4.process(WatchedEvent evnet)回掉方法
notification event,非notification event
AsyncCallback是在以异步方式使用ZooKeeper APi时,用户获取api的处理结果的。而这具有本质的不同,不要混淆。
1.生产者线程什么时候push event:对于Watcher回调来说,如果客户端在调用getData API时向节点A注册了一个Watcher,那么当节点A的数据发生改变时服务器会主动向客户端发出响应,客户端收到这个响应后,反序列化出WatchedEvent,然后找到所有在节点A注册的Watcher,将他们打包成一个event并push到waitingEvents。
对于AsyncCallback来说,如果客户端在调用getData API来获取节点A的数据并且传递了AsyncCallback,那么会将AsyncCallback保存到客户端的pendingQueue并向服务器获取节点A的数据内容,服务器在获取完节点A的数据内容后会向服务器发送响应,客户端拿到这个响应后取出pendingQueue中的AsyncCallback,然后打包成event 并push到waitingEvents。
1.接受服务器的响应,并反序列化出ReplyHeader: 有一个单独的线程SendThread,负责接收服务器端的响应。假设他接受到的服务器传递过来的字节流失incomingBuffer。那么他做的第一步就应该将这个incomingBuffer反序列化出ReplyHeader。
2.1 如果是Wacher类型响应:从ReplyHeader中创建WatchedEvent,WatchedEvent里面存储了节点的路径,然后去WatcherManager中找到和这个节点相关联的所有Wacher,将他们写入到EventWaiting的waitingEvents中。
2.2 如果是AsyncCallback类型响应:从ReplyHeader中读取response,这个response描述了是Exists,setData,getData,getChildren,create.....中的哪一个异步回调。从pendingQueue中拿到Package,Package中的cb存储了AsyncCallback,也就是异步API的结果回调。最后将Package写入到EventThreadwaitingEvents中。
/** * Return the data and the stat of the node of the given path. * <p> * If the watch is non-null and the call is successful (no exception is * thrown), a watch will be left on the node with the given path. The watch * will be triggered by a successful operation that sets data on the node, or * deletes the node. * <p> * A KeeperException with error code KeeperException.NoNode will be thrown * if no node with the given path exists. * * @param path the given path * @param watcher explicit watcher * @param stat the stat of the node * @return the data of the node * @throws KeeperException If the server signals an error with a non-zero error code * @throws InterruptedException If the server transaction is interrupted. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid path is specified */ public byte[] getData(final String path, Watcher watcher, Stat stat) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { final String clientPath = path; PathUtils.validatePath(clientPath); // the watch contains the un-chroot path WatchRegistration wcb = null; if (watcher != null) { wcb = new DataWatchRegistration(watcher, clientPath); } final String serverPath = prependChroot(clientPath); RequestHeader h = new RequestHeader(); h.setType(ZooDefs.OpCode.getData); GetDataRequest request = new GetDataRequest(); request.setPath(serverPath); request.setWatch(watcher != null); GetDataResponse response = new GetDataResponse();
//提交请求,等待请求处理完毕 ReplyHeader r = cnxn.submitRequest(h, request, response, wcb); if (r.getErr() != 0) { throw KeeperException.create(KeeperException.Code.get(r.getErr()), clientPath); } if (stat != null) { DataTree.copyStat(response.getStat(), stat); } return response.getData(); }
public ReplyHeader submitRequest(RequestHeader h, Record request, Record response, WatchRegistration watchRegistration) throws InterruptedException { ReplyHeader r = new ReplyHeader();
//提交请求到outgoingQueue,outgoingQueue里面的请求是将要发送到服务器的请求,ClientCnxnSocket的doIO()会从outgoingQueue中取出队列发送到服务器 Packet packet = queuePacket(h, r, request, response, null, null, null, null, watchRegistration);
//阻塞等待,直到这个请求处理完成 synchronized (packet) { while (!packet.finished) { packet.wait(); } } return r; }
Packet queuePacket(RequestHeader h, ReplyHeader r, Record request, Record response, AsyncCallback cb, String clientPath, String serverPath, Object ctx, WatchRegistration watchRegistration) { Packet packet = null; // Note that we do not generate the Xid for the packet yet. It is // generated later at send-time, by an implementation of ClientCnxnSocket::doIO(), // where the packet is actually sent.
