


public class 启动类 <作者 = "liigo">
	const int minDepth = 4;

	public static main()
		int time = 运行环境.取启动时间();
		int n = 16;

		int maxDepth =  n;
		if(minDepth + 2 > n) maxDepth = minDepth + 2;

		int stretchDepth = maxDepth + 1;

		int check = (TreeNode.bottomUpTree(0,stretchDepth)).itemCheck();
		控制台.输出行("stretch tree of depth ", stretchDepth, "\t check: ", check);

		TreeNode longLivedTree = TreeNode.bottomUpTree(0,maxDepth);

		for (int depth=minDepth; depth<=maxDepth; depth+=2){
			int iterations = 1 << (maxDepth - depth + minDepth);
			check = 0;

			for (int i=1; i<=iterations; i++){
				check += (TreeNode.bottomUpTree(i,depth)).itemCheck();
				check += (TreeNode.bottomUpTree(-i,depth)).itemCheck();
			控制台.输出行((iterations*2), "\t trees of depth ", depth, "\t check: ", check);
		控制台.输出行("long lived tree of depth ", maxDepth, "\t check: ", longLivedTree.itemCheck());
		控制台.输出行("time(ms): ", 运行环境.取启动时间() - time);

	private class TreeNode
		private TreeNode left, right;
		private int item;

		public init(int item){
			this.item = item;

		public static TreeNode bottomUpTree(int item, int depth){
			if (depth>0){
				return new TreeNode(
					bottomUpTree(2*item-1, depth-1)
					, bottomUpTree(2*item, depth-1)
					, item
			else {
				return new TreeNode(item);

		public init(TreeNode left, TreeNode right, int item){
			this.left = left;
			this.right = right;
			this.item = item;

		public int itemCheck(){
			// if necessary deallocate here
			if (left==null) return item;
			else return item + left.itemCheck() - right.itemCheck();

这个EF程序,在我的机器上,运行耗时约 108 秒。相应的VC6最佳优化后运行耗时约 6.9 秒。


针对这次测试,EF表现较差,是开赛以来最差的一次,比大多数语言都要慢,仅比 Ruby, PHP, JavaScript, Perl, TCL, Rebol 快一些。这次测试的两个特点是:递归,和创建大量小对象(约3000万),EF在这两方面似乎表现不佳。



posted @ 2008-06-30 02:54  fortest  阅读(249)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报