How to: Use the Custom Report Preview Form 如何:使用自定义报表预览窗体

This example demonstrates how to show a custom Report Preview form by handling the ReportServiceController.CustomShowPreview event.



Note 注意
Mobile applications do not support the report preview mechanism, so the approach described in this topic cannot be implemented in the Mobile platform.


In this topic, it is assumed that you have an XAF application that uses the Reports V2 Module, and you have created one or more reports (see Reports V2 Module Overview).

在本主题中,假定您有一个使用报表 V2 模块的 XAF 应用程序,并且您创建了一个或多个报表(请参阅报表 V2 模块概述)。


Use the following Controller to display a report preview in a custom window (the CustomPreviewForm form, in this example).


using DevExpress.XtraReports.UI;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2;
// ...
public class CustomPreviewController : ViewController {
    private ReportServiceController reportServiceController;
    protected override void OnActivated() {
        reportServiceController = Frame.GetController<ReportServiceController>();
        if (reportServiceController != null) {
            reportServiceController.CustomShowPreview += reportServiceController_CustomShowPreview;
    void reportServiceController_CustomShowPreview(object sender, CustomShowPreviewEventArgs e) {
        IReportContainer reportContainer = 
            e.ParametersObject, e.Criteria, e.CanApplyCriteria, e.SortProperty, e.CanApplySortProperty);
        CustomPreviewForm form = new CustomPreviewForm();
        e.Handled = true;
    protected override void OnDeactivated() {
        if (reportServiceController != null) {
            reportServiceController.CustomShowPreview -= reportServiceController_CustomShowPreview;


The CustomPreviewForm form can be designed as described in the following tutorials:

  • Adding Items to a Print Preview's Standard Toolbar
  • Adding Items to a Print Preview's Ribbon Toolbar


  • 将项目添加到打印预览的标准工具栏
  • 将项目添加到打印预览的功能区工具栏


When the CustomPreviewForm is ready, add the ShowReport method to it.


public void ShowReport(XtraReport report){
    documentViewer1.DocumentSource = report;


In this example, documentViewer1 is the DocumentViewer component added to the current form.

在此示例中,文档Viewer1 是添加到当前窗体的文档查看器组件。


Tip 提示
Refer to the API and Customization section in the XtraReports documentation to learn more about report preview customization.
请参阅 XtraReports 文档中的 API 和自定义部分,了解有关报表预览自定义的详细信息。
posted @ 2020-01-10 14:35  code first life  阅读(355)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报