//这里不会为这个packet生成xid,当ClientCnxnSocket::doIO从outgoingQueue中取出packet才生成xid synchronized (outgoingQueue) { packet = new Packet(h, r, request, response, watchRegistration); packet.cb = cb; packet.ctx = ctx; packet.clientPath = clientPath; packet.serverPath = serverPath;
//如果会话已经关闭 if (!state.isAlive() || closing) { conLossPacket(packet); } else { // If the client is asking to close the session then // mark as closing
if (h.getType() == OpCode.closeSession) { closing = true; } outgoingQueue.add(packet); } } sendThread.getClientCnxnSocket().wakeupCnxn(); return packet; }
/** * @return true if a packet was received * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException */ void doIO(List<Packet> pendingQueue, LinkedList<Packet> outgoingQueue, ClientCnxn cnxn) throws InterruptedException, IOException { SocketChannel sock = (SocketChannel) sockKey.channel(); if (sock == null) { throw new IOException("Socket is null!"); }
//优先处理读响应 if (sockKey.isReadable()) { int rc = sock.read(incomingBuffer); if (rc < 0) { throw new EndOfStreamException( "Unable to read additional data from server sessionid 0x" + Long.toHexString(sessionId) + ", likely server has closed socket"); } if (!incomingBuffer.hasRemaining()) { incomingBuffer.flip(); if (incomingBuffer == lenBuffer) { recvCount++; readLength(); } else if (!initialized) { readConnectResult(); enableRead(); if (findSendablePacket(outgoingQueue, cnxn.sendThread.clientTunneledAuthenticationInProgress()) != null) { // Since SASL authentication has completed (if client is configured to do so), // outgoing packets waiting in the outgoingQueue can now be sent. enableWrite(); } lenBuffer.clear(); incomingBuffer = lenBuffer; updateLastHeard(); initialized = true; } else { sendThread.readResponse(incomingBuffer); lenBuffer.clear(); incomingBuffer = lenBuffer; updateLastHeard(); } } } if (sockKey.isWritable()) { synchronized(outgoingQueue) { Packet p = findSendablePacket(outgoingQueue, cnxn.sendThread.clientTunneledAuthenticationInProgress()); if (p != null) { updateLastSend(); // If we already started writing p, p.bb will already exist if (p.bb == null) { if ((p.requestHeader != null) && (p.requestHeader.getType() != OpCode.ping) && (p.requestHeader.getType() != OpCode.auth)) { p.requestHeader.setXid(cnxn.getXid()); } p.createBB(); } sock.write(p.bb); if (!p.bb.hasRemaining()) { sentCount++; outgoingQueue.removeFirstOccurrence(p); if (p.requestHeader != null && p.requestHeader.getType() != OpCode.ping && p.requestHeader.getType() != OpCode.auth) { synchronized (pendingQueue) { pendingQueue.add(p); } } } } if (outgoingQueue.isEmpty()) { // No more packets to send: turn off write interest flag. // Will be turned on later by a later call to enableWrite(), // from within ZooKeeperSaslClient (if client is configured // to attempt SASL authentication), or in either doIO() or // in doTransport() if not. disableWrite(); } else { // Just in case enableWrite(); } } } }
void readResponse(ByteBuffer incomingBuffer) throws IOException { ByteBufferInputStream bbis = new ByteBufferInputStream( incomingBuffer); BinaryInputArchive bbia = BinaryInputArchive.getArchive(bbis); ReplyHeader replyHdr = new ReplyHeader(); replyHdr.deserialize(bbia, "header");
