HDFS Lease Recovey 和 Block Recovery

这篇分析一下Lease Recovery 和 Block Recovery


在hdfs的设计中,Lease是为了实现一个文件在一个时刻只能被一个客户端写。客户端写文件或者append之前都需要向namenode申请这个文件的Lease,在客户端写数据的过程中,后台线程会不断的renew lease,不断的延长独占写的时间.实际上,Lease有两个limit,一个是soft limit,默认60s,一个是hard limit,默认1小时。这两个limit的区别如下:

lease soft limit过期之前,该客户端拥有对这个文件的独立访问权,其他客户端不能剥夺该客户端独占写这个文件的权利。

lease soft limit过期后,任何一个客户端都可以回收lease,继而得到这个文件的lease,获得对这个文件的独占访问权。

lease hard limit过期后,namenode强制关闭文件,撤销lease.

考虑客户端写文件的过程中宕机,那么在lease soft limit过期之前,其他的客户端不能写这个文件,等到lease soft limit过期后,其他客户端可以写这个文件,在写文件之前,会首先检查文件是不是没有关闭,如果没有,那么就会进入lease recovery和block recovery阶段,这个阶段的目的是使文件的最后一个block的所有副本数据达到一致,因为客户端写block的多个副本是pipeline写,pipeline中的副本数据不一致很正常。



FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(configuration);
FSDataOutputStream out = fs.append(path);


 // Opening an existing file for write - may need to recover lease.
 recoverLeaseInternal(myFile, src, holder, clientMachine, false);

来检查是否需要首先对文件进行lease recovery.重点看看这个函数.

 private void recoverLeaseInternal(INodeFile fileInode, 
      String src, String holder, String clientMachine, boolean force)
      throws IOException {
    // holder是对这个文件进行append的clientname
    assert hasWriteLock();
    if (fileInode != null && fileInode.isUnderConstruction()) {
      // If the file is under construction , then it must be in our
      // leases. Find the appropriate lease record.
      Lease lease = leaseManager.getLease(holder);
      // We found the lease for this file. And surprisingly the original
      // holder is trying to recreate this file. This should never occur.
      if (!force && lease != null) {
        Lease leaseFile = leaseManager.getLeaseByPath(src);
        if ((leaseFile != null && leaseFile.equals(lease)) ||
            lease.getHolder().equals(holder)) { 
          throw new AlreadyBeingCreatedException(
            "failed to create file " + src + " for " + holder +
            " for client " + clientMachine +
            " because current leaseholder is trying to recreate file.");
      // Find the original holder.
      FileUnderConstructionFeature uc = fileInode.getFileUnderConstructionFeature();
      String clientName = uc.getClientName();
      lease = leaseManager.getLease(clientName);
      if (lease == null) {
        throw new AlreadyBeingCreatedException(
          "failed to create file " + src + " for " + holder +
          " for client " + clientMachine +
          " because pendingCreates is non-null but no leases found.");
      if (force) {
        // close now: no need to wait for soft lease expiration and 
        // close only the file src
        LOG.info("recoverLease: " + lease + ", src=" + src +
          " from client " + clientName);
        internalReleaseLease(lease, src, holder);
      } else {
        assert lease.getHolder().equals(clientName) :
          "Current lease holder " + lease.getHolder() +
          " does not match file creator " + clientName;
        // If the original holder has not renewed in the last SOFTLIMIT 
        // period, then start lease recovery.
        if (lease.expiredSoftLimit()) {
          LOG.info("startFile: recover " + lease + ", src=" + src + " client "
              + clientName);
          boolean isClosed = internalReleaseLease(lease, src, null);
            throw new RecoveryInProgressException(
                "Failed to close file " + src +
                ". Lease recovery is in progress. Try again later.");
        } else {
          final BlockInfo lastBlock = fileInode.getLastBlock();
          if (lastBlock != null
              && lastBlock.getBlockUCState() == BlockUCState.UNDER_RECOVERY) {
            throw new RecoveryInProgressException("Recovery in progress, file ["
                + src + "], " + "lease owner [" + lease.getHolder() + "]");
          } else {
            throw new AlreadyBeingCreatedException("Failed to create file ["
                + src + "] for [" + holder + "] for client [" + clientMachine
                + "], because this file is already being created by ["
                + clientName + "] on ["
                + uc.getClientMachine() + "]");

