//employee.h #pragma once #include<string> namespace Record { const int kDefaultstartingSalary = 30000; class Employee { public: Employee(); void promote(int raiseAmount = 1000); void demote(int demoritAmount = 1000); void hire(); void fire(); void display() const; void setFirstName(const std::string& firstName); const std::string &getFirstName() const; void setLastName(const std::string& lastName); const std::string& getLastName()const; void setEmployeeNumber(int Employeenumber); int getEmployeeNum()const; void setSalary(int newSalary); int getSalary()const; bool getIsHired() const; private: std::string mFirstName; std::string mLastName; int mEmployeeNumber; int mSalary; bool mIsHired; }; }
//employee.cpp #include<iostream> #include"employee.h" using namespace std; namespace Record { Employee::Employee() :mFirstName(""), mLastName(""), mEmployeeNumber(-1), mSalary(kDefaultstartingSalary), mIsHired(false) {} void Employee::promote(int raiseAmount) { setSalary(getSalary() + raiseAmount); } void Employee::demote(int raiseAmount) { setSalary(getSalary() - raiseAmount); } void Employee::hire() { mIsHired = true; } void Employee::fire() { mIsHired = false; } void Employee::display()const { cout << "Employee:" << getLastName() << "," << getFirstName() << endl; cout << "---------------" << endl; cout << (mIsHired ? "Current Employee" : "Promote Employee") << endl; cout << "Employee number:" << getEmployeeNum() << endl; cout << "Salary:$" << getSalary() << endl; cout << endl; } void Employee::setFirstName(const std::string& firstName) { mFirstName = firstName; } const std::string& Employee::getFirstName() const { return mFirstName; } void Employee::setLastName(const std::string& lastName) { mLastName = lastName; } const std::string& Employee::getLastName()const { return mLastName; } void Employee::setEmployeeNumber(int Employeenumber) { mEmployeeNumber = Employeenumber; } int Employee::getEmployeeNum()const { return mEmployeeNumber; } void Employee::setSalary(int newSalary) { mSalary = newSalary; } int Employee::getSalary()const { return mSalary; } bool Employee::getIsHired() const { return mIsHired; } }
//Dataset.h #pragma once #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include"employee.h" namespace Record { const int kFirstEmployeeNumber = 1000; class Dataset{ public: Dataset(); Employee& addEmployee(const std::string firstName, const std::string lastName); Employee& getEmployee(int employeeNum); Employee& getEmployee(const std::string firstName, const std::string lastName); void DisplayAll()const; void DisplayCurrent()const; private: std::vector<Employee>mEmployees; int mNextEmployeenumber; }; }
//Dataset.cpp #include<iostream> #include<stdexcept> #include"Dataset.h" using namespace std; namespace Record { Dataset::Dataset() :mNextEmployeenumber(kFirstEmployeeNumber) {} Employee& Dataset::addEmployee(const string firstName, const string lastName) { Employee theEmployee; theEmployee.setFirstName(firstName); theEmployee.setLastName(lastName); theEmployee.setEmployeeNumber(mNextEmployeenumber++); theEmployee.hire(); mEmployees.push_back(theEmployee); return mEmployees[mEmployees.size() - 1]; } Employee& Dataset::getEmployee(int employeeNum) { for (auto employee : mEmployees) { if (employee.getEmployeeNum() == employeeNum) return employee; } throw runtime_error("No Employee found."); } Employee& Dataset::getEmployee(const std::string firstName, const std::string lastName) { for (auto employee : mEmployees) { if (employee.getFirstName() == firstName && employee.getLastName() == lastName) return employee; } throw runtime_error("No Employee found."); } void Dataset::DisplayAll()const { for (const auto & employee : mEmployees) { employee.display(); } } void Dataset::DisplayCurrent()const { for (const auto& employee : mEmployees) { if (employee.getIsHired()) employee.display(); } } }
//EmployeeTest.cpp #include<iostream> #include"employee.h" using namespace std; using namespace Record; int main(int args, char* argv[]) { cout << "Testing the Employee Class" << endl; Employee emp; emp.setLastName("Doe"); emp.setFirstName("John"); emp.setEmployeeNumber(71); emp.setSalary(50000); emp.promote(); emp.promote(50); emp.hire(); emp.display(); return 0; }
//DatasetTest.cpp #include<iostream> #include"Dataset.h" using namespace std; using namespace Record; int main() { Dataset myDat; Employee& emp1 = myDat.addEmployee("John", "Doe"); emp1.fire(); Employee& emp2 = myDat.addEmployee("Michale", "Jackson"); emp2.setSalary(100000); Employee& emp3 = myDat.addEmployee("Jack", "Ma"); emp3.setSalary(100000); emp3.promote(); cout << "Display all ." << endl; myDat.DisplayAll(); cout << "+++++++++++++++++" << endl; cout << "Display Current Employee." << endl; myDat.DisplayCurrent(); return 0; }
//UserInterface.cpp #include<iostream> #include<stdexcept> #include<exception> #include"Dataset.h" #include"employee.h" using namespace std; using namespace Record; int DisplayMenu(); void doHire(Dataset& db); void doFire(Dataset& db); void doPromote(Dataset& db); int main() { Dataset employeeDB; bool done = false; while (!done) { int selection = DisplayMenu(); switch (selection) { case 1: doHire(employeeDB); break; case 2: doFire(employeeDB); break; case 3: doPromote(employeeDB); break; case 4: employeeDB.DisplayAll(); break; case 5: employeeDB.DisplayCurrent(); break; case 0: done = true; break; default: cerr << "Unknow command." << endl; break; } } return 0; } int DisplayMenu() { int selection; cout << endl; cout << "Employee Dataset" << endl; cout << "--------------" << endl; cout << "1) Hire a new employee" << endl; cout << "2) Fire an employee" << endl; cout << "3) Promote an employee" << endl; cout << "4) List all employees" << endl; cout << "5) List all current employees" << endl; cout << "6) List all former employees" << endl; cout << "0) Quit" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "------>"; cin >> selection; return selection; } void doHire(Dataset& db) { string firstName; string lastName; cout << "First name? "; cin >> firstName; cout << "Last Name? "; cin >> lastName; try { db.addEmployee(firstName, lastName); } catch (const std::exception& exception) { cerr << "Unable to add new employee:" << exception.what() << endl; } } void doFire(Dataset& db) { int employeeNumber; cout << "employee num?" << endl; cin >> employeeNumber; try { Employee& emp = db.getEmployee(employeeNumber); emp.fire(); cout << "Employee" << employeeNumber << " terminated." << endl; } catch(const std::exception&exception) { cerr << "Unable to terminate employee:" << exception.what() << endl; } } void doPromote(Dataset& db) { int employeeNum; int raiseNum; cout << "employee num?" << endl; cin >> employeeNum; cout << "How much of a raise ?" << endl; cin >> raiseNum; try { Employee& emp = db.getEmployee(employeeNum); emp.promote(raiseNum); } catch (const std::exception& exception) { cerr << "Unable to Promote employee:" << exception.what() << endl; } }