int fib(int n) {
if(n < 2)
return n;
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
int fib(int n) {
if(n < 3)
return 1;
return tail(n, 1, 1, 3);
int tail(int n, int a, int b, int it) {
if(n == it)
return a + b;
return tail(n, b, a+b, it+1);
foldl step zero (x:xs) = foldl step (step zero x) xs
foldl _ zero [] = zero
foldl (+) 0 [1..10]展开:
foldl (+) 0 (1:[2..10]) ->
foldl (+) (0+1) (2:[3..10]) ->
foldl (+) (0+1+2) (3:[4..10]) ->
foldl (+) (0+1+2+3) (4:[5..10]) -> ...
foldr step zero (x:xs) = step x (foldr step zero xs)
foldr _ zero [] = zero
foldr (+) 0 [1..10]展开:
mysum (+) 0 [1..10] ->
foldr (+) 0 (1:[2..10]) ->
1+foldr (+) 0 (2:[3..10]) ->
1+(2+foldr (+) 0 (3:[4..10])) -> ...
foldr (++) [] [[1],[2]...[10]]展开:
foldr (++) [] ([1]:[[2],[3],...]) ->
(1:[])++ foldr (++) [] [[2],[3],...] ->
1:([]++ foldr (++) [] [[2],[3],...])
So, concat runs in a constant amount of stack and further can handle infinite lists (as a note, it's immediately obvious foldl(') can never work on infinite lists because we'll always be in the (:) case and that always immediately recurses). The differentiator between mysum and concat is that (++) is not strict* in its second argument; we don't have to evaluate the rest of the foldr to know the beginning of concat. In mysum, since (+) is strict in its second argument, we need the results of the whole foldr before we can compute the final result.
So, we arrive at the one-line summary: A function strict* in its second argument will always require linear stack space with foldr, so foldl' should be used instead in that case. If the function is lazy/non-strict in its second argument we should use foldr to 1) support infinite lists and 2) to allow a streaming use of the input list where only part of it needs to be in memory at a time.