HTK代码阅读之Vector/Matrix 内存管理


Vector/Matrix 内存管理

/* ------------- Vector/Matrix Memory Management -------------- */

Matrix本质上是一块连续内存(和本人原来分配矩阵内存方式不太一样)。首先申请所有需要的内存大小size.然后从0到第R个元素可以认为是一个vector,第0个元素记录该矩阵一共有几行,第1到R个元素用于保存第1行到第R行的起始地址,每行都有C(列数)+1个元素。所以一个Matrix总共需要的内存size=(R+1)*sizeof(Ptr)+R* vectorElemSize(C)
Shared vectors and matrices have an extra 2 * sizeof(Ptr) bytes
prepended to hold a usage count and a hook.







/*Vectors are pointers to arrays of float (ie float*); matrices are pointers

to an array of vectors (ie float**). All indexing is v[1..n] and

m[1..r][1..c]. The actual size of each vector is stored in v[0]. For

matrices, the row lengths (number of columns) are stored in every

row since they are genuine vectors, the number of rows is stored in m[0].

Triangular matrices are the same except that the rows increase in length

with the first row being a vector of one element.

Short and IntVecs are arranged in a similar way to Vectors.

Shared vectors and matrices have an extra 2 * sizeof(Ptr) bytes

prepended to hold a usage count and a hook.



/* EXPORT->vectorElemSize: size of vectors for creating heaps */

size_t ShortVecElemSize(
int size) { return (size+1)*sizeof(short); }

size_t IntVecElemSize(
int size) { return (size+1)*sizeof(int); }

size_t VectorElemSize(
int size) { return (size+1)*sizeof(float); }

size_t DVectorElemSize(
int size){ return (size+1)*sizeof(double);}

size_t SVectorElemSize(
int size){ return (size+1)*sizeof(float)+2*sizeof(Ptr); }*/



posted on 2011-03-25 10:51  flywithyou  阅读(471)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
