
T Y P E L I B R A R I E S库加载

2018-03-04 22:08  二进制乐谱  阅读(408)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
#                T Y P E  L I B R A R I E S

def LoadTil(name):
    Load a type library

    @param name: name of type library.
    @return: 1-ok, 0-failed.
    til = idaapi.add_til2(name, idaapi.ADDTIL_DEFAULT)

    if til:
        return 1
        return 0

def Til2Idb(idx, type_name):
    Copy information from type library to database
    Copy structure, union, or enum definition from the type library
    to the IDA database.

    @param idx: the position of the new type in the list of
                types (structures or enums) -1 means at the end of the list
    @param type_name: name of type to copy

    @return: BADNODE-failed, otherwise the type id (structure id or enum id)
    return idaapi.import_type(idaapi.cvar.idati, idx, type_name)

def GetType(ea):
    Get type of function/variable

    @param ea: the address of the object

    @return: type string or None if failed
    return idaapi.idc_get_type(ea)

def SizeOf(typestr):
    Returns the size of the type. It is equivalent to IDC's sizeof().
    Use name, tp, fld = idc.ParseType() ; SizeOf(tp) to retrieve the size
    @return: -1 if typestring is not valid otherwise the size of the type
    return idaapi.calc_type_size(idaapi.cvar.idati, typestr)

def GetTinfo(ea):
    Get type information of function/variable as 'typeinfo' object

    @param ea: the address of the object
    @return: None on failure, or (type, fields) tuple.
    return idaapi.idc_get_type_raw(ea)

def GetLocalTinfo(ordinal):
    Get local type information as 'typeinfo' object

    @param ordinal:  slot number (1...NumberOfLocalTypes)
    @return: None on failure, or (type, fields, name) tuple.
    return idaapi.idc_get_local_type_raw(ordinal)

def GuessType(ea):
    Guess type of function/variable

    @param ea: the address of the object, can be the structure member id too

    @return: type string or None if failed
    return idaapi.idc_guess_type(ea)

TINFO_GUESSED   = 0x0000 # this is a guessed type
TINFO_DEFINITE  = 0x0001 # this is a definite type
TINFO_DELAYFUNC = 0x0002 # if type is a function and no function exists at ea,
                            # schedule its creation and argument renaming to
                            # auto-analysis otherwise try to create it immediately

def ApplyType(ea, py_type, flags = TINFO_DEFINITE):
    Apply the specified type to the address

    @param ti: Type info. 'idaapi.cvar.idati' can be passed.
    @param py_type: typeinfo tuple (type, fields) as GetTinfo() returns
                 or tuple (name, type, fields) as ParseType() returns
                 or None
                if specified as None, then the
                item associated with 'ea' will be deleted.
    @param ea: the address of the object
    @param flags: combination of TINFO_... constants or 0
    @return: Boolean

    if py_type is None:
        py_type = ""
    if isinstance(py_type, basestring) and len(py_type) == 0:
        pt = ("", "")
        if len(py_type) == 3:
            pt = py_type[1:]      # skip name component
            pt = py_type
    return idaapi.apply_type(idaapi.cvar.idati, pt[0], pt[1], ea, flags)

def SetType(ea, newtype):
    Set type of function/variable

    @param ea: the address of the object
    @param newtype: the type string in C declaration form.
                Must contain the closing ';'
                if specified as an empty string, then the
                item associated with 'ea' will be deleted.

    @return: 1-ok, 0-failed.
    if newtype is not '':
        pt = ParseType(newtype, 1) # silent
        if pt is None:
            # parsing failed
            return None
        pt = None
    return ApplyType(ea, pt, TINFO_DEFINITE)

def ParseType(inputtype, flags):
    Parse type declaration

    @param inputtype: file name or C declarations (depending on the flags)
    @param flags: combination of PT_... constants or 0

    @return: None on failure or (name, type, fields) tuple
    if len(inputtype) != 0 and inputtype[-1] != ';':
        inputtype = inputtype + ';'
    return idaapi.idc_parse_decl(idaapi.cvar.idati, inputtype, flags)

def ParseTypes(inputtype, flags = 0):
    Parse type declarations

    @param inputtype: file name or C declarations (depending on the flags)
    @param flags: combination of PT_... constants or 0

    @return: number of parsing errors (0 no errors)
    return idaapi.idc_parse_types(inputtype, flags)

PT_FILE =   0x0001  # input if a file name (otherwise contains type declarations)
PT_SILENT = 0x0002  # silent mode
PT_PAKDEF = 0x0000  # default pack value
PT_PAK1 =   0x0010  # #pragma pack(1)
PT_PAK2 =   0x0020  # #pragma pack(2)
PT_PAK4 =   0x0030  # #pragma pack(4)
PT_PAK8 =   0x0040  # #pragma pack(8)
PT_PAK16 =  0x0050  # #pragma pack(16)
PT_HIGH  =  0x0080  # assume high level prototypes
                    # (with hidden args, etc)
PT_LOWER =  0x0100  # lower the function prototypes

def GetMaxLocalType():
    Get number of local types + 1

    @return: value >= 1. 1 means that there are no local types.
    return idaapi.get_ordinal_qty(idaapi.cvar.idati)

def SetLocalType(ordinal, input, flags):
    Parse one type declaration and store it in the specified slot

    @param ordinal:  slot number (1...NumberOfLocalTypes)
                     -1 means allocate new slot or reuse the slot
                     of the existing named type
    @param input:  C declaration. Empty input empties the slot
    @param flags:  combination of PT_... constants or 0

    @return: slot number or 0 if error
    return idaapi.idc_set_local_type(ordinal, input, flags)

def GetLocalType(ordinal, flags):
    Retrieve a local type declaration
    @param flags: any of PRTYPE_* constants
    @return: local type as a C declaration or ""
    (type, fields) = GetLocalTinfo(ordinal)
    if type:
        name = GetLocalTypeName(ordinal)
        return idaapi.idc_print_type(type, fields, name, flags)
    return ""

PRTYPE_1LINE  = 0x0000 # print to one line
PRTYPE_MULTI  = 0x0001 # print to many lines
PRTYPE_TYPE   = 0x0002 # print type declaration (not variable declaration)
PRTYPE_PRAGMA = 0x0004 # print pragmas for alignment

def GetLocalTypeName(ordinal):
    Retrieve a local type name

    @param ordinal:  slot number (1...NumberOfLocalTypes)

    returns: local type name or None

