

  • h j k l
  • Move to file begin
  • Move to file end
  • Move to line 3

Copy & Paste

  • Copy
  • Cut
  • Paste

Search & Replace

  • Search
  • Search by word
  • Search ignorecase
  • Replace in lines
  • Replace in a file
  • Count items
  • Search in files
    vimgrep /Apple/ *.txt
    grep -R . --include='*.cxx' -i -e 'Apple' (You can open the quickfix list by :copen)

Align several lines

  1. Go to first line and enter Visual Mode by CRTL-v
  2. Move to the last line and select the lines by SHIFT-v
  3. Align the lines to have 4 spaces in the left by entering :'<,'>left 4
    (You may need enable ":set expandtab" to insert tab by spaces.)

Undo & Redo

  • Undo
  • Redo

New Window & Split Window

  • New window
  • Switch between windows
    CTRL-w CTRL-w
    CTRL-w h (or j, k, l)
  • Split horizontal window
    CTRL-w s
  • Split vertical window
    CTRL-w v
  • Close a window
  • Close other windows
    CTRL-w o


  • Display line number
    :set number
  • Set tab stop
    :set tabstop=4
  • Insert space to tab
    :set expandtab (reversely, :set noexpandtab)
  • Highlight cursor line and column
    :set cursorline
    :set cursorcolumn
  • Folding with marker
    :set foldenable
    :set foldmethod=marker
    :set foldmarker={{{,}}}
    (Then you can wrap the sections with {{{ and }}} to create folders and sub-folders. You can add comments after {{{ to add the folder comment)
    Close a folder by zc
    Open a folder by zo


  • Generate tag file
    ctags --extra=+q -R .
    ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .
  • Install taglist (
  • Show tag list
  • Go to a tag
    :ta class::member
    :ta class.member
    :ta /disp*
    CTRL-] (go to tag)
    CTRL-T (go back)
  • Set Multiple Tag files
    :set tags:=~/a/tags;~/b/tags
    :set tags+=/my/path/to/tags
  • Set Tag Files Recursively
    :set tags=./tags;/.


  • Generate cscope file
    find . -name '*.hxx' -print > cscope.files
    find . -name '*.cxx' -print >> cscope.files
    cscope -b
  • Find functions calling this function
    :cs find c foo
  • Find a function definition and show the result in a newly splitted window
    :scs find g foo
  • Show cscope file (up to 8)
    :cs show
  • Add a cscope file
    :cs add yourfile
  • Add the line to your ~/.vimrc to map "cscope find e" to Ctrl-\
    nmap <C-\> :cs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>

Word Completion

  • C-x C-n
posted @ 2009-10-14 07:51  frankbadpot  阅读(339)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报