_potextitem-text_id = 'F01'. lt_potextitem-text_form = 'X'. lt_potextitem-text_line = <fs_out>-txt20. append lt_potextitem. clear lt_potextitem. ***调用BAPI 创建PO at end of zdcno. call function 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1' exporting poheader = ls_poheader poheaderx = ls_poheaderx * no_price_from_po = 'X' importing exppurchaseorder = lv_po_number tables return = lt_return poitem = lt_poitem poitemx = lt_poitemx * POADDRDELIVERY = poschedule = lt_poschedule poschedulex = lt_poschedulex * POEXPIMPITEM = * POEXPIMPITEMX = * POTEXTHEADER = potextitem = lt_potextitem pocond = lt_pocond pocondx = lt_pocondx poaccount = lt_poaccount poaccountx = lt_poaccountx. if lv_po_number is initial. "存在错误 lv_type = 'E'. call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'. loop at lt_return where type = 'A' or type = 'E'. perform frm_get_msg using lt_return changing lv_msg. concatenate lv_msg_sum lv_msg into lv_msg_sum . condense lv_msg_sum . endloop. else. lv_type = 'S'. call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' exporting wait = 'X'. concatenate '创建成功:'(041) lv_po_number into lv_msg_sum . endif. loop at gt_out where zdcno = <fs_out>-zdcno. gt_out-msgty = lv_type. case lv_type. when 'S'. gt_out-zstat = icon_green_light. when 'E'. gt_out-zstat = icon_red_light. endcase. gt_out-msg = lv_msg_sum . modify gt_out index sy-tabix.. endloop. endat. endloop. endform. " FRM_CREATE_BOM *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form FRM_GET_MSG *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_LT_RETURN text * <--P_LV_MSG text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form frm_get_msg using u_return like bapiret2 changing c_message type string. clear c_message. call function 'MESSAGE_TEXT_BUILD' exporting msgid = u_return-id msgnr = u_return-number msgv1 = u_return-message_v1 msgv2 = u_return-message_v2 msgv3 = u_return-message_v3 msgv4 = u_return-message_v4 importing message_text_output = c_message. endform. " FRM_GET_MSG