ActionListener接口 ——通常用自己创建的新类implements接口
1 package button; 2 3 import java.awt.*; 4 import java.awt.event.*; 5 import javax.swing.*; 6 7 /** 8 * A frame with a button panel 9 */ 10 public class ButtonFrame extends JFrame 11 { 12 private JPanel buttonPanel; 13 private static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 300; 14 private static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 200; 15 16 public ButtonFrame() 17 { 18 setSize(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT); 19 20 // create buttons 21 JButton yellowButton = new JButton("Yellow"); 22 JButton blueButton = new JButton("Blue"); 23 JButton redButton = new JButton("Red"); 24 25 buttonPanel = new JPanel(); 26 27 // add buttons to panel 28 buttonPanel.add(yellowButton); 29 buttonPanel.add(blueButton); 30 buttonPanel.add(redButton); 31 32 // add panel to frame 33 add(buttonPanel); 34 35 // create button actions 36 ColorAction yellowAction = new ColorAction(Color.YELLOW); 37 ColorAction blueAction = new ColorAction(Color.BLUE); 38 ColorAction redAction = new ColorAction(Color.RED); 39 40 // associate actions with buttons 41 yellowButton.addActionListener(yellowAction); 42 blueButton.addActionListener(blueAction); 43 redButton.addActionListener(redAction); 44 } 45 46 /** 47 * An action listener that sets the panel's background color. 48 */ 49 private class ColorAction implements ActionListener 50 { 51 private Color backgroundColor; 52 53 public ColorAction(Color c) 54 { 55 backgroundColor = c; 56 } 57 58 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) 59 { 60 buttonPanel.setBackground(backgroundColor); 61 } 62 } 63 }
1 package plaf; 2 3 import java.awt.event.*; 4 import javax.swing.*; 5 6 /** 7 * A frame with a button panel for changing look and feel 8 */ 9 public class PlafFrame extends JFrame 10 { 11 private JPanel buttonPanel; 12 public PlafFrame() 13 { 14 buttonPanel = new JPanel(); 15 16 UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo[] infos = UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels(); 17 for (UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo info : infos) 18 makeButton(info.getName(), info.getClassName()); 19 20 add(buttonPanel); 21 pack(); 22 } 23 24 /** 25 * Makes a button to change the pluggable look and feel. 26 * @param name the button name 27 * @param plafName the name of the look and feel class 28 */ 29 void makeButton(String name, final String plafName) 30 { 31 // add button to panel 32 33 JButton button = new JButton(name); 34 buttonPanel.add(button); 35 36 // set button action 37 38 button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() 39 { 40 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) 41 { 42 // button action: switch to the new look and feel 43 try 44 { 45 UIManager.setLookAndFeel(plafName); 46 SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(PlafFrame.this); 47 pack(); 48 } 49 catch (Exception e) 50 { 51 e.printStackTrace(); 52 } 53 } 54 }); 55 } 56 }
Action接口 由AbstractAction类实现 包含以下方法:
void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event); //扩展于ActionListener接口 void setEnabled(boolean b); //启用或禁用这个这个动作 boolean isEnabled(); //检查动作是否启用 void putValue(String key, Object value); //存储名/值对到动作对象中 Object getvalue(String key); //检索动作对象中的任意名/值对 void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener); void remove PropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener);
名称 | 值 |
NAME | 动作名称,显示在按钮和菜单上 |
SMALL_ICON | 存储小图标的地方;显示在按钮、菜单项或工具栏中 |
SHORT_DESCRIPTION | 图标的简要说明;显示在工具提示中 |
LONG_DESCRIPTION | 图标的详细说明;显示在在线帮助中。没有Swing组件使用这个值 |
MNEMONIC_KEY | 快捷键缩写;显示在菜单项中 |
ACCELERATOR_KEY | 存储加速击键的地方;Swing组件不使用这个值 |
ACTION_COMMAND_KEY | 历史遗留;仅在旧版本的registerKeyboardAction方法中使用 |
DEFAULT | 常用的综合属性;Swing组件不使用这个值 |
每个组件可以有三个输入映射InputMap和一个动作映射ActionMap 用get获取 put改变
标志 | 激活动作 |
WHEN_FOCUSED | 当这个组件拥有键盘焦点时 |
WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW | 当这个组件被包含在一个拥有键盘焦点组件的窗口中时 |
1 package action; 2 3 import java.awt.*; 4 import java.awt.event.*; 5 import javax.swing.*; 6 7 /** 8 * A frame with a panel that demonstrates color change actions. 9 */ 10 public class ActionFrame extends JFrame 11 { 12 private JPanel buttonPanel; 13 private static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 300; 14 private static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 200; 15 16 public ActionFrame() 17 { 18 setSize(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT); 19 20 buttonPanel = new JPanel(); 21 22 // define actions 23 Action yellowAction = new ColorAction("Yellow", new ImageIcon("yellow-ball.gif"), 24 Color.YELLOW); 25 Action blueAction = new ColorAction("Blue", new ImageIcon("blue-ball.gif"), Color.BLUE); 26 Action redAction = new ColorAction("Red", new ImageIcon("red-ball.gif"), Color.RED); 27 28 // add buttons for these actions 29 buttonPanel.add(new JButton(yellowAction)); 30 buttonPanel.add(new JButton(blueAction)); 31 buttonPanel.add(new JButton(redAction)); 32 33 // add panel to frame 34 add(buttonPanel); 35 36 // associate the Y, B, and R keys with names 37 InputMap imap = buttonPanel.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT); 38 imap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl Y"), "panel.yellow"); 39 imap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl B"), ""); 40 imap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl R"), ""); 41 42 // associate the names with actions 43 ActionMap amap = buttonPanel.getActionMap(); 44 amap.put("panel.yellow", yellowAction); 45 amap.put("", blueAction); 46 amap.put("", redAction); 47 } 48 49 public class ColorAction extends AbstractAction 50 { 51 /** 52 * Constructs a color action. 53 * @param name the name to show on the button 54 * @param icon the icon to display on the button 55 * @param c the background color 56 */ 57 public ColorAction(String name, Icon icon, Color c) 58 { 59 putValue(Action.NAME, name); 60 putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, icon); 61 putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Set panel color to " + name.toLowerCase()); 62 putValue("color", c); 63 } 64 65 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) 66 { 67 Color c = (Color) getValue("color"); 68 buttonPanel.setBackground(c); 69 } 70 } 71 }
