Method 'Post' of object 'IOWSPostData' failed(方法'POST'作用于对象'IOWSPostData'时失败)



I have Microsoft Office 2003 and Microsoft Sharepoint Designer 2007 on the same machine. I have a problem uploading an excel spreadsheet into WSS 3.0. I get Method 'Post' of object 'IOWSPostData' failed error. I have followed this article ( but it doesn't resolve the issue. Pls, advise how can I resolve this.
Thank you in advance!


I spent a couple of days tearing my hair out over this one.  The answer is here:


I also faced this problem and finally found solution on the following post:


I get the same error even after indicating the SharePoint version in .xla file. Would like to confirm if this error is caused by using MS Excel 2003 -- if it means that WSS 3.0 is not compatible with MS Excel 2003? Thus we should use MS Excel 2007? Thanks.
I solved this problem like this.... I had this problem and was able to resolve it really quickly without alot of the lengthy instructions posted here.  Here is what I did. 1.  Make sure the site is trusted (in Internet Explorer go to the sharepoint page you want the list on then, click tools menu - options - security tab - trusted sites - sites - add) 2.  It seems to matter alot how you upload the spreadsheet.  Originally I got the Method 'Post' of object 'IOWSPostData' failed message when I used Table Range and chose a worksheet and then I tried name range.  All errors.    Then I clicked "Range of cells" option and I noticed the range was completely whacked compared to what I was trying to import so I thought, maybe Sharepoint is messing up in the other two options too. 
Click "Range of Cells" In the select range box, click the drop down box.  This will shrink the dialog box.  Now ignore that and take your mouse and start at cell A1 and select all the cells in your spreadsheet that you want in your spreadsheet.  Now click the drop down box again to expand the window out.  Click Import.  I hope this helps people.  This was an irritating problem that took up a lot of time.  If my solution helps you please vote for it and propose it as the answer.
OK, I'm facing the same problem too, but so far the suggestions haven't worked. Here's what I have tried:   - My domain is in my Trusted Sites list   - I am importing a Range of Cells (although I have tried the other methods too and I'm getting the same error)   - I have created a completely new spreadsheet just to ensure it's not the spreadsheet. I've tried XLS, XLSX, a binary worksheet and a macro-enabled worksheet.   - I do not have EXPTOOWS.XLA anywhere on my computer - so do I need to get it and then edit the .XLA, or does the fact that it doesn't exist negate that suggestion? My environment is as follows: IE8 Office 2007 Hair pulling ensues.

Adding my domain as a trusted site in my browser (as suggested above by PaminCambridge) didn't fix the issue on my end but adding it to my Local Intranet zone did the trick.

Open your browser and go to the "Tools" menu - Internet Options - select the "Security" tab - Select the "Local Intranet" icon, click the "Sites" button, then click the "Advanced" button and add your domain in the local intranet zone.

Then close your browser, open a fresh one, get back on your site and try again to import your spreadsheet data.

It worked just fine for me.

Hope it will helps you too!



Sylvain!!!  You are the man!

I got it to work perfectly after messing for a while with your assitance!

Thanks so much!




posted @ 2011-11-30 10:02  nestea  阅读(607)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报