How to: Customize the WinForms Report Designer Form 如何:自定义 WinForms 报表设计器窗体

This example demonstrates how to access the Report Designer form by handling the WinReportServiceController.DesignFormCreated event.

此示例演示如何通过处理 WinReportServiceController.DesignForm创建事件来访问报表设计器窗体。


In this topic, it is assumed that you have an XAF application that uses the Reports V2 Module, and you have created one or more reports (see Reports V2 Module Overview).

在本主题中,假定您有一个使用报表 V2 模块的 XAF 应用程序,并且您创建了一个或多个报表(请参阅报表 V2 模块概述)。


Create a View Controller in the WinForms module project. Override the Controller's OnActivated method, access the WinReportServiceController using the Frame.GetController<ControllerType> method and subscribe to the WinReportServiceController.DesignFormCreated event.

在 WinForms 模块项目中创建视图控制器。覆盖控制器的 On 已激活方法,使用 Frame.GetController<ControllerType> 方法访问 WinReport 服务控制器,并订阅 WinReportService 控制器.DesignForm创建事件。

using System.Drawing.Design;
using DevExpress.XtraReports.UserDesigner;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.Win;
// ...
public class CustomDesignerController : ViewController {
    private WinReportServiceController winReportServiceController;
    protected override void OnActivated() {
        winReportServiceController = Frame.GetController<WinReportServiceController>();
        if (winReportServiceController != null) {
            winReportServiceController.DesignFormCreated += winReportServiceController_DesignFormCreated;
    void winReportServiceController_DesignFormCreated(object sender, DesignFormEventArgs e) {
        e.DesignForm.DesignMdiController.DesignPanelLoaded += DesignMdiController_DesignPanelLoaded;
    void DesignMdiController_DesignPanelLoaded(object sender, DesignerLoadedEventArgs e) {
        IToolboxService ts = (IToolboxService)e.DesignerHost.GetService(typeof(IToolboxService));
        ts.AddToolboxItem(new ToolboxItem(typeof(MyControl)), "New Category");


In this code, a custom component is added to the Report Designer toolbar for demonstration purposes. To learn about other possible customizations, refer to the Report Designer topic.


posted @ 2020-01-08 15:55  code first life  阅读(277)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报