Place an Action in a Different Location 设置按钮的显示位置

In this lesson, you will learn how to place an Action in the required place. For this purpose, the ClearTasksAction that was defined in the Add a Simple Action lesson will be used. It is located together with the SaveTo, ExecuteReport and Refresh Actions. This Actions group is called View Action Containers (the ActionBase.Category property is set to "View" when implementing the ClearTasksAction). The remaining Actions are distributed among other Action Containers. In this lesson, you will move the ClearTasksAction to the RecordEdit Action Container.

在本课中,您将学习如何将 Action 放在所需位置。为此,将使用在"添加简单按钮"一课中定义的"清除任务操作"。它与"保存到""执行报告和刷新操作"一起位于。此操作组称为"查看操作容器"(在实现清除任务操作时,ActionBase.类别属性设置为"查看"。)。其余操作分布在其他操作容器中。在本课中,您将清除任务操作移动到记录编辑操作容器。


Note 注意
Before proceeding, take a moment to review the following lessons.
Add a Simple Action
Add an Action that Displays a Pop-up Window


Tip 提示
You can also change an Action location in code by handling the ActionControlsSiteController.CustomizeContainerActions event.


  • Since the ClearTasksAction is implemented in the common application module, you can specify its location directly in this module. To do this, invoke the Model Editor by double-clicking the Model.DesignedDiffs.xafml file from the MySolution.Module project.
  • 由于 ClearTasksAction 是在通用应用程序模块中实现的,因此可以直接在此模块中指定其位置。为此,请通过双击"模型.设计Diffs.xafml"文件从 MySolution.模块项目中调用模型编辑器。



The XAF application interface is based on the Application Model. The Model Editor is a tool for browsing and editing the Application Model. This tool is integrated in Visual Studio and displayed as a window pane. Commands specific to the Model Editor are available in the XAF Model Editor toolbar.

XAF 应用程序接口基于应用程序模型。模型编辑器是一个用于浏览和编辑应用程序模型的工具。此工具集成在 Visual Studio 中,并显示为窗口窗格。特定于模型编辑器的命令在 XAF 模型编辑器工具栏中可用。



If the XAF Model Editor toolbar is hidden, you can make it visible by checking the XAF Model Editor item in the VIEW | Toolbars menu.

如果 XAF 模型编辑器工具栏处于隐藏状态,则可以通过选中 VIEW 中的 XAF 模型编辑器项使其可见 |工具栏菜单。



Note 注意
To learn more about Model Editor capabilities, refer to the Model Editor topic.


  • In the Model Editor, navigate to the ActionDesign | ActionToContainerMapping node. Its child nodes represent the Action Containers to which the Actions are mapped according to their Category property values. Expand the View node representing the View Action Container. Drag the ClearTasksAction child node to the RecordEdit node.

  • 在模型编辑器中,导航到操作设计 |操作到容器映射节点。其子节点表示操作容器,根据其类别属性值映射操作。展开表示视图操作容器的视图节点。将"清除任务操作"子节点拖动到"记录编辑"节点。



Note 注意
Alternatively, you can use the context menu's Copy, Paste, Delete and Clone commands to modify the Application Model structure. The modified parts of the Application Model are displayed with a bold font. You can revert any node with all of its child nodes to their original state via the context menu's Reset Differences command.


  • Run the WinForms or ASP.NET application. Invoke a detail form, since the ClearTasksAction is activated for Detail Views only. The following image demonstrates that this Action is located with Actions that belong to the RecordEdit Action Container.

  • 运行 WinForms 或ASP.NET应用程序。调用详细信息窗体,因为仅为"详细信息视图"激活了"清除任务操作"。下图演示了此操作与属于"记录编辑操作容器"的操作一起定位。




You can see the changes made in the lesson in the Model Editor invoked for the Model.DesignedDiffs.xafml file located in the Main Demo | MainDemo.Module project. The MainDemo application is installed in %PUBLIC%\Documents\DevExpress Demos 19.2\Components\eXpressApp Framework\MainDemo by default. The ASP.NET version is available online at

您可以在为模型调用的模型编辑器中看到该课程所做的更改。主演示模块项目。主演示应用程序安装在%PUBLIC%\Documents\DevExpress Demos 19.2\Components\eXpressApp Framework\MainDemo by default. The ASP.NET version is available online at



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