How to: Allow an Administrator to Create Custom Persistent Fields in an XPO-Based Application 如何:允许管理员在基于 XPO 的应用程序中创建自定义持久字段

You can allow an application administrator to create custom persistent fields and display the added fields' data in the UI without recompiling the application. In this example, the SkypeID field will be added to the Contact business object in the MainDemo application.

您可以允许应用程序管理员创建自定义持久字段,并在 UI 中显示添加的字段的数据,而无需重新编译应用程序。在此示例中,SkypeID 字段将添加到 MainDemo 应用程序中的"联系人"业务对象中。


The following sections describe the process of implementation custom persistent fields from application settings to runtime customization.

  • Prerequisites
  • Setup the Application
  • Choose the Model Editor Type
  • Implement the Persistent Field and Display It
  • Apply Changes to the Database



  • 先决条件
  • 设置应用程序
  • 选择模型编辑器类型
  • 实现持久字段并显示它
  • 将更改应用于数据库



Ensure that your application does not contradict the following conditions. Otherwise, creating new persistent fields is impossible at runtime.

  • WinForms and ASP.NET applications should be based on the XPO data model.
  • Mobile applications do not support UI customization without recompilation, so the approach described in this topic is not supported by the Mobile platform.
  • The following features should not be used together.

  • SecuredObjectSpaceProvider or XPObjectSpaceProvider created using the constructor with the threadSafe parameter set to true (this parameter enables ThreadSafeDataLayer).
  • An Administrator's Model Differences stored in the database using the XafApplication.CreateCustomModelDifferenceStore event (you can still store the User's differences in the database using the XafApplication.CreateCustomUserModelDifferenceStore event).
  • Custom Persistent Fields declared in the Administrator's Model Differences.


  • WinForms 和ASP.NET应用程序应基于 XPO 数据模型。
  • 移动应用程序不支持 UI 自定义而不重新编译,因此移动平台不支持本主题中描述的方法。
  • 以下功能不应一起使用。
  • 使用线程安全参数设置为 true 的构造函数创建的安全对象空间提供程序或 XPObjectSpaceProvider(此参数启用线程安全数据层)。
  • 使用 Xaf 应用程序存储在数据库中的管理员模型差异.创建自定义模型差异存储事件(您仍可以使用 Xaf 应用程序将用户的差异存储在数据库中。事件)。
  • 在管理员的模型差异中声明的自定义持久字段。


With this configuration, your application loads information on custom persistent fields from the database and then updates the database schema. However, a thread-safe data layer does not support altering the data model after the database connection is established.

  • Middle Tier Security - WCF Service, Workflow Server Service, or any other appllication that creates and configures a ServerApplication/XafApplication cannot access custom fields added in the client XAF application project (in code or in XAFML), or by customizing the application model at runtime. You should add a custom field in a common module and reference it in all applications where you are going to use it.


  • 中间层安全性 - WCF 服务、工作流服务器服务或任何其他创建和配置服务器应用程序/Xaf 应用程序的应用程序应用程序无法访问客户端 XAF 应用程序项目中添加的自定义字段(在代码中或在 XAFML 中),也无法在运行时自定义应用程序模型。应在公共模块中添加自定义字段,并在要使用的所有应用程序中引用该字段。

Setup the Application


Apply the following changes in the application code to allow application administrators to create and display custom persistent field data in the UI.

  • Set the static ModelMemberReadOnlyCalculator.AllowPersistentCustomProperties property to true to allow creating persistent fields at runtime. Open the Module.cs (Module.vb) file and add the following code to the module's constructor.

在应用程序代码中应用以下更改,以允许应用程序管理员在 UI 中创建和显示自定义持久字段数据。

  • 将静态模型成员ReadOnly计算器.允许持久自定义属性属性设置为 true,以便在运行时创建持久字段。打开Module.cs (module.vb) 文件,并将以下代码添加到模块的构造函数中。
DevExpress.ExpressApp.Model.Core.ModelMemberReadOnlyCalculator.AllowPersistentCustomProperties = true;
  • Set the IObjectSpaceProvider.CheckCompatibilityType property to CheckCompatibilityType.DatabaseSchema to catch the database changes and update the database if the schema is modified.

  • 将 IObjectSpaceProvider.Check兼容性类型属性设置为 CheckCompatibilityType.数据库架构以捕获数据库更改,并在修改架构时更新数据库。


  • To allow the database schema updates, set the XafApplication.DatabaseUpdateMode property to DatabaseUpdateMode.UpdateDatabaseAlways or DatabaseUpdateMode.UpdateOldDatabase.
  • Copy the DBUpdater.v19.2.exe and DBUpdater.v19.2.config files from the %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\DevExpress 19.2\Components\Tools\eXpressAppFramework\DBUpdater\ folder to the application's installation folder.
  • 要允许数据库架构更新,请将 XafApplication.DatabaseUpdateMode 属性设置为数据库更新模式.始终更新数据库或数据库更新模式。更新旧数据库。
  • 将 DBUpdater.v19.2.exe 和 DBUpdater.v19.2.config 文件从 %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%_DevExpress 19.2_组件_工具_eXpressAppFramework_DBUpdater_文件夹复制到应用程序的安装文件夹。

Choose the Model Editor Type


It is necessary to determine which type of the Model Editor is appropriate for your application: standalone or built-in.


