// 控制台切换 window.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { const { altKey, ctrlKey, keyCode } = e; console.log(keyCode, 'keyCode'); // alt + ctrl + (Command | Windows) + l if (keyCode === 123) { //获取当前窗体 const currentWindow = window.require('electron').remote.getCurrentWindow(); currentWindow && currentWindow.toggleDevTools(); e.preventDefault(); } }, false);
app.whenReady().then(() => { // We cannot require the screen module until the app is ready. const { screen } = require('electron') // Create a window that fills the screen's available work area. const primaryDisplay = screen.getPrimaryDisplay() const { width, height } = primaryDisplay.workAreaSize mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width, height }) mainWindow.loadURL('https://electronjs.org') })