Field Alert: Initial Voltage Level Setting of CVDD rail power supplies
Devices: KeyStone I family of devices – C6678/74/72/71, TCI6608/04/02, C6670,
TCI6618, TCI6616, C6657/55/54, TCI6614/12
Revisions: All revisions
Customers are required to program their board CVDD supply initial value to 1.1V on all
Keystone I devices unless otherwise noted in an authorized change notice (Ex. Device
Errata, Field Alert etc.). The initial CVDD voltage at power-on will be 1.1V nominal and
it must transition to VID set value, immediately after being presented on the VCNTL pins.
This is required to maintain full power functionality and reliability targets guaranteed by
The Hardware Design Guide and Device specific data manuals are currently being
updated to include this information in their next release to SmartReflex voltage
scheme as defined by the device specific data manuals and hardware design guides is
absolutely required.