MouseHandler类 extends MouseAdapter类 implement MouseListener接口
鼠标第一次被按下时,调用mouse Pressed方法;鼠标被释放时调用mouseReleased方法;最后调用mouseClicked方法。如果只对最终的点击事件感兴趣,可以忽略前两个方法。
MouseMotionHandler类 implement MouseMotionListener接口
1 package mouse; 2 3 import java.awt.*; 4 import java.awt.event.*; 5 import java.awt.geom.*; 6 import java.util.*; 7 import javax.swing.*; 8 9 /** 10 * A component with mouse operations for adding and removing squares. 11 */ 12 public class MouseComponent extends JComponent 13 { 14 private static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 300; 15 private static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 200; 16 17 private static final int SIDELENGTH = 10; 18 private ArrayList<Rectangle2D> squares; 19 private Rectangle2D current; // the square containing the mouse cursor 20 21 public MouseComponent() 22 { 23 squares = new ArrayList<>(); 24 current = null; 25 26 addMouseListener(new MouseHandler()); 27 addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionHandler()); 28 } 29 30 public void paintComponent(Graphics g) 31 { 32 Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; 33 34 // draw all squares 35 for (Rectangle2D r : squares) 36 g2.draw(r); 37 } 38 39 /** 40 * Finds the first square containing a point. 41 * @param p a point 42 * @return the first square that contains p 43 */ 44 public Rectangle2D find(Point2D p) 45 { 46 for (Rectangle2D r : squares) 47 { 48 if (r.contains(p)) return r; 49 } 50 return null; 51 } 52 53 /** 54 * Adds a square to the collection. 55 * @param p the center of the square 56 */ 57 public void add(Point2D p) 58 { 59 double x = p.getX(); 60 double y = p.getY(); 61 62 current = new Rectangle2D.Double(x - SIDELENGTH / 2, y - SIDELENGTH / 2, SIDELENGTH, 63 SIDELENGTH); 64 squares.add(current); 65 repaint(); 66 } 67 68 /** 69 * Removes a square from the collection. 70 * @param s the square to remove 71 */ 72 public void remove(Rectangle2D s) 73 { 74 if (s == null) return; 75 if (s == current) current = null; 76 squares.remove(s); 77 repaint(); 78 } 79 80 private class MouseHandler extends MouseAdapter 81 { 82 public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) 83 { 84 // add a new square if the cursor isn't inside a square 85 current = find(event.getPoint()); 86 if (current == null) add(event.getPoint()); 87 } 88 89 public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) 90 { 91 // remove the current square if double clicked 92 current = find(event.getPoint()); 93 if (current != null && event.getClickCount() >= 2) remove(current); 94 } 95 } 96 97 private class MouseMotionHandler implements MouseMotionListener 98 { 99 public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent event) 100 { 101 // set the mouse cursor to cross hairs if it is inside 102 // a rectangle 103 104 if (find(event.getPoint()) == null) setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); 105 else setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); 106 } 107 108 public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event) 109 { 110 if (current != null) 111 { 112 int x = event.getX(); 113 int y = event.getY(); 114 115 // drag the current rectangle to center it at (x, y) 116 current.setFrame(x - SIDELENGTH / 2, y - SIDELENGTH / 2, SIDELENGTH, SIDELENGTH); 117 repaint(); 118 } 119 } 120 } 121 122 public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT); } 123 }
事件 | 接口 | 方法 | 访问方法 | 事件源 | |
语义事件类 | ActionEvent | ActionListener | actionPerformed |
getActionCommand getModifiers |
AbstractButton JComboBox JTextField Timer |
AdjustmentEvent | AdjustmentListener | adjustmentValueChanged |
getAdjustable getAdjustmentType getValue |
JScrollbar | |
ItemEvent | ItemListener | itemStateChanged |
getIten getItemSelectable getStateChange |
AbstractButton JComboBox |
低级事件类 | FocusEvent | FocusListener |
focusGained focusLost |
isTemporary | Component |
KeyEvent | KeyListener |
keyPressed keyReleased keyTyped |
getKeyChar getKeyCode getKeyModifiersText getKeyText isActionKey |
Component | |
MouseEvent | MouseListener |
mousePressed mouseReleased mouseEntered mouseExited mouseClicked |
getClickCount getX getY getPoint translatePoint |
Component | |
MouseEvent | MouseMotionListener |
mouseDragged mouseMoved |
Component | ||
MouseWheelEvent | MouseWheelListener | mouseWheelMoved |
getWheelRotation getScrollAmount |
Component | |
WindowEvent | WindowListener |
windowClosing windowOpened windowIconified windowDeiconified windowClosed windowActivated windowDeactivated |
getWindow |
Window | |
WindowEvent | WindowFocusListener |
windowGainFocus windowLostFocus |
getOppositeWindow | Window | |
WindowEvent | WindowStateListener | windowStateChanged |
getOldState getNewState |
Window |