//虽然客户端会发送ping或者auth消息给服务器,但是客户端并不需要等待服务器的响应,也就是说他并没有将请求写入到pendingQueue中 if (replyHdr.getXid() == -2) { // -2 is the xid for pings if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Got ping response for sessionid: 0x" + Long.toHexString(sessionId) + " after " + ((System.nanoTime() - lastPingSentNs) / 1000000) + "ms"); } return; } if (replyHdr.getXid() == -4) { // -4 is the xid for AuthPacket if(replyHdr.getErr() == KeeperException.Code.AUTHFAILED.intValue()) { state = States.AUTH_FAILED; eventThread.queueEvent( new WatchedEvent(Watcher.Event.EventType.None, Watcher.Event.KeeperState.AuthFailed, null) ); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Got auth sessionid:0x" + Long.toHexString(sessionId)); } return; }
//notification类型的通知,watcher回掉相关逻辑。 if (replyHdr.getXid() == -1) { // -1 means notification if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Got notification sessionid:0x" + Long.toHexString(sessionId)); } WatcherEvent event = new WatcherEvent(); event.deserialize(bbia, "response"); // convert from a server path to a client path if (chrootPath != null) { String serverPath = event.getPath(); if(serverPath.compareTo(chrootPath)==0) event.setPath("/"); else if (serverPath.length() > chrootPath.length()) event.setPath(serverPath.substring(chrootPath.length())); else { LOG.warn("Got server path " + event.getPath() + " which is too short for chroot path " + chrootPath); } } WatchedEvent we = new WatchedEvent(event); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Got " + we + " for sessionid 0x" + Long.toHexString(sessionId)); } //根据<clientPath,EventType>从ZKWatcherManager中取出相关的wacher,然后封装成:
//<EventType(NodeDataChanged),Path(/abc),watche1 for getData,WatchedEvent>
//<EventType(NodeDataChanged),Path(/abc),watche1 for exists,WatchedEvent>
eventThread.queueEvent( we ); return; } // If SASL authentication is currently in progress, construct and // send a response packet immediately, rather than queuing a // response as with other packets. if (clientTunneledAuthenticationInProgress()) { GetSASLRequest request = new GetSASLRequest(); request.deserialize(bbia,"token"); zooKeeperSaslClient.respondToServer(request.getToken(), ClientCnxn.this); return; } Packet packet; synchronized (pendingQueue) { if (pendingQueue.size() == 0) { throw new IOException("Nothing in the queue, but got " + replyHdr.getXid()); } packet = pendingQueue.remove(); } /* * Since requests are processed in order, we better get a response * to the first request! */ try { if (packet.requestHeader.getXid() != replyHdr.getXid()) { packet.replyHeader.setErr( KeeperException.Code.CONNECTIONLOSS.intValue()); throw new IOException("Xid out of order. Got Xid " + replyHdr.getXid() + " with err " + + replyHdr.getErr() + " expected Xid " + packet.requestHeader.getXid() + " for a packet with details: " + packet ); } packet.replyHeader.setXid(replyHdr.getXid()); packet.replyHeader.setErr(replyHdr.getErr()); packet.replyHeader.setZxid(replyHdr.getZxid()); if (replyHdr.getZxid() > 0) { lastZxid = replyHdr.getZxid(); } if (packet.response != null && replyHdr.getErr() == 0) { packet.response.deserialize(bbia, "response"); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Reading reply sessionid:0x" + Long.toHexString(sessionId) + ", packet:: " + packet); } } finally {
//客户端发送的非ping,auth请求,比如getData,setData等,注意事项,如果客户端注册了新的wather,需要将这个watcher保存到ZKWatcherManager中。如果是同步调用,直接通知客户端完成即可,如果是异步调用,就需要进行AsyncCallback回掉。 finishPacket(packet); } }
private void finishPacket(Packet p) {
if (p.watchRegistration != null) { p.watchRegistration.register(p.replyHeader.getErr()); }
