Day01 login module

知识点:模块导入  变量赋值的两种形式  格式化输出  for循环  if...else 嵌套

#!C:\Program Files\Python35/bin
# -*- conding:utf-8 -*-
# author: Frank
import getpass
user,passwd= 'Frank','oldboy_python'
msg = '''
Information of %s person:
NAME: %s
AGE:  %s
JOB:  %s
ID :  %s
''' %(user,user, 21, 'IT Engineer',3714)
input_time = 1
for i in range(5):
        print("-----input %d time-----" %int((input_time)))
        username = input("please input your name:")
     #   password = getpass.getpass("please input your password:")
        password = input("please input your password:")
        if username == user and password == passwd :
            print("%s Welcom to login on" %(user))
            info_confirm = input("If you need double check your personal inform yes/no:")
            if info_confirm == 'yes':
                print("please go ahead")
        else :
            if input_time == 3:
                print("Your input has 3 times wrong , your account will be locked")
               print("Your user or password is invalid , pleasre re_input!")
               input_time += 1


-----input 1 time-----
please input your name:frank
please input your password:dmfkdf
Your user or password is invalid , pleasre re_input!
-----input 2 time-----
please input your name:frank
please input your password:kdf
Your user or password is invalid , pleasre re_input!
-----input 3 time-----
please input your name:Frkdfk
please input your password:msk
Your input has 3 times wrong , your account will be locked

-----input 1 time-----
please input your name:Frank
please input your password:oldboy_python
Frank Welcom to login on
If you need double check your personal inform yes/no:yes

Information of Frank person:
NAME: Frank
AGE:  21
JOB:  IT Engineer
ID :  3714

# 测试3:
-----input 1 time-----
please input your name:frak
please input your password:mksf34
Your user or password is invalid , pleasre re_input!
-----input 2 time-----
please input your name:mddif
please input your password:frank3235
Your user or password is invalid , pleasre re_input!
-----input 3 time-----
please input your name:Frank
please input your password:oldboy_python
Frank Welcom to login on
If you need double check your personal inform yes/no:no
please go ahead


posted @ 2016-11-23 22:11  FrankB  阅读(208)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报