VSWizard 7.0
Wizard=VIDWizard.CBlankSiteWizard  (or a GUID in the format {<8>-<4>-<4>-<4>-<12>))


Parameter for Wizard Engine



Where the wizard's java script files are located. By default, its a subfolder directly under the WIZARD_NAME folder called Scripts. 

(In our example


The default java script is called default.js.  It also uses a file called common.js for some common scripting functionality (located in \Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\VC#\VC#Wizards\1033)


Where the wizard's template files are located. By default, its a subfolder directly under the WIZARD_NAME folder called Templates.  (e.g.CSharpWindowsServiceWiz\Templates\1033)


The name of the relative Wizard Folder containing the template information. In our example the relative folder is CSharpWindowsServiceWiz and the absolute folder would be: 

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\VC#\VC#Wizards\CSharpWindowsServiceWiz


A Boolean indicating whether the wizard has a User interface or not.


Indicates what programming language folder the wizard is grouped under.  For Visual C# (CSPROJ) the wizard is located under C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\VC#\VC#Wizards


Symbols for Custom Parameters in the Wizard .vsz File

Symbol Definition
ABSOLUTE_PATH The location of the wizard files.
HTML_FILTER Specified in the .vsz file. File types that are placed in the HTML Files folder in Solution Explorer. Usually specified as "htm".
HTML_PATH Specified in the .vsz file. The location of the wizard's HTML files. By default, it is START_PATH\HTML\LANGUAGE (where LANGUAGE is the locale specified by your system registry).
Note   You can specify a different language by setting the <LangID> to the decimal value of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\7.0\General\UILanguage. See Localizing a Wizard to Multiple Languages for more information. For a list of decimal language values, see Wizard Support for Other Languages.
IMAGE_FILTER Specified in the .vsz file. File types that are placed in the Image Files folder in Solution Explorer. Usually specified as "bmp;gif".
IMAGES_PATH Specified in the .vsz file. The location of the image files used in the html files. By default, it is START_PATH\Images.
MISC_FILTER Specified in the .vsz file. File types that are placed in the Misc folder in Solution Explorer. Usually specified as "vsz;vsdir;ico;vcproj;csproj;css;inf".
PRODUCT By default, set to Visual C++; however, you can set this value to Visual Basic to create Visual Basic wizards, and so on.
PRODUCT_INSTALLATION_DIR The directory listed in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\7.0\Setup\<Product>\ ProductDir.
PROJECT_TEMPLATE_NAME Specified in the .vsz file. The project template file that your wizard uses to create projects. Usually specified as "txt".
PROJECT_TEMPLATE_PATH The directory containing the project's template files. For Visual C++, it is PRODUCT_INSTALLATION_DIR\VCWizards, by default.
RELATIVE_PATH If ABSOLUTE_PATH is not found, then RELATIVE_PATH is considered. This is the path relative to PRODUCT_INSTALLATION_DIR. For Visual C++, the RELATIVE_PATH is PRODUCT_INSTALLATION_DIR\VCWizards.
SCRIPT_COMMON_PATH The directory name relative to PRODUCT_INSTALLATION_DIR, where the common script file can be found. For example, for Visual C++, this is VCWizards.
SCRIPT_FILTER Specified in the .vsz file. File types that are be placed in the Script Files folder in Solution Explorer. Usually specified as either "js" (JScript) or "vbs" (VBScript).
SCRIPT_PATH The location of the wizard's JScript file. By default, it is START_PATH\Scripts
START_PATH Specified in the .vsz file. This is not set by the user, but used internally to identify either RELATIVE_PATH or ABSOLUTE_PATH. The wizard name (WIZARD_NAME) is appended to this value.
TEMPLATE_FILTER Specified in the .vsz file. File types that are placed in the Template Files folder in Solution Explorer. Usually specified as "txt".
TEMPLATES_PATH Specified in the .vsz file. The location of the wizard's template files. By default, it is START_PATH\Templates\<LangID>.
Note   See HTML_PATH for more information on LangID.
WIZARD_NAME Specifies the wizard name. Located in the .vsz and used by the rest of the symbols.
WIZARD_UI Specified in the .vsz file. A Boolean value indicating whether the wizard contains a user interface. Specify TRUE for a user interface or FALSE for no user interface.
posted on 2005-07-22 14:19  forrestsun  阅读(612)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报