Pre-trained Model Summary

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00 - Overview

1st Paradigm: Full Supervised Learning(Non-Neural Network)
2nd Paradigm: Full Supervised Learning(Neural Network)
3rd Paradigm: Pre-train(self-supervised) + Fine-tune(supervised)
4th Paradigm: Pre-train(self-supervised) + Prompt/Instruct + Predict

What is pre-training?

Self-supervised learning on the large set of unlabeled data.

NLP vs. NLU vs. NLG: the differences between three natural language processing concepts

Pre-trained Model Architecture Pre-training task Task Type Example
Encoder-only (Auto Encoder) Masked Language Model NLU BERT Family
Decoder-only (Auto Regression) Causal Language Model or Prefix Language Model NLG GPT, Llama, Bloom
Encoder-Decoder (Seq2Seq) Sequence to Sequence Model Conditional-NLG T5, BART

Resource 1: Self-supervised Learning: Generative or Contrastive
Resource 2: Generative Self-supervised Learning in LLM Pre-Training task
Resource 3: 一文读懂GPT家族和BERT的底层区别——自回归和自编码语言模型详解
Resource 3: The Transformer model family | Hugging Face

Generative Pre-Training task

  • Auto-Encoder(AE) Models: BERT(MLM&NSP)
  • Auto-Regressive(AR) Models: GPT
  • Encoder-Decoder: T5

Downstream task

  • Auto-Encoder(AE) Models: Text Understanding(Text Classification, Token Classification, Question Answering, Text Summarization)
  • Auto-Regressive(AR) Models: Text Generation
  • Encoder-Decoder: Text Translation

01 - Tokenization

Resource 1: Summary of tokenizers | Hugging Face
Resource 2: Do you need to put EOS and BOS tokens in autoencoder transformers? | StackOverflow

Text --> Tokens --> input_ids
output_ids --> Tokens --> Text

  • Character-based Tokenization
  • Word-based Tokenization
  • Subword-based Tokenization
    • WordPiece: BERT, DistilBERT
    • Byte-Pair Encoding(BPE): GPT-2, RoBERTa
    • Unigram: XLNet, ALBERT
    • SentencePiece: ChatGLM、BLOOM、PaLM

02 - Position Encoding

Transformer的位置编码(Position Encoding)进展梳理

<1> Absolute Position Encoding

\(\begin{align*} Q_iK_j^T & = (X_iW_Q^T)(X_jW_K^T)^T\\ & = (e_i+p_i)W_Q^TW_K(e_j+p_j)^T\\ & = e_iW_Q^TW_Ke_j^T + e_iW_Q^TW_Kp_j^T + p_iW_Q^TW_Ke_j^T + p_iW_Q^TW_K p_j^T \end{align*}\)

<2> Relative Position Encoding


<3> Rotary Position Embedding (RoPE)


\(f(q,m)f(k,n) = g(q,k,m-n)\)
\( f_q(q,m)f_k(k,n) = \begin{bmatrix} cosm\theta & -sinm\theta\\ sinm\theta & cosm\theta \end{bmatrix}q \begin{bmatrix} cosn\theta & -sinn\theta\\ sinn\theta & cosn\theta \end{bmatrix}k \)

Euler's formula
\(e^{ix} = \cos x + i\sin x\)
\(e^{im\theta} = \cos m\theta + i\sin m\theta\)

\(Q_iR(i\theta) = x_iW_Q^TR(i\theta) = (e_i+p_i)W_Q^TR(i\theta)\)
\(K_jR(j\theta) = x_jW_K^TR(j\theta) = (e_j+p_j)W_K^TR(j\theta)\)

\(\begin{align*} f_q(x_i,i)f_k(x_j,j) & = [Q_iR(i\theta)][K_jR(j\theta)]^T\\ & = [x_iW_Q^TR(i\theta)][x_jW_K^TR(j\theta)]^T\\ & = (e_i+p_i)W_Q^TR(i\theta)R(j\theta)^TW_K(e_j+p_j)^T\\ & = (e_i+p_i)W_Q^TR(i\theta)R(-j\theta)W_K(e_j+p_j)^T\\ & = (e_i+p_i)W_Q^TR[(i-j)\theta]W_K(e_j+p_j)^T\\ & = g(x_i, x_j, i-j) \end{align*}\)