//cb就是AsnycCallback,如果为null,表明是同步调用的接口,不需要异步回掉,因此,直接notifyAll即可。 if (p.cb == null) { synchronized (p) { p.finished = true; p.notifyAll(); } } else { p.finished = true; eventThread.queuePacket(p); } }
private void processEvent(Object event) { try {
//watcher回掉逻辑 if (event instanceof WatcherSetEventPair) { // each watcher will process the event WatcherSetEventPair pair = (WatcherSetEventPair) event; for (Watcher watcher : pair.watchers) { try { watcher.process(pair.event); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Error while calling watcher ", t); } } } else {
//create,getData等需要异步回掉的 Packet p = (Packet) event; int rc = 0; String clientPath = p.clientPath; if (p.replyHeader.getErr() != 0) { rc = p.replyHeader.getErr(); } if (p.cb == null) { LOG.warn("Somehow a null cb got to EventThread!"); } else if (p.response instanceof ExistsResponse || p.response instanceof SetDataResponse || p.response instanceof SetACLResponse) { StatCallback cb = (StatCallback) p.cb; if (rc == 0) { if (p.response instanceof ExistsResponse) { cb.processResult(rc, clientPath, p.ctx, ((ExistsResponse) p.response) .getStat()); } else if (p.response instanceof SetDataResponse) { cb.processResult(rc, clientPath, p.ctx, ((SetDataResponse) p.response) .getStat()); } else if (p.response instanceof SetACLResponse) { cb.processResult(rc, clientPath, p.ctx, ((SetACLResponse) p.response) .getStat()); } } else { cb.processResult(rc, clientPath, p.ctx, null); } } else if (p.response instanceof GetDataResponse) { DataCallback cb = (DataCallback) p.cb; GetDataResponse rsp = (GetDataResponse) p.response; if (rc == 0) { cb.processResult(rc, clientPath, p.ctx, rsp .getData(), rsp.getStat()); } else { cb.processResult(rc, clientPath, p.ctx, null, null); } } else if (p.response instanceof GetACLResponse) { ACLCallback cb = (ACLCallback) p.cb; GetACLResponse rsp = (GetACLResponse) p.response; if (rc == 0) { cb.processResult(rc, clientPath, p.ctx, rsp .getAcl(), rsp.getStat()); } else { cb.processResult(rc, clientPath, p.ctx, null, null); } } else if (p.response instanceof GetChildrenResponse) { ChildrenCallback cb = (ChildrenCallback) p.cb; GetChildrenResponse rsp = (GetChildrenResponse) p.response; if (rc == 0) { cb.processResult(rc, clientPath, p.ctx, rsp .getChildren()); } else { cb.processResult(rc, clientPath, p.ctx, null); } } else if (p.response instanceof GetChildren2Response) { Children2Callback cb = (Children2Callback) p.cb; GetChildren2Response rsp = (GetChildren2Response) p.response; if (rc == 0) { cb.processResult(rc, clientPath, p.ctx, rsp .getChildren(), rsp.getStat()); } else { cb.processResult(rc, clientPath, p.ctx, null, null); } } else if (p.response instanceof CreateResponse) { StringCallback cb = (StringCallback) p.cb; CreateResponse rsp = (CreateResponse) p.response; if (rc == 0) { cb.processResult(rc, clientPath, p.ctx, (chrootPath == null ? rsp.getPath() : rsp.getPath() .substring(chrootPath.length()))); } else { cb.processResult(rc, clientPath, p.ctx, null); } } else if (p.cb instanceof VoidCallback) { VoidCallback cb = (VoidCallback) p.cb; cb.processResult(rc, clientPath, p.ctx); } } } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Caught unexpected throwable", t); } } }
因此与a关联的watcher有watcher1和watcher2。如果节点a被修改了,那么客户端会收到notification 类型的通知,这里应是NodeDataChanged事件类型,此时,客户端需要回掉watcher1和watcher2.也就是说,他需要根据<EventType,clientPath>来找到与节点a对应的所有watcher。
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