  1. 通过检查文件的INode看文件的状态,如果处于under construction状态,说明,该文件不处于关闭状态,那么很可能这个文件需要经过lease recovery和block recovery阶段来对文件的最后一个block的多个副本达到一致.

  2. 从lease manager中根据clientname拿到clientname持有的Lease(holder是调用此次append操作的clientname),如果不为空,说明该客户端依然持有lease,那么接着看这个lease中是否包含append的这个文件名,如果确实有,那么说明当前客户端仍然持有这个文件的lease,append失败,因为append的前提条件是文件处于closed状态.如果lease中不包含这个文件,说明客户端当前不持有这个文件的Lease,那么继续往下走

  3. 从INode中找出这个之前拥有这个文件的leaseholder,也就是在我们设定的场景中的宕机的客户端,然后从lease manager中找到宕机的客户端对应的Lease,然后检查是否这个lease已经soft limit过期,如果过期,则调用

boolean isClosed = internalReleaseLease(lease, src, null);

这个函数检查是否需要真正的进入block recovery阶段,这个阶段需要datanode的参与。下面函数的主要逻辑如下.

3.1. 如果文件的所有block都是completed状态,则不需要进行block recovery,关闭文件.

	则从lease manager将这个文件的lease删除,将INode的状态置为complete,最后记一条close file的edit log

3.2. 如果最后一个block是committed状态,那么看该文件的最后两个block的状态,如果倒数第二个block和最后一个block都满足最小副本数要求(默认是1),关闭文件.否则,客户端抛异常。

3.3. 如果最后一个block是under construction或者under recovery状态,并且最后一个block没有任何datanode汇报上来,很有可能是pipeline还没建立起来,客户端就宕机了,这种情况下,只需要把最后一个block从INode中溢出,并且关闭文件.

3.4. 进入block recovery阶段.

  1. 为这次block recovery过程申请一个block recovery id,标示这次block recovery过程.block recovery id实际是一个新分配的generation stamp

  2. 将block状态设置为under recovery,从block的多个副本中选择一个副本所在的datanode作为primary data node,然后将这个block放入这个datanode的recoverBlocks列表中,随后,namenode在处理datanode的定期心跳中,会将这个datanode的所有的recoverBlocks都在心跳回复中发送给datanode,以BlockRecoveryCommand的形式.代码:

    //check lease recovery
        BlockInfoUnderConstruction[] blocks = nodeinfo
        if (blocks != null) {
          BlockRecoveryCommand brCommand = new BlockRecoveryCommand(
          for (BlockInfoUnderConstruction b : blocks) {
            final DatanodeStorageInfo[] storages = b.getExpectedStorageLocations();
            // Skip stale nodes during recovery - not heart beated for some time (30s by default).
            final List<DatanodeStorageInfo> recoveryLocations =
                new ArrayList<DatanodeStorageInfo>(storages.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < storages.length; i++) {
              if (!storages[i].getDatanodeDescriptor().isStale(staleInterval)) {
            // If we only get 1 replica after eliminating stale nodes, then choose all
            // replicas for recovery and let the primary data node handle failures.
            if (recoveryLocations.size() > 1) {
              if (recoveryLocations.size() != storages.length) {
                LOG.info("Skipped stale nodes for recovery : " +
                    (storages.length - recoveryLocations.size()));
              brCommand.add(new RecoveringBlock(
                  new ExtendedBlock(blockPoolId, b),
            } else {
              // If too many replicas are stale, then choose all replicas to participate
              // in block recovery.
              brCommand.add(new RecoveringBlock(
                  new ExtendedBlock(blockPoolId, b),
          return new DatanodeCommand[] { brCommand };