  • A built-in Model Editor

  • 内置模型编辑器

  • When an administrator uses a WinForms application, it is possible to invoke the built-in Model Editor tool to add a custom field to the application model. Using this Model Editor type, the administrator can edit both Model Differences stored in the application database and Model Differences from the XAFML file.

  • 当管理员使用 WinForms 应用程序时,可以调用内置模型编辑器工具向应用程序模型添加自定义字段。使用此模型编辑器类型,管理员可以编辑存储在应用程序数据库中的模型差异和 XAFML 文件中的模型差异。
  • A standalone Model Editor

  • 独立模型编辑器

  • The use of the standalone Model Editor is preferred if an administrator uses only an ASP.NET application and Model Differences are stored in the XAFML file. For information on how to use this tool, refer to the Deploy and Run the Standalone Model Editor section of the Ways to Invoke the Model Editor topic.

  • 如果管理员仅使用ASP.NET应用程序,并且模型差异存储在 XAFML 文件中,则首选使用独立模型编辑器。有关如何使用此工具的信息,请参阅调用模型编辑器的方法主题的"部署和运行独立模型编辑器"部分。

Implement the Persistent Field and Display It


Follow the steps below to add a custom persistent field at an end-user workstation.



1.Invoke the built-in Model Editor using the Tools | Edit Model command at runtime or close the application and start the standalone Model Editor by running the DevExpress.ExpressApp.ModelEditor.v19.2.exe executable file.



  使用工具调用内置模型编辑器 |在运行时编辑模型命令或关闭应用程序,并通过运行 DevExpress.ExpressApp.modelEditor.v19.2.exe 可执行文件启动独立模型编辑器。

 If you use the standalone Model Editor, specify the path to the application configuration file (e.g., MainDemo.Win.exe.config or Web.config) and click Open in the Open Model dialog.

 如果使用独立模型编辑器,请指定应用程序配置文件的路径(例如,MainDemo.Win.exe.config 或 Web.config),然后单击"打开模型"对话框中的"打开"。




2.Navigate to the BO_Model | Contact node in the tree on the left. Right-click the OwnMembers child node and choose Add... | Member.

   导航到BO_Model |左侧树中的联系人节点。右键单击"自有成员"子节点并选择"添加..." |成员。




3.Set the Name property of the newly added node to "SkypeID". Then, set the IsCalculated property to "False", Type to "System.String", Size to "32", and Caption to "Skype ID".

将新添加节点的 Name 属性设置为"SkypeID"。然后,将 Is计值属性设置为"False",键入为"系统.String",大小设置为"32"",将标题设置为"Skype ID"。。




4.If the built-in Model Editor is in use, copy the differences that you have introduced in the administrator's layer using the Merge Differences command. Otherwise, skip this step and move to the next one.





5.Save changes using the Save button or the CTRL+S shortcut and restart the Model Editor.


       6.Navigate to the Views | Contact_DetailView node in the tree on the left. Right-click the Items child node and choose Add... | PropertyEditor.

        使用"保存"按钮或 CTRL+S 快捷方式保存更改并重新启动模型编辑器。
        导航到视图 |Contact_DetailView左侧树中的节点。右键单击"项目"子节点并选择"添加..." |属性编辑器。




7.Set PropertyName and Id to "SkypeID".

   将属性名称和 ID 设置为"SkypeID"。。




8.Focus the Layout node. Right-click the empty space within the form preview displayed on the right and select Customize Layout.





9.Drag the Skype ID item from the invoked Customization window to an appropriate position within the form.

   将 Skype ID 项从调用的自定义窗口拖动到窗体中的相应位置。


You can also add the Skype ID column to the Contact List View using a similar approach (see List View Columns Customization).


  1. If the built-in Model Editor is in use, merge the differences as described at the forth step.
  2. Save the changes and close the Model Editor.
  3. Update your database schema as described in the Apply Changes to the Database section.
  4. Restart the application and open the Contact Detail View to see the result demonstrated in the introduction of this topic.


您还可以使用类似的方法将 Skype ID 列添加到联系人列表视图(请参阅列表视图列自定义)。

  1. 如果内置模型编辑器正在使用中,则合并第四步中描述的差异。
  2. 保存更改并关闭模型编辑器。
  3. 更新数据库架构,如"将更改应用于数据库"部分中所述。
  4. 重新启动应用程序并打开"联系人详细信息"视图,以查看本主题简介中演示的结果。
Important 重要
If the application is installed on several PCs and the Administrator's Model Differences are stored in the Model.xafml file, copy it from the application's working folder to each PC. Otherwise, the created field will be available only at the workstation where you added it.
如果应用程序安装在多台 PC 上,并且管理员的模型差异存储在 Model.xafml 文件中,请将其从应用程序的工作文件夹复制到每台 PC。否则,创建的字段将仅在添加该字段的工作站上可用。

Apply Changes to the Database


Use the DBUpdater tool to add the column mapped to the newly created custom persistent field to the database.

使用 DBUpdate 工具将映射到新创建的自定义持久字段的列添加到数据库中。

Open the Command Prompt, change the current directory to the applications working directory, and run the following command.


DBUpdater.v19.2.exe MainDemo.Win.exe.config -forceUpdate

posted @ 2019-12-24 10:02  code first life  阅读(343)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报