03 - Word Embedding

Source 1: Glossary of Deep Learning: Word Embedding | Medium
Source 2: Word2Vec | Bilibili

  • BOW(One-Hot, TF-IDF, TextRank)
  • Word2Vec(CBOW, Skip-gram)
  • Glove
  • FastText
  • nn.Embedding()

04 - Transformer Block

Multi-head Attention + Feed Forward Network(Linear + Activition + Linear) + Residual Addition + Layer Normalization

<1> Attention

  • Bidirectional attention: Encoder
  • unidirectional or one-way attention: Decoder


Attention mask

Flash Attention

<2> Normalization

论文笔记 RMSNorm:Root Mean Square Layer Normalization | Zhihu

Group by the type

  • Batch Normalization
  • Layer Normalization
  • RMS Normalization


\(Layer Norm:\)

\[y = \dfrac{x - E[x]}{\sqrt{Var[x] + \epsilon}} * \gamma + \beta \]

\[E[x] = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_i \]

\[Var[x] = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} (x_i - E[x])^2 \]



\[y = \frac{x}{\sqrt{Mean(x^2) + \epsilon}} * \gamma \]

\[Mean(x^2) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_i^2 \]

其中 \(\gamma\)\(\beta\) 为可学习的参数

Group by the position

  • Post-Norm
  • Pre-Norm
  • Sandwich-Norm

Post LN:
位置:layer norm 在残差链接之后
缺点:Post LN 在深层的梯度范式逐渐增大,导致使用post-LN 的深层transformer 容易出现训练不稳定的问题
位置:layer norm 在残差链接中
优点:相比于 Post-LN,Pre LN 在深层的梯度范式近似相等,所以使用 Pre-LN 的深层
transformer 训练更稳定,可以缓解训练不稳定问题
缺点:相比于Post-LN,Pre-LN 的模型效果略差
位置:在pre-LN 的基础上,额外插入了一个layer norm
优点:Cogview 用来避免值爆炸的问题

Model Nomalization
GPT3 Pre Layer Norm
Llama Pre RMS Norm
baichuan Pre RMS Norm
ChatGLM-6B Post Deep Norm
ChatGLM2-6B Post RMS Norm
Bloom Pre Layer Norm

05 - Model Head for Downstream Tasks

To see the hidden states, click here.

RoBERTa ModelForSequenceClassification Head | GitHub

self.out_proj = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.num_labels)

hidden states: contextual understanding of the input sentences by the model, the shape is [batch_size, token_len, hidden_size].(hidden_size is the last linear size in the model block)

Tokenizer(Text) --> input
AutoModel(input_ids) --> return hidden states
Model Head(hidden states) --> return the logits based on the given num_labels
softmax(logits) --> the prob distribution based on the given num_labels
argmax(prob distribution) --> 0 or 1 (or 2 ...)
id2label(1 or 0) --> The final output

AutoModelForCausalLM # Text Generation
AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM # Text Translation
AutoModelForSequenceClassification # Text Classification
AutoModelForTokenClassification # Text Tagging (NER or POS)

06 - BERT Family

Large Language Models: DeBERTa — Decoding-Enhanced BERT with Disentangled Attention | Towards to Data Science


  • disentangled attention
    content-to-content, content-to-position, position-to-content matrix
  • enhanced mask decoder
    H(hidden states), I(any necessary information for decoding(e.g. hidden states, absolute position embeddings or output from the previous EMD layer))

07 - Decoder-only Model

Resource 1: LLaMA
Resource 2: 论文精读:Mixtral + MoE - 王几行 | 知乎

Article 1: Mixtral of Experts
Article 2: Mixtral 7B
Article 3: GQA: Training Generalized Multi-Query Transformer Models from Multi-Head Checkpoints


  • Pre RMS Norm
  • Rotary Positional Embeddings (RoPE)
  • Multi-Head Attention(7B), Grouped-Query Attention(34B, 70B)
  • KV Cache
  • SwiGLU

Mistral 7B

  • Pre RMS Norm
  • Rotary Positional Embeddings (RoPE)
  • Grouped Query Attention + Sliding Window Attention
  • Rotating Buffer Cache
  • SwiGLU

Mistral 8x7B(use only 12.9B)

  • Mistral 7B + Mixture of Experts (MoE)



posted @ 2024-03-25 14:51  ForHHeart  阅读(67)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报