3.9 Dynamic SQL

A simple dynamic select sttatement, with two possible outcomes 一个简单的动态查询语句,有两种可能的结果

<select id="dynamicGetAccountList" cacheModel="account-cache" parameterClass="Account" resultMap="account-result" >
  select * from ACCOUNT
    <isGreaterThan prepend="and" property="Id" compareValue="0">
       where ACC_ID = #Id#
  order by ACC_LAST_NAME

A complex dynamic select statement, with 16 possible outcomes 一个复杂的动态查询语句

<select id="dynamicGetAccountList" parameterClass="Account" resultMap="account-result" >
  select * from ACCOUNT
    <dynamic prepend="WHERE">
      <isNotNull prepend="AND" property="FirstName">
        ( ACC_FIRST_NAME = #FirstName#
        <isNotNull prepend="OR" property="LastName">
          ACC_LAST_NAME = #LastName#
      <isNotNull prepend="AND" property="EmailAddress">
        ACC_EMAIL like #EmailAddress#
      <isGreaterThan prepend="AND" property="Id" compareValue="0">
        ACC_ID = #Id#
  order by ACC_LAST_NAME

Creating a dynamic statement with conditional tags

<statement id="someName" parameterClass="Account" resultMap="account-result" >
  select * from ACCOUNT
  <dynamic prepend="where">
    <isGreaterThan prepend="and" property="id" compareValue="0">
      ACC_ID = #id#
    <isNotNull prepend="and" property="lastName">
      ACC_LAST_NAME = #lastName#
order by ACC_LAST_NAME


dynamic element  和conditional elements 都有prepend属性,有需要的话 parent element会覆盖 child element的 prepend属性

3.9.1. Binary Conditional Elements  二元条件判断 Binary Conditional Attributes:

    • prepend
    • property
    • compareProperty / compareValue


    • <isEqual>
    • <isNotEqual>
    • <isGreaterThan>
    • <isGreaterEqual>
    • <isLessEqual>

3.9.2. Unary Conditional Elements 一元条件判断 Unary Conditional Attributes

    • prepend
    • property


    • <isPropertyAvailable>
    • <isNotPropertyAvailable>
    • <isNull>
    • <isNotNull>
    • <isEmpty>  Checks to see if the value of a Collection, String property is null or empty ("" or size() < 1)
    • <isNotEmpty>  Checks to see if the value of a Collection, String property is not null and not empty ("" or size() < 1). 

3.9.3. Parameter Present Elements Parameter Present Attributes

    • prepend 


    • <isParameterPresent>  Checks to see if the parameter object is present (not null). 
    • <isNotParameterPresent>  Checks to see if the parameter object is not present (null)

3.9.4. Iterate Element Iterate Attributes

    • prepend 
    • property  a property of type IList that is to be iterated over
    • open
    • close
    • conjunction  the string to be applied in between each iteration, useful for AND and OR (optional)


    • <iterate> 

iterate用法:注意 '[]' ,用来防止解析器将属性解析为简单的字符串

<iterate prepend="AND" property="UserNameList"
  open="(" close=")" conjunction="OR">

3.9.5. Simple Dynamic SQL Elements

<statement id="getProduct" resultMap="get-product-result">
  select * from PRODUCT order by $preferredOrder$

A dynamic element that changes the comparison operator

<statement id="getProduct" resultMap="get-product-result">
  <dynamic prepend="WHERE">
    <isNotEmpty property="Description">
       PRD_DESCRIPTION $operator$ #Description#

$operator$可以是 ‘<’ 、 '>'、  '='、 'LIKE' 等

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