How to: Register an Additional Type of XtraReport Parameter 如何:注册其他类型的 XtraReport 参数

This example demonstrates how to extend the list of parameter types available in the Report Designer.



In this topic, it is assumed that you have an XAF application that uses the Reports V2 Module, and you have created one or more reports (see Reports V2 Module Overview).

在本主题中,假定您有一个使用报表 V2 模块的 XAF 应用程序,并且您创建了一个或多个报表(请参阅报表 V2 模块概述)。


Access an XtraReportDataTypeProvider instance using the XafReportDataTypeProvider parameter passed to the static ReportDesignExtensionManager.CustomizeReportExtension event. Then, handle the XtraReportDataTypeProvider.CustomAddParameterTypes event and add custom types to the Dictionary list passed to the event handler. Additionally, handle the XtraReportDataTypeProvider.GetCustomEditableDataTypes event and add custom types to the Types array passed to the event handler. The following snippet illustrates how to add the Gender enumeration type.

使用传递给静态报表设计扩展管理器的 XafReportDataTypeProvider 参数访问 XtraReportDataTypeProvider 实例。然后,处理 XtraReportDataTypeProvider.自定义添加参数类型事件,并将自定义类型添加到传递给事件处理程序的字典列表中。此外,处理 XtraReportDataTypeProvider.获取自定义可编辑数据类型事件,并将自定义类型添加到传递给事件处理程序的"类型"数组中。以下代码段说明了如何添加性别枚举类型。

using DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2;
// ...
static class Program {
    static void Main() {
        ReportDesignExtensionManager.CustomizeReportExtension += ReportDesignExtensionManager_CustomizeReportExtension;
        // ...
    static void ReportDesignExtensionManager_CustomizeReportExtension(object sender, CustomizeReportExtensionEventArgs e) {
        e.XafReportDataTypeProvider.CustomAddParameterTypes += XafReportDataTypeProvider_CustomAddParameterTypes;
        e.XafReportDataTypeProvider.GetCustomEditableDataTypes += XafReportDataTypeProvider_GetCustomEditableDataTypes;
    static void XafReportDataTypeProvider_CustomAddParameterTypes(object sender, AddCustomParameterTypesEventArgs e) {
        e.Dictionary.Add(typeof(Gender), "Gender");
    static void XafReportDataTypeProvider_GetCustomEditableDataTypes(object sender, GetCustomEditableDataTypesEventArgs e) {
        List<Type> types = new List<Type>(e.Types);
        e.Types = types.ToArray();
    // ...
public enum Gender { Male, Female}


The result is demonstrated in the image below.




posted @ 2020-01-10 14:38  code first life  阅读(246)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报