Pub/Sub: "发布/订阅"在redis中,被设计的非常轻量级和简洁,它做到了消息的“发布”和“订阅”的 基本能力;但是尚未提供关于消息的持久化等各种企业级的特性。 一个Redis client发布消息,其他多个redis client订阅消息,发布的消息“即发即失”,redis 不会持久保存发布的消息;消息订阅者也将只能得到订阅之后的消息,通道中此前的消息将无 从获得。 消息发布者,即publish客户端,无需独占链接,你可以在publish消息的同时,使用同一个redis-client链接进行其他操作(例如:INCR等) 消息订阅者,即subscribe客户端,需要独占链接,即进行subscribe期间,redis-client无法穿插其他操作, 此时client以阻塞的方式等待“publish端”的消息;因此这里subscribe端需要使用单独的链接,甚至需要在额外的线程中使用。
如果你非常关注每个消息,那么你应该基于Redis做一些额外的补充工作,如果你期望订阅是持久的,那么如下的设计思路可以借鉴: 1) subscribe端: 首先向一个Set集合中增加“订阅者ID”, 此Set集合保存了“活跃订阅”者, 订阅者ID标记每个唯一的订阅者,此Set为 "活跃订阅者集合"
2) subcribe端开启订阅操作,并基于Redis创建一个以 "订阅者ID" 为KEY的LIST数据结构, 此LIST中存储了所有的尚未消费的消息,此List称为 "订阅者消息队列" 3) publish端: 每发布一条消息之后,publish端都需要遍历 "活跃订阅者集合",并依次 向每个 "订阅者消息队列" 尾部追加此次发布的消息. 4) 到此为止,我们可以基本保证,发布的每一条消息,都会持久保存在每个 "订阅者消息队列" 中. 5) subscribe端,每收到一个订阅消息,在消费之后,必须删除自己的 "订阅者消息队列" 头部的一条记录. 6) subscribe端启动时,如果发现自己的 "订阅者消息队列" 有残存记录, 那么将会首先消费这些记录,然后再去订阅.
更完善的确认机制才能彻底解决上述存在问题; 注意,在实际ngx_lua_redis应用中,redis单个客户端订阅模式下仅能使用有限的几个命令,不能使用其它结构命令,如lpop,rpush等;
因为 publish是普通的request/response模式, 但subscribe不是,否则会报错:
ERR only (P)SUBSCRIBE \/ (P)UNSUBSCRIBE \/ PING \/ QUIT allowed in this cont
关于这点以下是官网一般解释: You are required to use two connections for pub and sub. A subscriber connection cannot issue any commands other than subscribe, psubscribe, unsubscribe, punsubscribe (although @Antirez has hinted of a subscriber-safe ping in the future). If you try to do anything else, redis tells you: -ERR only (P)SUBSCRIBE / (P)UNSUBSCRIBE / QUIT allowed in this context (note that you can't test this with redis-cli, since that understands the protocol well enough to prevent you from issuing commands once you have subscribed - but any other basic socket tool should work fine) This is because subscriber connections work very differently - rather than working on a request/response basis, incoming messages can now come in at any time, unsolicited. publish is a regular request/response command, so must be sent on a regular connection, not a subscriber connection.
--[[ cosocket即coroutine+socket 顺序执行,但它是非阻塞执行方式 因为nginx core是非阻塞执行; redis中subscribe是阻塞方式, 因此在nginx_lua平台中使用redis 中sub特性无法保持阻塞连接状态; 流程模型: ]] local args = ngx.req.get_uri_args() local ttype = args.type -- pub/sub local function newRedis(timeout, ip, port, section) local red = red:set_timeout(timeout) local ok, err = red:connect(ip, port) if not ok then nlog.dinfo("connect:" .. err) end red:select(section) return red end local red = newRedis(10000, "", "6379", 0) local bak = newRedis(10000, "", "6379", 0) local function subscribe(channel) local res, err = red:subscribe(channel) if not res then nlog.dinfo("subscribe error.") return nil, err end --这里以函数返回,不然sub会在这里断连失去可操作性 --这就是提到的特殊之一 local function read_func(do_read) if nil == do_read or true == do_read then res, err = red:read_reply() if not res then return nil, err end return res end red:unsubscribe(channel) red:set_keepalive(60000, 100) --连接回收 bak:close() bak:set_keepalive(60000, 100) --断连后重启等待 red = newRedis(10000, "", "6379", 0) red:subscribe(channel) bak = newRedis(10000, "", "6379", 0) return end return read_func end local subset = "subset" --set local channel = "test" --list consume = function(length) --若订阅者消息队列有残余,先消费,再订阅 for i=1, llength do local recv, err = red:lpop(channel) --头部开始消费 nlog.dinfo("recv:" .. cjson.encode(recv)) end redis_util.coroutine_count = 1 coroutine.yield() end --订阅者 if "sub" == ttype then --向set集合增加"订阅者id" red:sadd(subset, channel) --为每个"订阅者id"建立list local llength = red:llen(channel) if 0 == llength then red:rpush(channel, "hello") else --若订阅者消息队列有残余,先消费,再订阅 for i=1, llength do local recv, err = red:lpop(channel) --头部开始消费 nlog.dinfo("recv:" .. cjson.encode(recv)) end end nlog.dinfo("run coroutine after...") --开始订阅 local func, err = subscribe(channel) while true do local res, err = func() --res:["message","test","world"] if err then func(false) end --在redis的订阅模式中, --单例模式下只能使用固定几个命令[ (P)SUBSCRIBE,(P)UNSUBSCRIBE,QUIT,PING,... ], --无法使用其它命令,比如lpop, rpush等命令, --所以这里无法使用red:lpop()来执行出队删除操作, --只能另起一个客户端对象来进行删除操作; local oo, ooerr = bak:lpop(channel) nlog.dinfo("bak lpop:" .. cjson.encode(oo)) nlog.dinfo("res:" .. cjson.encode(res)) ngx.sleep(1) end end --发布者,测试用,实际调用是在业务层 if "pub" == ttype then --先发布,再追加队列 --local subchannel, err = red:spop(subset) --nlog.dinfo("subchannel:" .. type(subchannel)) --if "userdata" ~= type(subchannel) then for i=1, 1000 do local str = "world_" .. i red:publish(channel, str) red:rpush(channel, str) --尾部追加 ngx.sleep(0.1) end --end end --监听器,crontab定时运行 if "spy" == ttype then while true do red:publish(channel, "0") ngx.sleep(60) end end ok, err = red:set_keepalive(60000, 100) if not ok then ngx.say("set_keepalive:", err) end ngx.print("rpush done.") ngx.exit(200)