

这是增加一个seller guarantee的选项卡


第二步,登陆后台,根据上面写的方法找到:CMS->static blocks->然后右边点击增加一个模块,->输入Block title和Identifier,Store View是选所有视图 ,Status选Enable,


或者:其中代码是:<div class="seller-serve-main">
<table class="seller-detail-show">
<td width="80">Return<br />Policy</td>
<td class="s-td-row">
<p class="s-serve sp-1">If the product you receive is not as described or low quality, the seller promises that you can keep the product and agree the refund directly before order completion (when you click &lsquo;Confirm Order Received&rsquo; or exceed confirmation timeframe).</p>
<p>N.B.: If the seller provides the &ldquo;Longer Protection&rdquo; service on this product, you may ask for refund up to 15 days after order completion.</p>
<td>Seller<br /> Service</td>
<td class="s-td-row">
<li class="s-serve sp-5"><em>On-time Delivery</em>If you do not receive your purchase within<span class="promise-time-cont">60</span> days, you can ask for a full refund before order completion (when you click &lsquo;Confirm Order Received&rsquo; or exceed confirmation timeframe).</li>
<div class="more-seller-serve"><a href="#">See more details about Seller Guarantees</a></div>



posted on 2014-06-28 16:27  闪电王国  阅读(225)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报