vue-router 在项目中的使用


npm install vue-router --save


1、在项目中新建文件夹 router/index.js

 1 /*
 2 * 路由对象模块
 3 * */
 4 import Vue from 'vue'
 5 import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
 7 /*引入pages*/
 8 const MSite = ()=>import('../pages/MSite/MSite');
 9 const Profile = ()=>import('../pages/Profile/profile');
10 const Patient = ()=>import('../pages/Patient/Patient');
12 //申明使用插件
13 Vue.use(VueRouter)
15 export default new VueRouter({
16   routes:[
17     {
18       path:'/msite',
19       component: MSite,
20       meta: {
21         showFooter: true
22       }
23     },
24     {
25       path:'/profile',
26       component:Profile,
27       meta: {
28         showFooter: true
29       }
30     },
31     {
32       path:'/patient',
33       component:Patient,
34       meta: {
35         showFooter: false
36       }
37     },
38     {
39       path: '/',
40       redirect: '/msite' //系统默认页
41     }
42   ]
43 })


 1 // The Vue build version to load with the `import` command
 2 // (runtime-only or standalone) has been set in webpack.base.conf with an alias.
 3 import Vue from 'vue'
 4 import App from './App'
 5 import router from './router' //引入路由
 9 /* eslint-disable no-new */
10 new Vue({
11   el: '#app',
12   components: { App },
13   template: '<App/>',
14   router  //引入路由
15 })




 1 <template>
 2   <div class="footer_guide">
 3     <span class="guide_item" :class="{on: '/msite'===$route.path}" @click="goTo('/msite')">
 4       <span class="item_icon">
 5         <i class="mintui mintui-shouye"></i>
 6       </span>
 7       <span>首页</span>
 8     </span>
 9     <span class="guide_item" :class="{on: '/profile'===$route.path}" @click="goTo('/profile')">
10       <span class="item_icon">
11         <i class="mintui mintui-my"></i>
12       </span>
13       <span>我的</span>
14     </span>
15   </div>
16 </template>
18 <script>
19   export default {
20     methods: {
21       goTo(path) {
22         this.$router.replace(path)
23       }
24     }
25   }
26 </script>
28 <style lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus">
29    @import "../../common/stylus/mixins.styl"
30   .footer_guide  //footer
31     top-border-1px(#e4e4e4)
32     position fixed
33     z-index 100
34     left 0
35     right 0
36     bottom 0
37     background-color #fff
38     width 100%
39     height 50px
40     display flex
41     .guide_item
42       display flex
43       flex 1
44       text-align center
45       flex-direction column
46       align-items center
47       margin 5px
48       color #999999
49       &.on
50         color #02a774
51       span
52         font-size 12px
53         margin-top 2px
54         margin-bottom 2px
55         .iconfont
56           font-size 22px
57 </style>
View Code

2)在App.vue引入FooterGuide.vue组件 和 router-view 区域

 1 <template> 
 2     <div id="app"> 
 3         <router-view></router-view> 
 4         <FooterGuide></FooterGuide>
 5     </div> 
 6 </template>
 7 <script> 
 8     import FooterGuide from './components/FooterGuide/FooterGuide.vue'
 9     export default { 
10         components: { 
11             FooterGuide 
12         } 
13     }
14 </script> 
View Code


posted @ 2019-05-22 10:37  flywong  阅读(6930)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报