//main.cpp部分 #include"List.cpp" int main() { StaticList<int> SL; SL.Insert(2,1); SL.Insert(4,2); SL.Insert(1,3); SL.Insert(9,4); SL.Insert(20, 5); SL.Insert(3, 6); std::cout << "原始的静态链表如下:" << std::endl; SL.show(); SL.Insert(100, 2); std::cout << "在静态链表中第2个位置插入100后结果如下:" << std::endl; SL.show(); int m; int delete_index = 5; SL.Delete(m, delete_index); std::cout << "删除的对应" << delete_index << "处的值为:" << m << std::endl; std::cout << "删除后的静态链表如下:" << std::endl; SL.show(); int find_val = 2; int index = SL.Find(find_val); std::cout << "查找到" << find_val << "在列表中的位置为:" << index << std::endl; return 0; }
//List.h #pragma once #include<iostream> #include<vector> const int MAXSIZE = 20; template<typename ElemType> class StaticList; template<typename ElemType> class Node { friend class StaticList<ElemType>; private: ElemType data; int cur; }; template<typename ElemType> class StaticList { public: StaticList(); virtual ~StaticList(); bool Insert(const ElemType& v, int index = 1); bool Delete(ElemType& v, int index = 1); int Find(const ElemType v); void show()const; private: int NewSpace(); void DeleteSpace(int index); bool Empty()const; bool Full()const; std::vector<Node<ElemType>*> StList; int Length = 0; };
//List.cpp #include"List.h" #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> template<typename ElemType> StaticList<ElemType>::StaticList():Length(0) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXSIZE - 1; ++i) { Node<ElemType>* node = new Node<ElemType>(); StList.push_back(node); } for (ElemType i = 0; i < MAXSIZE - 1; ++i) (*StList[i]).cur = i + 1; Node<ElemType>* node = new Node<ElemType>(); StList.push_back(node); (*StList[MAXSIZE - 1]).cur = 0; } template<typename ElemType> StaticList<ElemType>::~StaticList() { std::for_each(StList.begin(), StList.end(), [](Node<ElemType>* node) { delete node; }); } template<typename ElemType> bool StaticList<ElemType>::Insert(const ElemType& v, int index) { if (Full()) { std::cout << "Can't insert element." << std::endl; return false; } if (index<1 || index>Length + 1) { std::cout << "The invalid index" << std::endl; return false; } int k = NewSpace(); int j = MAXSIZE - 1; if (k) { (*StList[k]).data = v; for (int i = 1; i <= index - 1; ++i) { j = (*StList[j]).cur; } (*StList[k]).cur = (*StList[j]).cur; (*StList[j]).cur = k; ++Length; return true; } return false; } template<typename ElemType> bool StaticList<ElemType>::Delete(ElemType& v, int index) { if (Empty()) { std::cout << "Can't delete element in an empty list!\n"; return false; } if (index < 1 || index>Length) { std::cout << "The invalid index!\n"; return false; } int k = MAXSIZE - 1; int i = 1; for (; i <= index - 1; ++i) { k = (*StList[k]).cur; } i = (*StList[k]).cur; (*StList[k]).cur = (*StList[i]).cur; v = (*StList[i]).data; DeleteSpace(i); --Length; return true; } template<typename ElemType> int StaticList<ElemType>::Find(const ElemType v) { if (Empty()) { std::cout << "Can't find value in an empty List!\n"; return -1; } int i = 1; while (0 != i && (*StList[(*StList[i]).cur]).data != v) i = (*StList[i]).cur; ++i; if (0 == i) { std::cout << "Can't find the value " << v << " in the list" << std::endl; return -1; } return i; } template<typename ElemType> void StaticList<ElemType>::show()const { if (Empty()) { std::cout << "The List is empty" << std::endl; return; } int k = (*StList[MAXSIZE - 1]).cur; std::cout << "The List is:" << std::endl; for (int i = 1; i <= Length; ++i) { std::cout << (*StList[k]).data << " "; k = (*StList[k]).cur; } std::cout << std::endl; } template<typename ElemType> bool StaticList<ElemType>::Full()const { if (Length > MAXSIZE - 2) return true; return false; } template<typename ElemType> bool StaticList<ElemType>::Empty()const { return (0 == Length); } template<typename ElemType> void StaticList<ElemType>::DeleteSpace(int index) { (*StList[index]).cur = (*StList[0]).cur; (*StList[0]).cur = index; } template<typename ElemType> int StaticList<ElemType>::NewSpace() { int i = (*StList[0]).cur; if ((*StList[0]).cur) { (*StList[0]).cur = (*StList[i]).cur; } return i; }