DataNode端的BPServiceActor处理心跳回复,在offerService()函数中,从心跳回复中拿出所有的DataNodeCommand处理。在processCommandFromActive函数中检查,command类型是DNA_RECOVERBLOCK,说明是block recovery命令,调用DataNode的recoverBlocks处理.

    case DatanodeProtocol.DNA_RECOVERBLOCK:
      String who = "NameNode at " + actor.getNNSocketAddress();
      dn.recoverBlocks(who, ((BlockRecoveryCommand)cmd).getRecoveringBlocks());


  1. 从block拿出副本所在的datanode,给其他两个副本所在的datanode建立连接,datanode之间的接口定义在InterDatanodeProtocol接口中,调用DataNode(包括自己)的initReplicaRecovery(rBlock)函数,DataNode最终会调用FsDatasetImpl的initReplicaRecovery方法来初始化datanode上需要恢复的replica。看看这个函数:

static ReplicaRecoveryInfo initReplicaRecovery(String bpid, ReplicaMap map,
Block block, long recoveryId, long xceiverStopTimeout) throws IOException {
final ReplicaInfo replica = map.get(bpid, block.getBlockId());
LOG.info("initReplicaRecovery: " + block + ", recoveryId=" + recoveryId
+ ", replica=" + replica);

//check replica
if (replica == null) {
  return null;

//stop writer if there is any
if (replica instanceof ReplicaInPipeline) {
  final ReplicaInPipeline rip = (ReplicaInPipeline)replica;

  //check replica bytes on disk.
  if (rip.getBytesOnDisk() < rip.getVisibleLength()) {
    throw new IOException("THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN:"
        + " getBytesOnDisk() < getVisibleLength(), rip=" + rip);

  //check the replica's files

//check generation stamp
if (replica.getGenerationStamp() < block.getGenerationStamp()) {
  throw new IOException(
      "replica.getGenerationStamp() < block.getGenerationStamp(), block="
      + block + ", replica=" + replica);

//check recovery id
if (replica.getGenerationStamp() >= recoveryId) {
  throw new IOException("THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN:"
      + " replica.getGenerationStamp() >= recoveryId = " + recoveryId
      + ", block=" + block + ", replica=" + replica);

//check RUR
final ReplicaUnderRecovery rur;
if (replica.getState() == ReplicaState.RUR) {
  rur = (ReplicaUnderRecovery)replica;
  if (rur.getRecoveryID() >= recoveryId) {
    throw new RecoveryInProgressException(
        "rur.getRecoveryID() >= recoveryId = " + recoveryId
        + ", block=" + block + ", rur=" + rur);
  final long oldRecoveryID = rur.getRecoveryID();
  LOG.info("initReplicaRecovery: update recovery id for " + block
      + " from " + oldRecoveryID + " to " + recoveryId);
else {
  rur = new ReplicaUnderRecovery(replica, recoveryId);
  map.add(bpid, rur);
  LOG.info("initReplicaRecovery: changing replica state for "
      + block + " from " + replica.getState()
      + " to " + rur.getState());
return rur.createInfo();


首先,检查副本的状态,如果当前副本的状态是正在写的过程中,那么调用replica的stopWriter停止这个写线程,停止的方法就是interupt这个写线程(写pipeline时,datanode创建replica时会将当前写线程的handle存到replica中),从这可以看出blcok recovery优先级很高。然后做一些check,比如副本在磁盘上的文件是否存在,meta文件是否存在等,然后,检查generation stamp,namenode记录的generation stamp不能比实际的大,recovery id不能比副本的generation stamp小,最后,创建一个ReplicaUnderRecovery,放入replica map中,这里还会检查,如果replica已经处于under recovery状态,则看当前的block recovery过程的recovery id和它谁大,如果更大,则强占它。



Append/Hflush/Read Design

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