Dear friends,
     Some days later,you will go away from me,be careful,this time is not the end of your purpose .A new wat shows in your eyes,you also need to study harder,without you ,wi don't know what the world will change into .i have no courage to thinky of it.three years passed quickly,many golden momery are printed into the stone,and will be kept in my heart forever .My friends,I wonder if you will remenber me forever,but one thing ,i tell you ,is that i will momerise you in my book and my life forever.Friendship bringed us happiness,also with some pains,but it will be stopped in a moment,that is be away,time will also be stopped goodbye my friends,goodbye my three-year-time friends,thank you give me these happy time ,i will be waiting for the next getting together in our lives..........

                                                      Class 10 Grade 9, No. 9 Middle School.
Dear friends:
     Some days later,you will be away from me,be careful,this time is not the end of your purpose.A new way shows ahead of you,also,you need to study harder.Without you, I don't know what the world will change into being.I have no courage facing it.Three years passed quickly,many golden momery has been chased into the stone, and will also be kept in my heart forever. My friends, I wonder if you will remember me anymore,but one point is important that I will momerize you in my book and my life forever. Friendship bringed us happiness, also with some pains,but it will be stopped in a sudden, that is to quit partnership.Time will also be paused.Goodbye my friends,goodbye my three-year-time friends,thank you for giving me these happy time,I will be waiting for the next together-time in our lives……
                                                      Class 10 Grade 9, No. 9 Middle School.

posted on 2008-06-02 01:33  vector  阅读(161)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报